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The Problem with The Media (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 23, 2019
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Too often does the media report on negative stories that only bring us down. Rarely will you turn on the news and here about the woman who gave to the homeless today or a man who payed for a woman's debts. I just started a channel in which I'll be sharing stories and videos of people doing good deeds and videos that will brighten people's days. All proceeds go to the owners of the videos featured. If you'd wish to support my endeavors to spread positivity on the internet please check out one of my videos and subscribe. Thanks!

"The media" sells a product.

People should inspect their consumption behavior to analyze what it would lead a business to sell.
Too often does the media report on negative stories that only bring us down. Rarely will you turn on the news and here about the woman who gave to the homeless today or a man who payed for a woman's debts. I just started a channel in which I'll be sharing stories and videos of people doing good deeds and videos that will brighten people's days. All proceeds go to the owners of the videos featured. If you'd wish to support my endeavors to spread positivity on the internet please check out one of my videos and subscribe. Thanks!


Why I watch my local news. Not nearly the biased crap of cable and many local interest stories.

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