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The Obama demand for more gun bans[W:141] (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
Is going on right now. "Powerful Assault weapon"

good thing-I just got back picking up a locally made HM Defense AR billet receiver rifle

I recommend all patriotic Americans go and buy "one of these "extraordinarily powerful weapons" legally

what a turd we have for a president
Not just an AR. Everyone should have themselves covered with stuff that doesn't have paper. The way the GOP seems to be caving in here and the very real potential for an unfavorable Supreme Court means that a lot of current protections could disappear in short order.
Not just an AR. Everyone should have themselves covered with stuff that doesn't have paper. The way the GOP seems to be caving in here and the very real potential for an unfavorable Supreme Court means that a lot of current protections could disappear in short order.

That's one of the reasons for being armed. Just in case.
Not just an AR. Everyone should have themselves covered with stuff that doesn't have paper. The way the GOP seems to be caving in here and the very real potential for an unfavorable Supreme Court means that a lot of current protections could disappear in short order.

Your GOP will not cave in as they are nearly all owned by the NRA and will continue to do their bidding no matter how many of these massacres happen or how often they happen.
Your GOP will not cave in as they are nearly all owned by the NRA and will continue to do their bidding no matter how many of these massacres happen or how often they happen.

Looks like propaganda to me, Not true, there is nothing that will force a politician to chose the path of vote loss
It does not have an exact focus. Just in case it is needed.

I was NOT asking you but the poster who used the phrase. Only they can explain what they meant.
Looks like propaganda to me, Not true, there is nothing that will force a politician to chose the path of vote loss

Yes - the NRA propaganda is indeed powerful in controlling the GOP in Congress.
Yes - the NRA propaganda is indeed powerful in controlling the GOP in Congress.

Political people are seldom driven by propaganda and none of them will commit political suicide by doing anything that will lose many votes. And that says it all. Closed
I was NOT asking you but the poster who used the phrase. Only they can explain what they meant.

Liar there is no name in your question. And absolute rubbish.
Political people are seldom driven by propaganda and none of them will commit political suicide by doing anything that will lose many votes. And that says it all. Closed

Political people are driven by their masters.... and in the case of most of the GOP in Congress - the NRA holds many of those reins.
Yes - the NRA propaganda is indeed powerful in controlling the GOP in Congress.

Actually, I would suggest it is the members of the NRA who have the clout. Lot's and lot's of "undisclosed" liberal/socialist progressives on their membership list.
Liar there is no name in your question. And absolute rubbish.

LIAR!?!?!?!? You call names so easily and quickly but your own eyes fail you --- or is it your brain connected to your eyes - as I was clearly asking the person I was replying to by reproducing their own post in my post #5.

Quote Originally Posted by WCH View Post
That's one of the reasons for being armed. Just in case.

and my question to that poster

Just in case of what exactly?

You are far from a newbie here who is still wet behind the ears and does not know how to read a post. You should stop calling names and start using your eyes and brain.
Actually, I would suggest it is the members of the NRA who have the clout. Lot's and lot's of "undisclosed" liberal/socialist progressives on their membership list.

No doubt that the membership helps - at least the raw numbers and the smaller number of fanatics who obey the clarion call. But it is the organization itself which weilds the power and the influence in numbers far far far beyond their numbers and abilities.
No doubt that the membership helps - at least the raw numbers and the smaller number of fanatics who obey the clarion call. But it is the organization itself which weilds the power and the influence in numbers far far far beyond their numbers and abilities.

Same could be said for Public and Private Unions.

Except, in the case of the NRA, membership is voluntary, and it is the dues and other voluntary donations that are used to lobby Congress with.

Without the membership and donations, there would be no power. Seems a large number of people are quite concerned their rights be protected and not defined by politicians anxious to take them away.
Same could be said for Public and Private Unions.

Except, in the case of the NRA, membership is voluntary, and it is the dues and other voluntary donations that are used to lobby Congress with.

Without the membership and donations, there would be no power. Seems a large number of people are quite concerned their rights be protected and not defined by politicians anxious to take them away.

98% of Americans are NOT members of the NRA. That inconvenient fact seems to be lost upon the lackeys in Congress who obey their orders like trained seals in a circus.
98% of Americans are NOT members of the NRA. That inconvenient fact seems to be lost upon the lackeys in Congress who obey their orders like trained seals in a circus.

Last time I checked, a singular citizen could petition Congress for action on a topic important to them. Are you suggesting it must be 99% of the people before Congress takes action? I'll assume you're not, and the hyperbole was just a "caught up in the moment" outburst.

There are groups representing less than .3% of the population that are demanding Congress act, and it has resulted in an attempt to override States powers. Do you have a problem with that?
Is going on right now. "Powerful Assault weapon"

good thing-I just got back picking up a locally made HM Defense AR billet receiver rifle

I recommend all patriotic Americans go and buy "one of these "extraordinarily powerful weapons" legally

what a turd we have for a president

Let him start his ban with his own secret service. No assault weapons to protect his girls.
The sad thing is I could post a picture of 8 rifles and anti-gun types would pick the 'powerful assault rifles' based on nothing more than external characteristics.
Let him start his ban with his own secret service. No assault weapons to protect his girls.
No no...the plus side is Obama has shown us clearly what is appropriate for home defense.
Is going on right now. "Powerful Assault weapon"

good thing-I just got back picking up a locally made HM Defense AR billet receiver rifle

I recommend all patriotic Americans go and buy "one of these "extraordinarily powerful weapons" legally

what a turd we have for a president

The local gun store is one block from me (a country block, so it's like 3/4 mile from my house). I drove by there three times today - no room to pull into the parking lot either of the three times. It's been packed like that for two days now. I've never seen it that full of people, even when all the gun sales skyrocketed before. I'll try again tomorrow, but if it's still packed, I'll call the guy that owns it and put my order in over the phone (long time family friend).
Your GOP will not cave in as they are nearly all owned by the NRA and will continue to do their bidding no matter how many of these massacres happen or how often they happen.

Because I'm curious, who owns the Democrat Party?

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