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The pipeline at the center of geopolitical drama = Nord Stream 2 pipeline is looming over escalating Russian-Ukraine tensions. I say NO WAR FOR OIL! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Russia has gathered troops along the Ukrainian border, Washington and Moscow engaged in a week of high-stakes negotiations, and NATO and European allies are trying to avoid a conflict that seems more likely by the day.

In this frightening morass, there’s one low-key wild card: a long-running energy infrastructure project that some consider an economic project, others consider a geopolitical tool of Russia, and that is a combination of all of those and more.

The project in question is Nord Stream 2, an $11 billion Russian-owned pipeline that has Washington in a difficult position with some of its European allies, divided other European countries among themselves, and weakened Ukraine.

When it’s up and running, Nord Stream 2 will bring natural gas from Russia to Europe. It is laid alongside Nord Stream 1, which flows from Russia along the Baltic Sea and directly into Germany. Experts said the pipeline will not dramatically increase Russian natural gas imports to Europe, but it could reroute it — meaning more natural gas will flow directly to Germany and potentially bypass other existing pipelines that run through other European countries. Most significantly, Ukraine.

The United States sees the pipeline as a Russian geopolitical tool to undermine Europe’s energy and national security. Ukraine definitely sees it this way too and wants the pipeline stopped.

Once Nord Stream 2 is online, Russia will no longer need to pay transit fees to send gas through Ukraine, and both Russia and Europe have less need to rely on the pipeline that runs through Ukraine.

“The thinking is that as long as that remains a critical transit corridor for Russian supplies to get to market, Russia maybe is less likely to interfere or to disrupt that source of transit,” said Emily Holland, assistant professor in the Russia Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College.


The pipeline at the center of geopolitical drama

Nord Stream 2 is looming over escalating Russian-Ukraine tensions.
How many times does it take to realize our military people on the ground are being absed?

Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil | World news | The Guardian

https://www.theguardian.com › israelandthepalestinians
Apr 19, 2003 — Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential ...

Mosul-Haifa Pipeline Opens | CIE - Center for Israel Education​

https://israeled.org › Today in Israeli History

Spanning about 590 miles, the pipeline, which connected the Mosul oil fields and the Mediterranean Sea, began in Kirkuk, Iraq and ended in Haifa.

How a Haditha-Haifa Pipeline Would Benefit Iraq - The ...​

https://www.washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis

Nov 24, 2020 — The pipeline's official operation would end with the outbreak of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when the Iraqi government refused to pump more oil ...

Iraqi Oil for Israel? 15 Years later, new Light on the Iraq War​

https://www.juancole.com › 2018/04 › iraqi-israel-years

Apr 26, 2018 — The pipeline carried oil from the Red Sea Israeli port of Eilat to the Mediterranean port of Ashkelon. This secret pipeline was constructed in ...

Our History - תשתיות נפט ואנרגיה​

http://www.pei.co.il › about

In 1931, The British High Commissioner in Israel signed an agreement with the Iraq PetroleumCompany (IPC) to transfer crude oil from Iraq via Jordan to ...

Oil pipelines played role in US invasion of Iraq - Oil & Gas ...​

https://www.ogj.com › home › article › oil-pipelines-pl...

Dec 3, 2018 — The three pipelines that played a role in the Iraq war included: the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline in Israel, the Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline originally ...
Soppy Sleepy is desperate to stop Nord Stream 2 as long as possible .

Vlad appreciates the obvious and as a result is toying with him between more serious matters .

And predictably CIA led propaganda is falling flat .
How many times does it take to realize our military people on the ground are being absed?

Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil | World news | The Guardian

https://www.theguardian.com › israelandthepalestinians
Apr 19, 2003 — Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential ...

Mosul-Haifa Pipeline Opens | CIE - Center for Israel Education

https://israeled.org › Today in Israeli History
Spanning about 590 miles, the pipeline, which connected the Mosul oil fields and the Mediterranean Sea, began in Kirkuk, Iraq and ended in Haifa.

How a Haditha-Haifa Pipeline Would Benefit Iraq - The ...

https://www.washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis
Nov 24, 2020 — The pipeline's official operation would end with the outbreak of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when the Iraqi government refused to pump more oil ...

Iraqi Oil for Israel? 15 Years later, new Light on the Iraq War

https://www.juancole.com › 2018/04 › iraqi-israel-years
Apr 26, 2018 — The pipeline carried oil from the Red Sea Israeli port of Eilat to the Mediterranean port of Ashkelon. This secret pipeline was constructed in ...

Our History - תשתיות נפט ואנרגיה

http://www.pei.co.il › about
In 1931, The British High Commissioner in Israel signed an agreement with the Iraq PetroleumCompany (IPC) to transfer crude oil from Iraq via Jordan to ...

Oil pipelines played role in US invasion of Iraq - Oil & Gas ...

https://www.ogj.com › home › article › oil-pipelines-pl...
Dec 3, 2018 — The three pipelines that played a role in the Iraq war included: the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline in Israel, the Kirkuk-Haifa pipeline originally ...

I agree with you Razoo. Good luck convincing the Liberals and Democrats.

Russia's business with Germany and Europe is not our business. Oh wait, maybe Russia is cutting in on our business...

