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The Palestinian State and Human Rights (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 25, 2005
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New Haven, CT
Political Leaning
This promises to become a controversial thread.

Does anyone else see a conflict between supporting a Palestinan state and believing in human rights?

The problem is - as it stands now, there is no religious freedom in territories under Palestinian control. Freedom of speech is unheard of, and check out this article to find out what they do to homosexuals.

Now, I believe that the Palestinian people have the right to a state, but how can we justify being supportive of this kind of a state?
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Connecticutter said:
This promises to become a controversial thread.

Does anyone else see a conflict between supporting a Palestinan state and believing in human rights?

The problem is - as it stands now, there is no religious freedom in territories under Palestinian control. Freedom of speech is unheard of, and check out this article to find out what they do to homosexuals.

Now, I believe that the Palestinian people have the right to a state, but how can we justify being supportive of this kind of a state?

The idea of a Palestinian state refers to the final destination of the infamous "Road Map"...

The FIRST rule of the Road Map is for the Palestinian Authority to disband certain organizations and confiscate their weapons...This, of course, hasn't happened...Therefore, we haven't even got out of the gate with it...

There will be NO Palestinian State in the near, and probably distant, future until the Palestinians make consessions...which they are unwilling to do...
Cnredd you do know how difficult it is for the Palestinian authorities to control the Palestinian terrorists. It is very difficult. Considering that some of those terrorists want to drive Israelis into the sea. The Palestinian authorities cannot control the independent cells and break offs that will occur. It is like trying to take account if every ant in an anthill and stop them from leaving the nest. Impossible. I'm afraid if Israelis want peace they are going to have to shed innocent blood for it. I wish it weren't the case.

But peace is not going to be acheived by tat-for-tat killings. Israel has been fighting terrorism for so long and it has got them nowhere.

I would say that Palenstine has to get set up their own country in the Gaza strip first, then eventually the West Bank. Goodness knows what we can do with Jersualem.
GarzaUK said:
Cnredd you do know how difficult it is for the Palestinian authorities to control the Palestinian terrorists. It is very difficult. Considering that some of those terrorists want to drive Israelis into the sea. The Palestinian authorities cannot control the independent cells and break offs that will occur. It is like trying to take account if every ant in an anthill and stop them from leaving the nest. Impossible. I'm afraid if Israelis want peace they are going to have to shed innocent blood for it. I wish it weren't the case.
Thus the thrust of the whole argument...

Some Palestinians will not be content with a "State" or anything resembling concessions...

You simply cannot negotiate with anyone who believes that negotiating is unacceptable...Until that attitude changes (which there are no signs of this happening), the "tit-for-tat" will continue...:(
GarzaUK said:
I would say that Palenstine has to get set up their own country in the Gaza strip first, then eventually the West Bank. Goodness knows what we can do with Jersualem.

I agree on the strategy here. I think that the existence of the right kind of Palestinian state will improve everyone's security.

I understand that their government can't control all of the terrorists, but I'm not sure about what's actually going on. Terrorist networks are probqably so embedded into the society that I'm sure the government turns a blind eye.

My point is that if we (the US & the west) are going to be actively supporting a Palestinian state, and then that state is violating human rights and torturing homosexuals, then how can we justifiably continue our support?

I just can't bring myself to say "well, their culture is different, so we shouldn't judge."

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