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The next step (1 Viewer)



Thousands of lives have already been lost and billions of dollars spent. We struggle to reconcile feelings of loss with those of patriotic submission. Mothers whip over flag covered zinc coffins, yet they take any antiwar statements as personal insults. Politians amass political capital by vigorously supporting an almost randomly chosen point of view. Waves of protesters parade in front of the White House only to clash with solid walls of pro-war supporters. But to what end are all these activities? Are we truly expecting Bush to concede and order the pullout? Are we willing to accept the resulting blood bath of a civil war that's already looming on Iraq's sand covered horizon? We need to accept the situation as it stands and ponder the next step. Our past actions, no matter how unfortunate they may have been, are just that -- the past.

So what should we do? How can we remedy the situation we find ourselves in? What venues are open to us still? If a chief executive of a large corporation forces a hostile takeover, which results in loss of significant portion of that corporation's assets, he's surely sacked. If those assets happen to be those of the people, the executive is brought to trial. So why are we so reluctant to do that, which would have been our first reaction in any other case? We've been misled. Whether it happen unintentionally or
with malicious thought is immaterial. The fact that we elected our chief executive to make foreign policy decisions by no means absolves him from being responsible for those said decisions. Our energies should be channeled towards bringing this president to a just and speedy trial where he will be scrutinized and made answerable. We must attempt to influence our elected officials into initiating such a proceeding. We must set a precedent for the benefit of those we elect as president in the future that this job is not their right but an awesome responsibility. We must make sure that the powers that come with this responsibility are a burden and a curse to those who wish to accept them and will never again be used neither hurriedly nor for with tarnished intent.

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