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The Red States Are The Biggest Suckers... (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 4, 2005
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The copied the following from a post made by Andrew G on....


The red states are the biggest suckers on the federal teet (with the exception of DC, the federal capitol), all but Texas receive more in federal dollars than they pay in.

All the states that pay the most and get the least in federal taxes are BLUE states. From the tax foundation:

States Receiving Most in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:
1. D.C. ($6.17)
2. North Dakota ($2.03)
3. New Mexico ($1.89)
4. Mississippi ($1.84)
5. Alaska ($1.82)
6. West Virginia ($1.74)
7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61)
9. South Dakota ($1.59)
10. Arkansas ($1.53)

States receiving the LEAST in revenue for taxes paid:
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)

All but colorado are blue states, and I would not be surprised if Colorado joined the blue state ranks soon.

By the way, one of the Blue states above, Minnesota, not only has rather high blue state tax rates but is also home to the city (Minneapolis) with the LOWEST unemployment rate (and the highest eductational attainment) in the United States.

Most big cities in the Blue states have more jobs than people LIVING in red states.Do you really think that North Dakota and Nebraska have more jobs than Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston or Seattle?
Madacapa said:
The copied the following from a post made by Andrew G on....


The red states are the biggest suckers on the federal teet (with the exception of DC, the federal capitol), all but Texas receive more in federal dollars than they pay in.


Most big cities in the Blue states have more jobs than people LIVING in red states.Do you really think that North Dakota and Nebraska have more jobs than Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston or Seattle?

Interesting stat. The states whose citizens cry the most for tax cuts and limited govt are the ones that benefit from big govt the most.
Iriemon said:
Interesting stat. The states whose citizens cry the most for tax cuts and limited govt are the ones that benefit from big govt the most.

You are correct! The states that are considered the most liberal are the ones that have the higher incomes and take less government money. If the Red States want to be truly conservative, then they should be required to take same gov't funding as the liberal blue states.
Iriemon said:
Interesting stat. The states whose citizens cry the most for tax cuts and limited govt are the ones that benefit from big govt the most.

Yeah, if Red states truely believed in less taxes, less government spending, and limited government, they would vote Libertarian. The Republican Party has become socialism/statist big government for social conservatives.
Clearly, the Reddest states are the Poorest states. The facts show that everything the GOP has said about jobs is a lie. The states that follow conservative policies the closest are also the poorest. If you want a good paying job, then move to a blue state.

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