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The R Card (1 Viewer)


Jul 15, 2004
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Odessa, Texas
Political Leaning
R-Card dodges rating system, critics say
9:51 PM 7/06/04
Micheline Maenad New York Times

With school out for summer, Kirsten Larson and Sydni Norris of Bloomington, Ill., often head with their friends to the Parkway Cinemas. But they do not always pick the same movie to see. <

Kirsten, 16, and Sydni, 15, can get into R-rated movies that their friends cannot view without an adult along. They each have an "R-card," a parent-permission slip issued by the GKC Theaters chain, which has theaters in 24 cities, including Bloomington, in five Midwestern states....


A permission slip from parents to allow their children to view R-rated films without adult accompaniment. Yet another vehicle for lazy parents to slough off their kids. God forbid parents should keep an active interest in their children's lives. :evil:
This is discusting.
Many "PH-13" movies should be R, now the bar has dropped even lower.
I should have figured certain people would find this discusting however, If the parents sign it which is their right to do what business is it of yours. I may not find it exceptable for my kid but who am to tell you or anyone else how to be a parent.


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I thought it was an interesting story. Figured those of you who would want legislation passed to regulate internet porn would find it equally disturbing that a parent would sign off on this. I guess parents can't make time enough for their kids? But I'm not gonna sit here and tell you how to raise your kids. Personally, I wouldn't just sign off and hand the kid the card outright, I would get the card and hold on to it myself, then decide if the movie they wanted to go see was ok or not before I handed them the card. In that scenario, you run the risk of your kid going to see a different movie than what they told you they were going to see. Sneaky little turds!
I can see how if you want to sign on to let your kids go see it - that would be your choice.

It's discusting that the movie industry would even CONSIDER such an action that would allow the parents to condone such behavior. The rating system was a good thing when it was started - now it just shows how pathetic our society has become. It's only going to get worse unless we do something about it.

I can see that you two have no interest in our society nor do you have an interest in protecting your kids from the evils that it brings. Why be defensive about these social injustices to our kids? Be offensive and do something about it while we still can!
Tell ya what, I've changed my mind. It's a bad idea, having thought about it a bit more. I wouldn't patronize the theater chain or any theater chain that would issue such a card. Besides, if a parent can't see fit to at the very least accompany their underaged child to see the filth that comes out of Hollyweird, then why bother with parenthood in the first place. One more strike against personal responsibility. If I didn't care about society and it's subsequent decay, then why bother voting, why bother writing your congressman, why bother taking part in a forum such as this. I have to admit, I threw that piece out on a whim to see if any would take the bait. my beef is personal responsibility and why parents appear willing to abdicate the raising of their children to someone else, ie, schools, day care, electronic and print media. Get and stay involved in your child's life and don't piss it away by getting an R card.
This is the card all parents have been waiting for, an excuse to let kids nowadays do what they want anyway. Kids today don't need no stinking cards to see filth, now they just have a permission slip to carry with them just in case. The movieplexes are set up where you can purchase a ticket for Scoobydoo 2 and go see Sweet Latinas 16, you can even see both the same day. It's harder on Sundays but Mondays and Tuesdays good viewing...
Quit your whining! I was separated from my Dad when I was 5 yrs old through divorce. The only interaction I had with him was about 4-5 times a year he'd come get me for the weekend. One of my fondest memories was when he took my brother's and I to see the Texas Dynamite Girls at the Gemini Drive In. He didn't know it was rated X but hey, we paid good money and was damn sure not going to let it go to waste. Another good memory was when my Uncle brought his Playboy collection into the living room for me and my brothers to look through. Then there was this one time that Father Mulcahey....never mind. Point being, keep on sheltering your kids and all you'll get in return is curiosity of the unknown! If you think your early teenage kids are not seeing sex going on around them at schools, even in the back of the theaters, your nuts. Kids need some freedom too, there are the jackasses that use the movies for a babysitter but if you love on your kid often, teach them right from wrong, they'll make the right decisions. And if they don't, hey, neither did you, give em'a break. I have a beautiful daughter that will be a Freshman this year in a school riddled with drug traffic that had five Freshman girls pregnant last year, two of them sisters knocked up by the same kid. Yet, I have absolute confidence that she will make the right decisions, why, because we talk to her often and let her be exposed to the world around her. NO SURPRISES. Bottom line, seeing a little porn as a kid didn't corrupt me, it just helped mold me into the heterosexual, family loving man that I am. Now bring on more Fine Ass Women Friday pictures!
Rainman I agree completely with your post. Having had the chance to interact with you and your daughter I must say You have done it right. I think sheltering kids is only going to create the mystery of the unknown that incourages them to act out. However with an open dialog and explination the kids have no mystery and have no reason to sneak around.
It's discusting that the movie industry would even CONSIDER such an action that would allow the parents to condone such behavior. The rating system was a good thing when it was started - now it just shows how pathetic our society has become. It's only going to get worse unless we do something about it.
Per the article this was done by the theater owners not the movie industry as a whole. They are a private company that can make business decisions on there own. I think its responsible of them to offer this service to the parents to have a choice and make a descion as to weather or not there kids can partake in seeing an R rated movie. giving the choice to the parents is alwys the best.
Per the article this was done by the theater owners not the movie industry as a whole. They are a private company that can make business decisions on there own. I think its responsible of them to offer this service to the parents to have a choice and make a descion as to weather or not there kids can partake in seeing an R rated movie. giving the choice to the parents is alwys the best.

This concept is really nothing new. Movie rental shops have been doing it for years.

Communication really is key. I attribute my lack of drug use to my father being completely open and honest regarding drugs, their effects, and their dangers.

Most of us have extremely busy lifestyles, but I assert that a full calender is not an excuse for neglecting the needs of our children. My father worked 14 hour days and was gone for months at a time but always put in the extra effort to communicate with me.

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