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the ranking system (1 Viewer)



I was looking at the ranking system here, and noticed that its a bit arbitrary.

User 0-24 posts

Student 25-124 posts

Advisor 125-499 posts

Educator 500-999 posts

Professor 1000-1999 posts

Guru 2000+ posts

and the 5k icon at 5000

there isnt any mathematical patturn to the numbers. I was wondering if its possible to change that?

there are two ways I would do it. either by increasing the rank whenever the number of posts dubbles, or whenever it increases by a certain amount.

for example it could be
User 0-149 posts

Student 150-299 posts

Advisor 300-599 posts

Educator 600-1199 posts

Professor 1200-2399 posts

Guru 2400+ posts

with the 5K icon added at 5000 still. dubbling 2400 would be close to that anyway.

or it could be done like this:

User 0-849 posts

Student 850-1699 posts

Advisor 1700-2549 posts

Educator 2550-3399 posts

Professor 3400-4249 posts

Guru 4250+ posts

and the 5k icon at 5000.

I personally like the first idea where the numbers dubble better, sinse I tend to catagorise everyone with more then 1000 posts in the same group anyway.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disease...

I'd get that checked...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disease...

I'd get that checked...:2wave:


one of my friends is always getting on my case for doing things in weird but specific ways.
Yeah, when I came up with the #'s - they really do not form a good trend.

But, a goal was to get a "colored" icon soon. I elected at 25 posts.

What would be a good deviation for starting at 25 post and ending at 50K?
5k, 10k, and 50k have unique rank pics as well.
Just make a donation, and you can put what ever you like there.;)
Donkey1499 said:
Is there a way I could chickens instead of stars in my rank pic?

Just go Democrat, then you'll have the jackass.:doh
Deegan said:
Just go Democrat, then you'll have the jackass.:doh

It is tempting, but then I'd be living a lie. I'm not a liar, or a stool-pigeon, or a racist, or anti-american, or any of that.
Last edited:
vauge said:
Yeah, when I came up with the #'s - they really do not form a good trend.

But, a goal was to get a "colored" icon soon. I elected at 25 posts.

I actually suggested 150 instead of 25 on purpose. There are a lot of people that sign up for this site, make a few posts, and then are never heard from again. there are 23 members that have between 24 and 26 posts. only 3 of them have posted within the last month, and only 7 have sinse jan 1st. so having 25 posts doesnt really mean anything. there are 17 members with between 140 and 160 posts, and 8 of those have posted within the last month, and 15 have sinse jan 1st. so, 150 posts means that there's a decent chance that your still around.
star2589 said:
I actually suggested 150 instead of 25 on purpose. There are a lot of people that sign up for this site, make a few posts, and then are never heard from again. there are 23 members that have between 24 and 26 posts. only 3 of them have posted within the last month, and only 7 have sinse jan 1st. so having 25 posts doesnt really mean anything. there are 17 members with between 140 and 160 posts, and 8 of those have posted within the last month, and 15 have sinse jan 1st. so, 150 posts means that there's a decent chance that your still around.

I've got more stars than you! :mrgreen:
Donkey1499 said:
I've got more stars than you! :mrgreen:
Making fun of others' post numbers?...

Anything you'd like to say to me?...:cool:
Just in case anyone cares- The top 30 posters combine for 111,000 posts, about 42% of the posts on here. That might seem like a lot, but its actually not. I remember adding that up almost a year ago, and it was something like 95% of the posts. As we get bigger, we're getting broader. woo.
Donkey1499 said:
Yeah, are your phomps loyal to you? Would they die for you? Hmm?
If you make up a word and then keep having to explain it, it's not very good...
teacher said:
Get a job,
I have one that affords me the time here...What more can you ask?

teacher said:
a girlfriend,
My last girlfriend had her tubes tied, fake boobs, and loved to cook for me...I still got rid of her...

I got real high standards...:cool:

My new "Girlfriend Rule"...Never go out with women who are koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs...

teacher said:
a hobby...
Training monkeys...
star2589 said:
I actually suggested 150 instead of 25 on purpose. There are a lot of people that sign up for this site, make a few posts, and then are never heard from again. there are 23 members that have between 24 and 26 posts. only 3 of them have posted within the last month, and only 7 have sinse jan 1st. so having 25 posts doesnt really mean anything. there are 17 members with between 140 and 160 posts, and 8 of those have posted within the last month, and 15 have sinse jan 1st. so, 150 posts means that there's a decent chance that your still around.
Damnit man... throwing logic where there is none. How dare you!
j/k - The first idea sounds the best. Hopefully will get a chance to work on this tommorrow.
Got quite a few usergroups to go through...
Marine Corps ranking system:

E-1 = Private
E-2 = Private First Class
E-3 = Lance Corporal
E-4 = Corporal
E-5 = Sergeant
E-6 = Staff Sergeant
E-7 = Gunnery Sergeant
E-8 = Master Sergeant / 1st Sergeant
E-9 = Master Gunnery Sergeant / Sergeant Major

O-1 = 2nd Lieutenant
O-2 = 1st Lieutenant
O-3 = Captain
O-4 = Major
O-5 = Lieutenant Colonel
O-6 = Colonel
O-7 = Brigadier General (1 Star)
O-8 = Major General (2 Star)
O-9 = Lieutenant General (3 Star)
O-10 = General (4 Star)
cnredd ranking system:

c-0 = I don't acknowledge your existance
c-1 = I kick you in the mental nutsack
c-2 = I call you a "transexual fluffer" in public
c-3 = I spit on you
c-4 = I tolerate you
c-5 = I laugh at what you say...but not loudly
c-6 = I answer personal messages
c-7 = I agree publicly
c-8 = I initiate personal messages
c-9 = Beer
star2589 said:
I'm confused, I dont see any new ones. :confused:
There are no *new* ones, but now they show the rank images during selection.
I hope this helps folks as often I get PM's asking what the torch is or what the eagles are.
vauge said:
There are no *new* ones, but now they show the rank images during selection.
I hope this helps folks as often I get PM's asking what the torch is or what the eagles are.

ah, ok. :2razz:
Compromized a bit.

Here is the new setup:

User 0-149 posts - 0 images colored
Student 150-299 posts - 1 images colored
Advisor 300-599 posts - 2 images colored
Educator 600-1249 posts - 3 images colored
Professor 1250-2499 posts - 4 images colored
Guru 2500+ posts - All 5 images
5000 posts - 5K image
10000 posts - 10K image
50000 posts - 50K image

Rank images were updated as well.

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