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The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop -- Falsely Called "Russian Disinformation" -- is Authentic (1 Viewer)


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Nov 22, 2015
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The New York Times is guilty of deliberate deception for the purpose of election tampering -- and they must be held accountable.

The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop -- Falsely Called "Russian Disinformation" -- is Authentic​

March 15, 2022

The media outlets which spread this lie from ex-CIA officials never retracted their pre-election falsehoods, ones used by Big Tech to censor reporting on the front-runner.

By Glenn Greenwald

One of the most successful disinformation campaigns in modern American electoral history occurred in the weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election. On October 14, 2020 — less than three weeks before Americans were set to vote — the nation’s oldest newspaper, The New York Post, began publishing a series of reports about the business dealings of the Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in countries in which Biden, as Vice President, wielded considerable influence (including Ukraine and China) and would again if elected president.

The backlash against this reporting was immediate and intense, leading to suppression of the story by U.S. corporate media outlets and censorship of the story by leading Silicon Valley monopolies. The disinformation campaign against this reporting was led by the CIA’s all-but-official spokesperson Natasha Bertrand (then of Politico, now with CNN), whose article on October 19 appeared under this headline: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”
Notice how Ukranian patriots are defending their capitol instead of attacking it...
Actually, they're condemning Washington pretty bluntly
So here's my theory on why NYT is "coming clean" right now.

Preparations are now being made to do to Joe Biden what was done to Andrew Cuomo.

Democrat Left were intensely piling on the praise for NY "Luv Gov" Andrew Cuomo, calling him an ideal man, and presidential material. All the Hollywood celebrities were giving testimonials of his saintliness. Brother Chris also sucked up to him on CNN.

But in spite of all this, Cuomo's awful track record of contributing to COVID deaths continued to dog him. Finally, when sexual harassment charges came up against him, the Democrat Liberal Left decided to quickly gang up on him and take him out, in order to make fresh start to preserve their electoral future in the state. Once Andrew was out, then his brother Chris was quickly thrown out of CNN too. Time to make a clean sweep and get a clean slate.

So something similar is now being done to Joe Biden. The Democrat Left have thusfar squandered considerable efforts trying to put lipstick on the pig that is the Joe Biden presidency. Likewise, they've tried their hardest to make idiot Kamala look good, in spite of her letting them all down sorely, on key matters like Southern Border, COVID, Ukraine, etc on which they hoped Kamala would help them bail out Biden.
So now the Democrat establishment are deciding that they need to just totally get rid of Biden & Kamala, and make a clean sweep in order to get a fresh start that will enable them to save their electoral future, which they have a lot riding on. Nobody is really loyal to Biden, beyond preserving the paycheques they're getting for acting that way.

So the plan will be to suddenly and quickly gang up on Biden during the 2024 election primary, to firmly replace him with someone else -- someone who is electable and can beat Trump, the likely Republican nominee. (The NeoCon-led establishment will try to mount a strong challenge to Trump during his primary, to get rid of him on the GOP side. I think they'll likely lose on that.)

But Biden has to be eliminated., because his obvious deficiencies are too much of a liability on the Democrat side. That will happen during the primary, but they're just putting in place the ammunition to do so when the time comes.
So now you Trumpsters believe the New York Times? LOL

Those not brainwashed by the Left were already believing in this story on its merits, even back when NYT was denying it. So the question of starting to believe in it because of NYT's turnaround doesn't arise.
Those not brainwashed by the Left were already believing in this story on its merits, even back when NYT was denying it. So the question of starting to believe in it because of NYT's turnaround doesn't arise.

Personally, I think the New York Times is trying to trick you again. You better be careful!
What's fascinating is to listen to the recording of the 2020 presidential debate, when Trump accuses Biden of being a slimeball (which he is) and Biden says "50 intelligence leaders confirmed" the laptop was "Russian disinformation". Hahaha. This was a conspiracy. And the debate moderator tries like hell to get off the subject and back on to racism.

The lying liars that lie like hell to get a lying sack of garbage elected president....................................Let's go Brandon!

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