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The real facts of life why are the cowards right wing affaid to debate these facts (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Hi Fellow debate member I went again to Kaiser Family .org I'm going to try to make a link from Kaiser Family to debate politics ........However if I fail to do it I do have it in my hotmail address book and I also sent it to Vauge .

He's what I find extremely interesting it contradicts all those loud mouth right wing talk show host and the ironic thing is they are neither left or right liberial or consertive they just gather infomation .

Here's my point No.1 the Conseritives love to say having a gun keeps you safer ....Well how come in Massachusetts we have some of the strongest gun law and at the same time . the lawest persenage of death by gunss

I'll have to send it later

Part 3 Sorry I'm not as good as some of you are in regards to making links to this site ....But I'm Trying to learn .

I am good at getting the facts so now go to the link scroll death by firearms and read for your self .

2nd very interesting fact if you look up teenage pregnancy you will notice that again Massachusetts also have the lowest teenage birth rate .....I find this a little strange because if you listen to those right wing talk show host Massachusetts liberal sex education.....

Makes kids have wild sex and baby's all day long but that's not what the facts say.

Just the facts

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