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The Republican agenda for the next four years (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Not the 'trump agenda', as his agenda of corruption and dictatorship isn't going to happen. I mean the Republican agenda, without trump under Biden.

1. Time to curtail the power of the presidency. He's not a dictator, you know!

2. The debt HAS to be reduced! It's out of control! Translation: time to further the goal of all wealth in the hands of the plutocrats by slashing any wealth for the American people as much as possible.

3. OBSTRUCT! OBSTRUCT! OBSTRUCT! Just as they did when Obama was elected. Block any lessening of the plutocracy.

4. Look for any ways to rebuild their base: more division, more pandering, more voter suppression. Wild attacks on Democrats, wild promises if Republicans are elected.

5. Increase the propaganda media efforts. Plenty of former officials available for the right-wing media.
Hard to know whether they'll attempt to go back to more traditional conservatism or double down on the white grievance.

The GOP could get more voters if it tried: there's all those latin Catholics, Black Evangelicals. people who believe in family values, are pro-life seek fiscal conservatism and are old-fashioned. The GOP just seems to think it's too much work to woo them so seeks to stop them voting instead.
News flash, with Trump in the lead there is no agenda...

They have to mindlessly follow the whims of an insane narcissist, quickly going senile and snorting coke, meth and adderall in the Oval Office bathroom.... :roll:

The only "agenda" will be grift, and stroking the orange ego, while trying to figure out how to give him a third term. Too many people raking it in for them to let go....
I mean the Republican agenda, without trump under Biden.

Without Trump...under Biden?

Look for them to let out a big sigh of relief. Under Biden, they'll be able to resume taking money from globalist corporations and from lobbyists. Look for them to work with the Dem Elites for the benefit of those globalists. Look for all the things Trump has done for the working man/woman to fade away.

Vanishing jobs...vanishing wages...Wall Street being more important than Main Street...no more manufacturing economy...back to Obama's service economy. Back to China taking advantage of the US.

The Republican Elites will help the Democratic Elites bring all that back.

That's what you can look forward to under Biden.
Without Trump...under Biden?

Look for them to let out a big sigh of relief. Under Biden, they'll be able to resume taking money from globalist corporations and from lobbyists. Look for them to work with the Dem Elites for the benefit of those globalists. Look for all the things Trump has done for the working man/woman to fade away.

The Origins of the 'Globalist' Slur - The Atlantic
Hard to know whether they'll attempt to go back to more traditional conservatism or double down on the white grievance.

The GOP could get more voters if it tried: there's all those latin Catholics, Black Evangelicals. people who believe in family values, are pro-life seek fiscal conservatism and are old-fashioned. The GOP just seems to think it's too much work to woo them so seeks to stop them voting instead.

Who are you to speak for the GOP and their platform?

I do not believe your claims. I don't think most Independents or Swing Voters will take your word for the GOP Platform either. None of the GOP will accept your statements.

Just say'n...



This is Globalism.

Twelve Reasons Why Globalization is a Huge Problem

1. Globalization uses up finite resources more quickly.

2. Globalization increases world carbon dioxide emissions.

4. Globalization acts to increase world oil prices.

5. Globalization transfers consumption of limited oil supply from developed countries to developing countries.

6. Globalization transfers jobs from developed countries to less developed countries.

7. Globalization transfers investment spending from developed countries to less developed countries.

8. With the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, globalization leads to huge US balance of trade deficits and other imbalances.

9. Globalization tends to move taxation away from corporations, and onto individual citizens.

10. Globalization sets up a currency “race to the bottom,” with each country trying to get an export advantage by dropping the value of its currency.

11. Globalization encourages dependence on other countries for essential goods and services.

12. Globalization ties countries together, so that if one country collapses, the collapse is likely to ripple through the system, pulling many other countries with it.

Twelve Reasons Why Globalization is a Huge Problem | Our Finite World

Now...look at how Trump's policies and actions are designed to combat those effects and you'll know why the Globalists are spending so much money and buying politicians to oppose him.

Biden will let those politicians undo everything Trump has done against globalism.
They'll do whatever Donald tells them to do. It is quite amazing how quickly the fell in lock step behind him after the midterms.
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support- kept alive by politicians,
race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others
as 'racist'." -Thomas Sowell
News flash, with Trump in the lead there is no agenda...

They have to mindlessly follow the whims of an insane narcissist, quickly going senile and snorting coke, meth and adderall in the Oval Office bathroom.... :roll:

The only "agenda" will be grift, and stroking the orange ego, while trying to figure out how to give him a third term. Too many people raking it in for them to let go....

Thanks for posting without reading the OP.

"Not the 'trump agenda', as his agenda of corruption and dictatorship isn't going to happen. I mean the Republican agenda, without trump under Biden."
Thanks for posting without reading the OP.

"Not the 'trump agenda', as his agenda of corruption and dictatorship isn't going to happen. I mean the Republican agenda, without trump under Biden."

Doh! :cool:
Who are you to speak for the GOP and their platform?

I do not believe your claims. I don't think most Independents or Swing Voters will take your word for the GOP Platform either. None of the GOP will accept your statements.

Just say'n...


You can rest assured that most independents and swing voters will never hear my claims anyway. Pretty sure they're not among the several hundred regular posters here.

And cut the 'who are you...' crap. Respectfully tell me I've got it wrong, but it's not a confrontation.
Not the 'trump agenda', as his agenda of corruption and dictatorship isn't going to happen. I mean the Republican agenda, without trump under Biden.

1. Time to curtail the power of the presidency. He's not a dictator, you know!

2. The debt HAS to be reduced! It's out of control! Translation: time to further the goal of all wealth in the hands of the plutocrats by slashing any wealth for the American people as much as possible.

3. OBSTRUCT! OBSTRUCT! OBSTRUCT! Just as they did when Obama was elected. Block any lessening of the plutocracy.

4. Look for any ways to rebuild their base: more division, more pandering, more voter suppression. Wild attacks on Democrats, wild promises if Republicans are elected.

5. Increase the propaganda media efforts. Plenty of former officials available for the right-wing media.

You forgot this one -- "We must get rid of the Satanist cannibal pedophile Democrats running our government!!"

After all, QAnon is now taking over the bat **** crazy Nazi Repug Party.
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