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The Qu'ran v science (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
The Qu'ran & the Bible for that matter, have told us nothing about the way the world really is, where it came from, how old it is & why we are the way we are & how we came about. It's also been the cause of countless wars. Science on the other hand has answered those questions & provided us with medicine & to my knowledge, science has never caused any wars. This leads me to ask....
1) What good has ever come out of the Qu'ran ?
2) Is it not just a book written on a whim by Muhammad & Jesus groupies dealing with utterly inconsequential historical trivia ?
3) Why are more man hours probably spent reading such a book when science & natural philosophy is so much more enlightening & useful ?
robin said:
The Qu'ran & the Bible for that matter, have told us nothing about the way the world really is, where it came from, how old it is & why we are the way we are & how we came about. It's also been the cause of countless wars. Science on the other hand has answered those questions & provided us with medicine & to my knowledge, science has never caused any wars. This leads me to ask....
1) What good has ever come out of the Qu'ran ?
2) Is it not just a book written on a whim by Muhammad & Jesus groupies dealing with utterly inconsequential historical trivia ?
3) Why are more man hours probably spent reading such a book when science & natural philosophy is so much more enlightening & useful ?
Correction, no one following Jesus ever wrote the Quran.
Muhummad wrote it.
robin said:
The Qu'ran & the Bible for that matter, have told us nothing about the way the world really is, where it came from, how old it is & why we are the way we are & how we came about. It's also been the cause of countless wars. Science on the other hand has answered those questions & provided us with medicine & to my knowledge, science has never caused any wars. This leads me to ask....
1) What good has ever come out of the Qu'ran ?
2) Is it not just a book written on a whim by Muhammad & Jesus groupies dealing with utterly inconsequential historical trivia ?
3) Why are more man hours probably spent reading such a book when science & natural philosophy is so much more enlightening & useful ?
Well, while Europe was in the throes of the "dark middle ages," science was preserved by the Muslims.
teenonfire4him77 said:
Muhummad wrote it.

Well, technically, Mohammad was illiterate so the Qu'ran must have been transcribed by someone who could write.
robin said:
The Qu'ran & the Bible for that matter, have told us nothing about the way the world really is, where it came from, how old it is & why we are the way we are & how we came about. It's also been the cause of countless wars. Science on the other hand has answered those questions & provided us with medicine & to my knowledge, science has never caused any wars. This leads me to ask....
1) What good has ever come out of the Qu'ran ?
2) Is it not just a book written on a whim by Muhammad & Jesus groupies dealing with utterly inconsequential historical trivia ?
3) Why are more man hours probably spent reading such a book when science & natural philosophy is so much more enlightening & useful ?
While you can list all of the positive and negative effects the Qur'an has had on the world, the one aspect of it that seems to be completely ignored is the most important, it is a holy book. The statement that the Quran has "told us nothing about the way the world really is, where it came from, how old it is & why we are the way we are & how we came about" seems to be completely disregarding that it teaches the Islamic religion and on the chance everything I believe is wrong, with myself not being a Muslim, the best defense of the Qur'an would have to be that it might be teaching the word of God. So that is where I am going to answer these questions from the perspective of.

1) Eternal salvation for the followers of Islam.
2) According to believers of Islam, it was given from God to Gabriel, from Gabriel to Mohammed, and from Mohammed for his groupies to write down.
3) Some people consider the Qur'an the word of God which would make it more important than any other such reason.

I am not vouching for the beliefs of Islam, nor am I saying that the three answers I gave are set in stone as fact. I am merely pointing out that like other holy books it is a religious text and there is no definite way to claim that what the Qur'an says it true or false. I am giving these answers because they seem to be ignored with the statement that the Qur'an has "told us nothing about the way the world really is...".
1) Eternal salvation for the followers of Islam.

Hardly. I remember an eminent islam-scholar talking about going to Heaven. He said that if you did something out of a desire to do good, you would go to heaven, however, if you did something out of a desire to look good, you would go to hell. Than there are whole other scholars who lie the accent on another aspect of the muslims life.


Mr U
HU-210 said:
Hardly. I remember an eminent islam-scholar talking about going to Heaven. He said that if you did something out of a desire to do good, you would go to heaven, however, if you did something out of a desire to look good, you would go to hell. Than there are whole other scholars who lie the accent on another aspect of the muslims life.
I don't see how either of these are different from what I just said. For the first example, the Islamic scholar studies the Qur'an and comes with the conclusion that "if you did something out of a desire to do good, you would go to heaven, however, if you did something out of a desire to look good, you would go to hell." If you take this and follow it, it will be rewarding you with eternal salvation. Taking this and following it would be following the teachings of Islam. Following the teachings of Islam would make you a follower Islam. So putting the last three sentences together, the Qur'an provides eternal salvation for the followers of Islam.

Granted following Islam is much more complex than what I have presented, but broad as my post is, it should clarify what I am trying to say.
Yet it fails to describe the pluriformity of islam. Muhammed wasn't even sure what fate awaited him, whether he'd be allowed in heaven.

Regarding it vs science, I think we have disproven the sun going down in a muddy pool every night.

Mr U

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