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The Next Step in Finding Trump Guilty has Started! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Political Leaning
The next legal step in the process to Trump breaking the law has begun. A grand jury has been selected in GA!

This is the very "first" investigation into wrong doing by Trump that has gone from investigation to a Grand Jury involvement. In simple words, this has gone from the phase of word accusations to "you now are going to have to prove your innocence" with facts (not words).

Grand jury seated in probe of whether Trump broke the law in trying to overturn Georgia election

The next legal step in the process to Trump breaking the law has begun. A grand jury has been selected in GA!

This is the very "first" investigation into wrong doing by Trump that has gone from investigation to a Grand Jury involvement. In simple words, this has gone from the phase of word accusations to "you now are going to have to prove your innocence" with facts (not words).

Grand jury seated in probe of whether Trump broke the law in trying to overturn Georgia election

View attachment 67388632
First of all, this isn't the first investigation that has gone from investigation to grand jury. There was one in Manhattan that had gone to grand jury...and the grand jury has been dismissed without any charges.

Second of all, your picture is incorrect...though a lot of stupid people think that is the way it is. Nobody ever has to prove they are innocent. It always has to be proved they are guilty.

(I'm surprised you don't know all of this.)
Not really optimistic but I've always felt this was his biggest risk. Not sure how he'll explain that phone call but we'll see.
Not really optimistic but I've always felt this was his biggest risk. Not sure how he'll explain that phone call but we'll see.
All he has to do is call Raffensperger to testify and case will be dismissed.
First of all, this isn't the first investigation that has gone from investigation to grand jury. There was one in Manhattan that had gone to grand jury...and the grand jury has been dismissed without any charges.

Second of all, your picture is incorrect...though a lot of stupid people think that is the way it is. Nobody ever has to prove they are innocent. It always has to be proved they are guilty.

(I'm surprised you don't know all of this.)
How are you always the 2nd post in every thread?
First of all, this isn't the first investigation that has gone from investigation to grand jury. There was one in Manhattan that had gone to grand jury...and the grand jury has been dismissed without any charges.

Second of all, your picture is incorrect...though a lot of stupid people think that is the way it is. Nobody ever has to prove they are innocent. It always has to be proved they are guilty.

(I'm surprised you don't know all of this.)
I stand corrected on the first paragraph.

The second phrase is true but the law of averages comes into play. Trump is going to be unable to skirt all the Grand Juries he will be facing. Sooner or later he is going to face justice because the reality is that he "is guilty".

Let's see:

1) 2 impeachments (never before seen)
2) grand jury in New York failed because the 2 top prosecutors quit as the DA expressed doubts about the case (probably was bought out by Trump).
3) at least 12 more investigations into Trump are scheduled for 2022

the law of averages is a bitch.

The next legal step in the process to Trump breaking the law has begun. A grand jury has been selected in GA!

This is the very "first" investigation into wrong doing by Trump that has gone from investigation to a Grand Jury involvement. In simple words, this has gone from the phase of word accusations to "you now are going to have to prove your innocence" with facts (not words).

Grand jury seated in probe of whether Trump broke the law in trying to overturn Georgia election

View attachment 67388632
LOL, that should last at least a week. Before Trump rings up another win.
Do you live here?
I live in Colorado.


Look, I can understand you being fixated on me. I am quite a remarkable guy. But seriously...this thread isn't about me.

You are dismissed.
I live in Colorado.


Look, I can understand you being fixated on me. I am quite a remarkable guy. But seriously...this thread isn't about me.

You are dismissed.
You just are post #2 so often. It's like you get an alert.
I live in Colorado.


Look, I can understand you being fixated on me. I am quite a remarkable guy. But seriously...this thread isn't about me.

You are dismissed.
I thought we chased everyone like you out of my beloved Colorado. ;)
I thought we chased everyone like you out of my beloved Colorado. ;)
It's not surprising that there are a lot of people like me here in Colorado. The influx of liberals from the west coast over the last 30 years hasn't completely taken over the state...yet.

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