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The overt racism of Tucker Carlson (1 Viewer)

Dans La Lune

Senior Defenestrator
DP Veteran
Aug 30, 2019
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Oceania, 1984
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Holding other races to a different standard is the actual definition of racism.

Remember tuck tuck when you do business with a faux sponsor.
I would love to see a right-winger step into this thread and defend Tucker Carlson, and/or claim this isn't racism.
I would love to see a right-winger step into this thread and defend Tucker Carlson, and/or claim this isn't racism.

Liberals hold black people to a lower standard that they may accomplish less than white people. Ex post facto HEAVY SNARK warning. Just guessing what a RW'r might say.
Tucker is who he is.

FOX enjoys significant profits putting Tucker front and center of their programming.

If there wasn't an audience for Tucker's propaganda, FOX wouldn't bother with him.

Much like Trump, Tucker isn't the disease. He's just a parasite leeching off the sickness for personal gain.
Holding other races to a different standard is the actual definition of racism.

i'm not going to sit through a video. What did he say, exactly? did he call someone the N word?
i'm not going to sit through a video. What did he say, exactly? did he call someone the N word?

He called into question her credentials and said that 'Mericans have a right to see her law school grades. Keep in mind that he never did this for the past three SCOTUS appointments, some of whom were judges for like 10 minutes before being nominated. It's literally racism when you don't apply the same standards for the past three white justice nominees as you do the singular black nominee.

Beyond that, Tucker Carlson only got into his university because his father maxed out donations (standard practice for rich white kids), and because he married the dean's daughter. Racism, white privilege, and a bad case of affluenza.

Tucker Carlson, as usual, represents the average (white supremacist) American.
He called into question her credentials and said that 'Mericans have a right to see her law school grades. Keep in mind that he never did this for the past three SCOTUS appointments, some of whom were judges for like 10 minutes before being nominated. It's literally racism when you don't apply the same standards for the past three white justice nominees as you do the singular black nominee.

Beyond that, Tucker Carlson only got into his university because his father maxed out donations (standard practice for rich white kids), and because he married the dean's daughter. Racism, white privilege, and a bad case of affluenza.

Tucker Carlson, as usual, represents the average (white supremacist) American.
He truly is the patron saint of privilege - Dad married the heir to the Swanson estate when Tucker was 10, future Daddy-in-law made sure Tucker's poor academic performance wouldn't stop him from getting into Trinity College. To say he's had it easy is an understatement. And yet he feels it's his duty to self-righteously demand the credentials of others.
they LOVE his racism.
I agree that Mr. C. should not have discussed that appointment.

No matter what he says, his enemies are going to label those comments as "racist."

He should have maintained a studious silence.
I agree that Mr. C. should not have discussed that appointment.

No matter what he says, his enemies are going to label those comments as "racist."

He should have maintained a studious silence.

If he'd simply stop saying stupid shit, he wouldn't be called out for it.
He called into question her credentials and said that 'Mericans have a right to see her law school grades. Keep in mind that he never did this for the past three SCOTUS appointments, some of whom were judges for like 10 minutes before being nominated. It's literally racism when you don't apply the same standards for the past three white justice nominees as you do the singular black nominee.

Beyond that, Tucker Carlson only got into his university because his father maxed out donations (standard practice for rich white kids), and because he married the dean's daughter. Racism, white privilege, and a bad case of affluenza.

Tucker Carlson, as usual, represents the average (white supremacist) American.
So tucker is racist because he.....*shudders*....wanted to see a scotus nominee's credentials?

the horror.
Holding other races to a different standard is the actual definition of racism.

Any chance you could cut and paste the nugget that supports whatever it is that you are misinterpreting to support this lie?
Any chance you could cut and paste the nugget that supports whatever it is that you are misinterpreting to support this lie?
He called into question her credentials and said that 'Mericans have a right to see her law school grades. Keep in mind that he never did this for the past three SCOTUS appointments, some of whom were judges for like 10 minutes before being nominated.
He wasn't even demanding her grades, was he? He only wanted to see her LSAT scores, something I find especially curious given that Tucker's own entrance into higher education was only possible due to Daddy/Future Daddy in Law's contributions. In short, he's got no business self-righteously demanding to see proof of anyone deserving to be admitted into university when his own credentials were utterly lacking.

May as well put Trump on next demanding to know whether another politician was faithful to their spouse. ("GRRRR! ARRRGH LIBZ R ALWAYS HAZ MAKE IT ABOUT TRUMP! TDS! TDS!")
Holding other races to a different standard is the actual definition of racism.

The LSAT is not even the functional equivalent of the SAT. The SAT actually tests knowledge. The LSAT pretty much only tests how fast you can read, and how much you spent on your LSAT prep course.

That said, as stupid as Tucker is, this video is pretty much just as stupid. Tucker Carlson is little more than a TV comedian. He's not in the running for one of the most important positions in our nation's government.
Holding other races to a different standard is the actual definition of racism.

sort of like affirmative action admissions standards in some universities?
He wasn't even demanding her grades, was he? He only wanted to see her LSAT scores, something I find especially curious given that Tucker's own entrance into higher education was only possible due to Daddy/Future Daddy in Law's contributions. In short, he's got no business self-righteously demanding to see proof of anyone deserving to be admitted into university when his own credentials were utterly lacking.

May as well put Trump on next demanding to know whether another politician was faithful to their spouse. ("GRRRR! ARRRGH LIBZ R ALWAYS HAZ MAKE IT ABOUT TRUMP! TDS! TDS!")
what proof do you have for that
He called into question her credentials and said that 'Mericans have a right to see her law school grades. Keep in mind that he never did this for the past three SCOTUS appointments, some of whom were judges for like 10 minutes before being nominated. It's literally racism when you don't apply the same standards for the past three white justice nominees as you do the singular black nominee.

Beyond that, Tucker Carlson only got into his university because his father maxed out donations (standard practice for rich white kids), and because he married the dean's daughter. Racism, white privilege, and a bad case of affluenza.

Tucker Carlson, as usual, represents the average (white supremacist) American.
that's because there was no inkling that lowered racial standards were involved.
Any chance you could cut and paste the nugget that supports whatever it is that you are misinterpreting to support this lie?

It's Tucker's call to see her LSAT scores that is the contentious part. It's very likely that they are subpar compared with other SC appointees.
Why is this guy the subject of so many threads?

He is host of an opinion show, sheep are going to flock.

I recall catching him fleetingly when he was with another employer years back. I don't recall him throwing out dog whistles, i guess he adapts.

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