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The Republican Monica Lewinsky (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Damn, how about those ****ing hypocritical Republicans? They were all over Bill Clinton about Monica, and not a peep from those bastards, now that someone high up the ladder in the Bush administration is doing exactly the same thing.

But sleazy secrets cannot be kept forever. Karl Rove's lover is spilling the beans on their torrid affair. I speak of none other than someone right here in our own forum.

Step up to the plate, aps. Time to tell your story. We are all waiting. How did you and Karl Rove end up in each other's arms?

One more thing? Are you going to save your blue dress too? :)

aps' admission of her affair with Karl Rove is here.

Rove's got that Jim Baker thing going. My money is on him for the Gannon/Guckert visits to the WH.

I thought this thread was going to be on Pamela Willeford, ambassador to Switzerland, and Cheney's hunting partner during his hunting accident.

Of course it's just a rumor that Cheney is shtupping her.


Cheney? You serious? Wow.........:shock:

I would imagine it would be rather difficult to find a mistress that was required to be trained and certified in CPR. Even for a Vice President.

hipsterdufus said:
Rove's got that Jim Baker thing going. My money is on him for the Gannon/Guckert visits to the WH.

I thought this thread was going to be on Pamela Willeford, ambassador to Switzerland, and Cheney's hunting partner during his hunting accident.

Of course it's just a rumor that Cheney is shtupping her.


Damn, look at that face. I bet Cheney would love to put the bit, bridle, and saddle on her, and take her out for a run :)
danarhea said:
His stock isnt Halliburton. Its Microsoft. :rofl
:lol: The Haliburton stock belongs to Michael Moore.

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