I was looking at the ranking system here, and noticed that its a bit arbitrary.
User 0-24 posts
Student 25-124 posts
Advisor 125-499 posts
Educator 500-999 posts
Professor 1000-1999 posts
Guru 2000+ posts
and the 5k icon at 5000
there isnt any mathematical patturn to the numbers. I was wondering if its possible to change that?
there are two ways I would do it. either by increasing the rank whenever the number of posts dubbles, or whenever it increases by a certain amount.
for example it could be
User 0-149 posts
Student 150-299 posts
Advisor 300-599 posts
Educator 600-1199 posts
Professor 1200-2399 posts
Guru 2400+ posts
with the 5K icon added at 5000 still. dubbling 2400 would be close to that anyway.
or it could be done like this:
User 0-849 posts
Student 850-1699 posts
Advisor 1700-2549 posts
Educator 2550-3399 posts
Professor 3400-4249 posts
Guru 4250+ posts
and the 5k icon at 5000.
I personally like the first idea where the numbers dubble better, sinse I tend to catagorise everyone with more then 1000 posts in the same group anyway.
User 0-24 posts
Student 25-124 posts
Advisor 125-499 posts
Educator 500-999 posts
Professor 1000-1999 posts
Guru 2000+ posts
and the 5k icon at 5000
there isnt any mathematical patturn to the numbers. I was wondering if its possible to change that?
there are two ways I would do it. either by increasing the rank whenever the number of posts dubbles, or whenever it increases by a certain amount.
for example it could be
User 0-149 posts
Student 150-299 posts
Advisor 300-599 posts
Educator 600-1199 posts
Professor 1200-2399 posts
Guru 2400+ posts
with the 5K icon added at 5000 still. dubbling 2400 would be close to that anyway.
or it could be done like this:
User 0-849 posts
Student 850-1699 posts
Advisor 1700-2549 posts
Educator 2550-3399 posts
Professor 3400-4249 posts
Guru 4250+ posts
and the 5k icon at 5000.
I personally like the first idea where the numbers dubble better, sinse I tend to catagorise everyone with more then 1000 posts in the same group anyway.