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The Origins of WWII (1 Viewer)

WWII's origins date back to the outcome of WWI. The Allies (Britain, France) wanted Germany to repay them for the war and put Germany down so they would never start another war again. Because of the German Depression, people got desperate and Hitler was able to rise to power. During his reign, he improved the military in order to improve the economy, and then he used that military power for his plans...

Germany was the agressor nation...they were the ones that invaded the Sudetenland, Poland...Britain and the Allies appeased to Germany, letting it have the invaded land in exchange for an empty promise that he wouldnt invade more. But he did. And by that, Germany was the aggressor nation, and Britain and the Allies did not want war.
Old and wise said:
Interesting, but pretty one-sided. I believe that Iraq did not want war with the U.S. either.

"One-sided"? I see so if a web site expresses views contrary to your own that is "one-sided" but this only workd one way does it?
WWII's origins date back to the outcome of WWI. The Allies (Britain, France) wanted Germany to repay them for the war and put Germany down so they would never start another war again. Because of the German Depression, people got desperate and Hitler was able to rise to power. During his reign, he improved the military in order to improve the economy, and then he used that military power for his plans...

Have you read a history book?
Germany did not "start" WW1. The Versailles Diktat was a slap in the face to an ancient and proud people who were never defeated on the field of battle but stabbed in the back by jews and traitors at home.
Germany was stripped of its colonies,its territory in the east and the industrial region in the west bordering on France was occupied by French negro colonial troops. It had its industrial base stripped away,its Emperor forced into exile and its army scaled down down and its air force and navy disbanded.If this were not enough it was forced to hand over billions of Reich Marks to those thieves in America.Then you wonder why there was another war??!:roll:
But the worst thing was that for the very first time in history a country,Germany was accused of the new "crime" of "war guilt". Monstrous!

Germany was the agressor nation...they were the ones that invaded the Sudetenland, Poland...Britain and the Allies appeased to Germany, letting it have the invaded land in exchange for an empty promise that he wouldnt invade more. But he did. And by that, Germany was the aggressor nation, and Britain and the Allies did not want war.[/QUOTE]

Britain and France deliberately entered into a foolish pact with an intransigent Poland because they knew that Poland would not agree to Germany`s reasonable requests.It was Britain`s pretext for starting a war.It was Britain that declared war on Germany-AGAIN,not the other way around.
Wars are entered into by states in order to increase their power base.Britain,led by fools or traitors deliberately led Britain into a war that would not improve its state`s power but would weaken it. Why? States only or should only enter into war to gain power,not to throw away its empire.
No I see the hand of the American jews behind this.The destruction of Europe was their goal and they succeeded.
Hitler made peace overtures to Britain in early 1940 only for them to be rejected and for Britain at the behest of the USA to persue a war that would only be ended by "unconditional surrender".USA and Britain wanted war and the destruction of Germany-that is a matter for historical record.
If Britain's aim all along was to extend its power over Germany then why was such an effort made to pacify Hitler? Why did Chamberlain cosistently concede to Hitler and ignore calls from people like Churchill to resist?
Plain old me said:
If Britain's aim all along was to extend its power over Germany then why was such an effort made to pacify Hitler? Why did Chamberlain cosistently concede to Hitler and ignore calls from people like Churchill to resist?

Churchill was only a backbencher in September 1939 but thanks to his jewish friends who bankrolled his gambling debts he exerted more influence than was proportionate to his position.
Aryan Imperium said:
"One-sided"? I see so if a web site expresses views contrary to your own that is "one-sided" but this only workd one way does it?

England, France and Spain were in the most wars because they were the big powers in colonial times with terroritory to defend. Germany was a broken nation of states. When it was unified it tried to be a colonial power, but all the good land has already been taken.

In WW2 who attacked first. Germany. Churchill was not fond of the Nazis and probably wanted them destroyed, but he wasn't Prime Minister until 1940.
Aryan Imperium said:
Churchill was only a backbencher in September 1939 but thanks to his jewish friends who bankrolled his gambling debts he exerted more influence than was proportionate to his position.

Or possibly when it was realised that Chamberlain wasn't much of a war leader the government turned to the man who had never trusted Hitler...but I digress...

...the point, or I suppose the question, I was trying to make in my original post was how could it be said that Britain sought war when its government, and in particualr its Prime Minister, spent so much effort in the years and months leading up to the war to pacify Hitler and concede to his demands?
Aryan Imperium said:
Have you read a history book?
Germany did not "start" WW1. The Versailles Diktat was a slap in the face to an ancient and proud people who were never defeated on the field of battle but stabbed in the back by jews and traitors at home.
Germany was stripped of its colonies,its territory in the east and the industrial region in the west bordering on France was occupied by French negro colonial troops. It had its industrial base stripped away,its Emperor forced into exile and its army scaled down down and its air force and navy disbanded.If this were not enough it was forced to hand over billions of Reich Marks to those thieves in America.Then you wonder why there was another war??!:roll:
But the worst thing was that for the very first time in history a country,Germany was accused of the new "crime" of "war guilt". Monstrous!
...Exactly what I said. The Allies wanted to keep Germany down at the end of WWI because they believed Germany started the war (they were the first powerful country to declare war). Because of that, Germany wanted revenge and to build itself up again, causing WWII.

