It sickens me that people professing to be Christian want to hurt men, women, and children because they differ in belief and their radicals are crazy.
It sickens me that to defend a fellow human being I am cast into some crazy pool and labelled and belittled without question and told what I believe. THAT's why.
And my anger at that injustice grows.
I don't defend violence ever so why am I told I do? Because crazies generalize....that's why.
The constant whining of "poor me" and finger pointing at a whole group of other people lumped together is tiresome.
First off, where is it that "people professing to be Christian want to hurt men, women, and children because they differ in belief and their radicals are crazy."?
I am not a Christian, so I have no particular dog in that fight... but I do not see that statement as being one attempting to get at truth. In what ways are they wanting to hurt folks? Is it in their honest opinion that a lifestyle that, just based on the numbers involved if nothing else, deviates from the norm and so, by definition, is not normal... and should not be promoted as such? Is that the extent of the hurt you are talking about? And isn't that a generalization?
It may be, and all generalizations are not false if they apply generally, right?
Or are you talking about their radicals? I have seen no real demonstration that Christian radicals are anywhere near close to being as dangerous individually or a group as have the radical ranks in Islam...
In radical Islam they form groups, armed and trained to kill those that are not them, to terrorize to the point of cutting off heads, en masse, burning live people in cages, rape and pillage even their own, get innocent people to jump off 110 story buildings ...
Any radicals, zealots are somewhat suspect... but the Christians seem to keep it somewhat in bounds, you must confess, and it is more their first amendment rights of which, granted, some push the envelope way too far at times... but those extreme cases [Westboro Baptist Church] are roundly, openly and loudly excoriated/criticized/looked down upon by almost all others of that faith...
That surely is not a valid comparison to Islam, its adherents and especially its tens of millions deep radical elements. When you have that many millions who are that ardent, is it still just a generalization... or something that we truly have to conscious of and guard against? Especially if those not radical are not really doing much about it themselves?
If it were an infection, and this is infection like as its radical adherents like a virus are growing world wide, would you not have an Ellis Island like approach in America, quarantine until you can determine which are diseased and which are not? Is that not a first priority of a national government, to protect its citizens first?