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The Plot Against The President - Official Trailer #1 - Coming Oct 2020 (yes this is real) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 3, 2013
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And now we have the movie, of course coming out in "October" *wink wink*

Right wing media and pundits are working heavily to get this turd re-elected, and are going to heavily push the "coup against Trump" manure within the next two months because...it's all they have.
Right wing media and pundits are working heavily to get this turd re-elected, and are going to heavily push the "coup against Trump" manure within the next two months because...it's all they have.

Remember how the Atlas Shrugged movies dominated the box office?
Yeah, I don't either! :lamo

Atlas Shrugged movie.jpg
I apologize, I can't bring myself to watch the video. I read enough off the wall absolute craziness on here to watch it on a video.

Now matter how much you polish Donald, he's still a turd.

Plot, lol, crazy. Hate won't win this election this time. This administration has worn out its welcome.
I apologize, I can't bring myself to watch the video. I read enough off the wall absolute craziness on here to watch it on a video.

Now matter how much you polish Donald, he's still a turd.

Plot, lol, crazy. Hate won't win this election this time. This administration has worn out its welcome.

Don't underestimate the power of manipulation to a gullible group of masses. I don't think it will work to sway anyones vote, but you never know. Most people do know though that Trump's DOJ is corrupt to the gills.
Why would anyone make a movie of any Ayn Rand work? :roll:

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