Britain and France deliberately entered into a foolish pact with an intransigent Poland because they knew that Poland would not agree to Germany`s reasonable requests.It was Britain`s pretext for starting a war.It was Britain that declared war on Germany-AGAIN,not the other way around.

Hmm, who invaded first, Britain or Germany? That’s…an act of war.
Wars are entered into by states in order to increase their power base.Britain,led by fools or traitors deliberately led Britain into a war that would not improve its state`s power but would weaken it. Why? States only or should only enter into war to gain power,not to throw away its empire.
Britain was allied with the countries whom Germany was invading. What would that do to Britain’s reputation? Besides that, anyone can see Germany was building up to get rid of Britain and the rest of Europe. They declared war on Germany because of the threat Germany was posing to Britain’s homeland safety.
No I see the hand of the American jews behind this.The destruction of Europe was their goal and they succeeded.
What does American Jews have to do with this discussion?
Hitler made peace overtures to Britain in early 1940 only for them to be rejected and for Britain at the behest of the USA to persue a war that would only be ended by "unconditional surrender".USA and Britain wanted war and the destruction of Germany-that is a matter for historical record.
Britain already tried making peace with Germany by at first letting them have land that Germany was not allowed to invade in exchange for Germany promise that they won’t invade again. And what did they do? Invade again. You actually believe Hitler was going to hold true to that peace? Just look at what he tried to do during the peace with Stalin. No, making peace with Germany is only further appeasing Hitler and lowering Britain’s chances to keep its sovereignty.
Hornburger said:
...Exactly what I said. The Allies wanted to keep Germany down at the end of WWI because they believed Germany started the war (they were the first powerful country to declare war). Because of that, Germany wanted revenge and to build itself up again, causing WWII.

Hmm, who invaded first, Britain or Germany? That’s…an act of war.

Britain was allied with the countries whom Germany was invading. What would that do to Britain’s reputation? Besides that, anyone can see Germany was building up to get rid of Britain and the rest of Europe. They declared war on Germany because of the threat Germany was posing to Britain’s homeland safety.

What does American Jews have to do with this discussion?

Britain already tried making peace with Germany by at first letting them have land that Germany was not allowed to invade in exchange for Germany promise that they won’t invade again. And what did they do? Invade again. You actually believe Hitler was going to hold true to that peace? Just look at what he tried to do during the peace with Stalin. No, making peace with Germany is only further appeasing Hitler and lowering Britain’s chances to keep its sovereignty.

Man, you are talking to a nazi. They write their own history time and time again. No amount of logic or reference to historical fact will ever get you anywhere. This whole thread was intended to bait people in to listen to his insane ramblings.
GarzaUK said:
England, France and Spain were in the most wars because they were the big powers in colonial times with terroritory to defend. Germany was a broken nation of states. When it was unified it tried to be a colonial power, but all the good land has already been taken.

In WW2 who attacked first. Germany. Churchill was not fond of the Nazis and probably wanted them destroyed, but he wasn't Prime Minister until 1940.

Churchill admitted after the war that the purpose of it was to destroy Germany because it was a potential contender for European power and that with the USSR now in the heart of Europe he had backed the wrong side.
Nothing to do with helping Poland or jews or any other supposed "high minded" ideal. It was all about power.
Yet in his treasonous stupidity he persued a needless war for longer than was necessary at the behest of the USA and his jewish creditors in order to bring Europe to its knees.
The British and German empires destroyed and Europe in ruins. What a "victory"!:roll:
jallman said:
Man, you are talking to a nazi. They write their own history time and time again. No amount of logic or reference to historical fact will ever get you anywhere. This whole thread was intended to bait people in to listen to his insane ramblings.

Then **** off my thread! I did nor invite you in and you don`t want to be here.
At least my history is not vetted,written or censored by jews.
Aryan Imperium said:
Have you read a history book?
Germany did not "start" WW1. The Versailles Diktat was a slap in the face to an ancient and proud people who were never defeated on the field of battle but stabbed in the back by jews and traitors at home.
Germany was stripped of its colonies,its territory in the east and the industrial region in the west bordering on France was occupied by French negro colonial troops.

So I guess you don't consider French people, "Aryans" ?
..Exactly what I said. The Allies wanted to keep Germany down at the end of WWI because they believed Germany started the war (they were the first powerful country to declare war). Because of that, Germany wanted revenge and to build itself up again, causing WWII.

