Troy The Prophet said:
Originally Posted by teacher
That's it? What with your masterful use of the English language you are going to chase a single word? I don't dog people for their spelling or grammer. Be glad.
Progress? Some job your doing. Ivan can be relentless, I'll give him credit for that,
Then I see you two have the same thing in common.
however you cannot merely ware him down with a few aggressively long posts.
Then for you sport. I'll keep this short. What with your limited attention span and all.
Haven't you heard the term Less is More.
This is not the place to be telling us the nickname for your Johnson.
Perhaps you should start practicing.
C game is not practice. Just a helping hand.
And Secondly, I've dealt with Ivan before.
Hence your bowlegged walk.
Don't presume to understand something that you clearly do not.
You're right, I'm never gonna understand that.
I'm not trying to pick on anyone, nor do I take requests. And if you love carnage so much, use some instead of writing long posts. Apparently that the only way you can offend some is by forcing them to read your agonizingly lengthly manuscript.
Oh, the smack, I've been usurped.
That would explain the big head, however, the body only has enough blood to work one of those at a time, and viagra isn't helping your stamina.
Followed by an old joke. Sweet. C game, teacher, C game.
No it isn't, and don't praise those that watch too many cartoons.
Cartoons. Leave it alone teacher, leave it alone.
Like you say to your girlfriends. "Short enough for you?"
Troy the Prophit has been terminated, not only by teacher, but by everyone else too, but this is just a sweet, no real class, and he kept it short enough for the dumb ass to know what it meant!!
Now lets take a look at some sweet attitude:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Dear degenerate pig fuc/kers of every race, creed, and religion:
Fuc/k every last one of you, your consistent inaccuracies and outright lies make Walter Kronkite seem like a purveyer of the perverbeal truth and that old adultorous coc/k sucking hack made Dan Rather seem like a solicitor of second rate low quality smut by comparison. So as you can see we have a very serious problem on our hands here don't we? I'm fed up to the kilt with you ignorant hicks who I can only assume come from the lowest dregs of fly over country where your inbreeding has led to considerable mental retardation. Not that I have anything against the intellectually feeble after all they are of course good for slave labor. Now how's that for a sight eh boys and girls? A bunch of mental incompetents all lined up together, dressed in their orange jump suits, and digging ditches on a chain gang? I saw it once before in Claxville Georgia and trust me folks it was not a pretty picture and is one that I won't soon forget. They all seemed to be working quite well for a time but when one turned to wave a friendly hello, the guard, who was armed with a 12 guage shotgun yelled: "halt!" And then proceeded to fire off 18 pellets of buck shot into the air which tore through the retards head like a hot knife through butter. Can't say that I blame the guard though, the man was obviously a degenerate and a weird pervert of some kind and the world is better off without him. But I digress, back to the subject at hand, I'm of the firm opinion that serious, swift, and necessary action must be taken in order to keep you weird fuc/kers from further running a muk on this sight. That is why I have recently come into the possession of two, yes count them two, ravid hyenas, who I'm told have a 1,000 pound PSI jaw pressure. I've been keeping them on a steady diet of bulls testicles mixed with hufu so as to have them acquire a taste for human genitals. How would you like to find out what that feels like eh bubba? Two sets of jaws each with a 1,000 pound per square inch bite pressure, clamped securely down on your testicles? Well mark my words, offend me again and I can assure that you will.
ps: I'm not kidding and I know where you live.
There wassome power in that!!! awsome post TOT.
My Master has had some excellent post, no one can deny that, even with his spelling typos:
Ivan The Terrible said:
This is your addresss?!
I see that we my have to go a little deeper "teacher". I'll take your lead.
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has declared this class in session!
There is absolutly no chewing gum in my class or you will receive detention... of the Sacred Slience variety!
Lesson One: The correct spelling of Your Master's name.
I see you still have a problem with the word "terrible". It's rather simple just repeat after me... t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e. Terrible! Got it? No? Repeat! Not yet? Repeat! Terrible! One more time! t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e! Terrible! It's Ivan The Terrible you buffoon! Not Ivan the "eee" the "ooo" or the "ppp"! And if you keep making such a ridicules mistake not even your obviously and incredibly deformed skull will save your pathetic life from sweet deliverance by the Sacred Slience!
Lesson Two: Giving Your Master advice.
You are beyound audacity to suggest that I, The God Of War, report back to you a mer man! You lack the integrity to call me by name and expect me to listen to you?! Repent! Downcast your face in shame! For your request that I debate the way you would like has been denied! Fool! I am my own proof that I am correct. I declare so.... Myself! What are you going to do about it human? Defeat me in debate by useing your huge slopeing forehead? Challange me with silly classroom jokes? Chant your favorite cartoon character's song in the vain hope that you can annyoy me into submission? Do not raise your hands to answer those question idoit! They are retorical. If you dare speak while I am giving a lectuer the Sacred Slience will sever your vocal chords!
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has dismissed you!
Do not speak to me until you learn my name. It is simple common curtsey. Run along lad. Oh yes, you may now savor your chewing gum peasant! Free the women indeed.
Kelzie sure know how to handle herself, She is truely an incredible woman:
Kelzie said:
Thanks, but I already have my harem to keep track of. Guys just run amok if you don't keep your eye on them. You might wanna try Trajan though. He's kind of weak, he could do with some guidance.
That was an excelent rejection, with a cold kicker in the end!!! Way to go Kelzie!!!
Mixys pretty down to earth, and I have alot of respect for it!!!
mixedmedia said:
I'll tell you why I can't put up with you people - because you're bastard people!
:rofl I love it!!!
Well, these are jsut some posts that I like, that the nominees have said, unfortunately this was a little difficult for me tonight because I just arrived at my new home and I'm using a laptop, of all things, I am not used to at all.... Well, I hope things go well for all of our nominees. Enjoy and good luck!