U.S. Becomes the Largest LNG Exporter, Aids Europe Through Its Energy Crisis - Hmmm...could this be it?
Russia has gathered troops along the Ukrainian border, Washington and Moscow engaged in a week of high-stakes negotiations, and NATO and European allies are trying to avoid a conflict that seems more likely by the day.

In this frightening morass, there’s one low-key wild card: a long-running energy infrastructure project that some consider an economic project, others consider a geopolitical tool of Russia, and that is a combination of all of those and more.

The project in question is Nord Stream 2, an $11 billion Russian-owned pipeline that has Washington in a difficult position with some of its European allies, divided other European countries among themselves, and weakened Ukraine.

When it’s up and running, Nord Stream 2 will bring natural gas from Russia to Europe. It is laid alongside Nord Stream 1, which flows from Russia along the Baltic Sea and directly into Germany. Experts said the pipeline will not dramatically increase Russian natural gas imports to Europe, but it could reroute it — meaning more natural gas will flow directly to Germany and potentially bypass other existing pipelines that run through other European countries. Most significantly, Ukraine.

The United States sees the pipeline as a Russian geopolitical tool to undermine Europe’s energy and national security. Ukraine definitely sees it this way too and wants the pipeline stopped.

Once Nord Stream 2 is online, Russia will no longer need to pay transit fees to send gas through Ukraine, and both Russia and Europe have less need to rely on the pipeline that runs through Ukraine.

“The thinking is that as long as that remains a critical transit corridor for Russian supplies to get to market, Russia maybe is less likely to interfere or to disrupt that source of transit,” said Emily Holland, assistant professor in the Russia Maritime Studies Institute at the US Naval War College.


The pipeline at the center of geopolitical drama

Nord Stream 2 is looming over escalating Russian-Ukraine tensions.
The Nord stream 2 pipeline is toast if Biden is right and Putin is going to invade Ukraine. It will never be put into service. May it RIP and Putin choke on his oil and gas.
Russia's business with Germany and Europe is not our business. Oh wait, maybe Russia is cutting in on our business...
Yes, Russia's playground for organized crime does cause us major problems. The Colonial Pipeline attack that shut down the Southeast and created a state of emergency was performed by a Russian group.

"The Kremlin is tolerant of cybercriminals. The rules for Russian hackers are simple: Don’t hack Russian-language sites; don’t say no if the Kremlin or the FSB security agency ask for a favor; and share the loot when requested. Hackers who follow these rules will never go to jail in Russia. Russia has little interest in cooperating with other nations to rein in criminals, and there is little or no incentive for Russia to cooperate with foreign law enforcement. Senior Russian officials from Putin on down hold the West in contempt. Russia’s leaders enjoy Western irritation with cybercrime and know they can call on the criminals when needed. "

Yes, Russia's playground for organized crime does cause us major problems. The Colonial Pipeline attack that shut down the Southeast and created a state of emergency was performed by a Russian group.

"The Kremlin is tolerant of cybercriminals. The rules for Russian hackers are simple: Don’t hack Russian-language sites; don’t say no if the Kremlin or the FSB security agency ask for a favor; and share the loot when requested. Hackers who follow these rules will never go to jail in Russia. Russia has little interest in cooperating with other nations to rein in criminals, and there is little or no incentive for Russia to cooperate with foreign law enforcement. Senior Russian officials from Putin on down hold the West in contempt. Russia’s leaders enjoy Western irritation with cybercrime and know they can call on the criminals when needed. "

What people like yourself refuse to understand is that as long as the US enforces its interests with military and economic threats, we make ourselves a target. Basically we practice a modern form of colonialism. I believe we should get ourselves out of that business model and return our military to defend our borders and territorial waters. I further believe we should convert our military bases worldwide to humanitarian response platforms or turn them over to the host countries for their own defense.
This isn't a 'war for oil'. The pipeline happens if there *isn't* war. But I think it's very likely there is going to be an invasion and that is supposed to block the pipeline as punishment.
What people refuse to understand is that as long as the US enforces its interests with military and economic threats, we make ourselves a target. Basically we practice a modern form of colonialism. I believe we should get ourselves out of that business model and return our military to defend our borders and territorial waters. I further believe we should convert our military bases worldwide to humanitarian response platforms or turn them over to the host countries for their own defense.
excellent food for thought ......
If sanctions on Nordstream II would stop Russia from invading Ukraine, Biden should never have removed them...
The Nord stream 2 pipeline is toast if Biden is right and Putin is going to invade Ukraine. It will never be put into service. May it RIP and Putin choke on his oil and gas.
I don't count on Biden to maintain that posture. It's too much in this country's interest.
I don't count on Biden to maintain that posture. It's too much in this country's interest.
I don't see it as in our interests at all. It is a bargaining chip and our word is our bond. Putin will not be rewarded for his attack on democracy and the pipeline will be toast. If Ukraine is in his hands there is no need for it anyway.
I don't see it as in our interests at all. It is a bargaining chip and our word is our bond. Putin will not be rewarded for his attack on democracy and the pipeline will be toast. If Ukraine is in his hands there is no need for it anyway.
He'll just have to be content with all the other pipelines...

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