Hmm, who invaded first, Britain or Germany? That’s…an act of war.

Britain was allied with the countries whom Germany was invading. What would that do to Britain’s reputation? Besides that, anyone can see Germany was building up to get rid of Britain and the rest of Europe. They declared war on Germany because of the threat Germany was posing to Britain’s homeland safety.

A very convenient "alliance" brought about just months before the war started and a war that Britain could not gain from,needless in other words.
Germany posed no "threat to Britain`s homeland safety"[What a quaint American expression!]
Germany since the 19th century sought an alliance with Britain and so did Hitler.Britain was under no threat whatsoever.

What does American Jews have to do with this discussion?

A whole lot as American jewry stirred up war fever against Germany as early as 1933.

Britain already tried making peace with Germany by at first letting them have land that Germany was not allowed to invade in exchange for Germany promise that they won’t invade again. And what did they do? Invade again. You actually believe Hitler was going to hold true to that peace? Just look at what he tried to do during the peace with Stalin. No, making peace with Germany is only further appeasing Hitler and lowering Britain’s chances to keep its sovereignty.[/QUOTE]

Britain`s sovereignity was never under threat.It could have participated in the building up of a great European Imperium.
It was through Hitler`s kindness[a mistake in my opinion] that Britain was spared destruction.
He should have destroyed them at Dunkirk and they would never have recovered.Our next Fuehrer wil be not so sentimental.
George_Washington said:
So I guess you don't consider French people, "Aryans" ?

Yes I do but their negro soldiers were not and it was they who occupied the Saarland.
IHR books on-line
The Book that Hitler Fears
Germany Must Perish!
by Theodore N. Kaufman
Newark, N.J., Argyle press
Copyright 1941
Library of Congress Call No.: DD222.K3

Introductory Note
by Mark Weber

Theodore N. Kaufman, the author of Germany Must Perish, was a Manhattan-born Jewish businessman who was also chairman of a group that called itself the "American Federation for Peace." The first edition of this slim volume was published in 1940 or early 1941. A second, 96-page edition, which sold for 25 cents, was published in 1941 by Argyle Press of Newark, New Jersey. Both editions were issued when the United States was still officially neutral, that is, before the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941, that brought the U.S. openly into World War II.

Kaufman's fervent proposal for the systematic sterilization of the entire German population was given respectful attention in the American press, including reviews in a number of newspapers. A review in the weekly Time magazine, March 24, 1941, called Kaufman's plan a "sensational idea."

Easy WW2 began cuz of wealthy industrialists who wanted to make more $.
stalin_was_a_nice_being said:
Easy WW2 began cuz of wealthy industrialists who wanted to make more $.

That is certainly part of it. Big bucks to be made out of war.
Aryan Imperium said:
A very convenient "alliance" brought about just months before the war started and a war that Britain could not gain from,needless in other words.
The alliance with Poland started in 1921, when Germany was in the depths of their Depression. Once again, you are wrong.
Germany since the 19th century sought an alliance with Britain and so did Hitler.Britain was under no threat whatsoever.
If your allies are attacked, it is a threat to your own country.

A whole lot as American jewry stirred up war fever against Germany as early as 1933.
...America was not a major factor in the war until Pearl Harbor. Yes, we were building up to war, but we had never declared war. The action involving Germany was all happening in Europe. Anyway, there was no way we were going to side with Germany, Jews or no Jews. Besides the moral issue of genocide, all our economic interests were with the Allies.

Britain`s sovereignity was never under threat.It could have participated in the building up of a great European Imperium.
It was through Hitler`s kindness[a mistake in my opinion] that Britain was spared destruction.
He should have destroyed them at Dunkirk and they would never have recovered.Our next Fuehrer wil be not so sentimental.
You just completely avoided what I said. You just don't have a valid argument to contradict me.

Anyway, how did he let up at Dunkirk? He did go all out...he just wasn't able to destroy the retreaters.

lol, your favorite leader wasn't even Aryan. He wasn't blond haired or blue eyed. And, HE WAS HALF JEWISH! Sounds like he should have killed himself before leading the German state lol...pretty damn hypocritical.
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Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
Of course your next Fuehrer won't be so sentimental; there won't be another one.

Yes there will. The ancient Aryan Hindu scriptures prophecy the coming of the Kalki Avatar who will bring this age of Kali Yuga to a close and there will be a violent end to this age,wrongs will be righted. Hitler in comparison to Him will be considered a teddy bear. It is not over yet.
realist said:
What a load of B.S. Aryan boy.

Hey there is a 121 strong clan rally at the trailer park. Hurry o.k. they need more racist retard inbreds.

Are you able to debate the points that the web site makes or are you going to act according to the American stereotype and be abusive?
Perhaps this issue is beyond you and you are unable to debate effectively?

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