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The next culture war will be the war on suburbia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2015
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Libertarian - Right
The next culture war will not be about issues like gay marriage or abortion, but about something more fundamental: how Americans choose to live. In the crosshairs now will not be just recalcitrant Christians or crazed billionaire racists, but the vast majority of Americans who either live in suburban-style housing or aspire to do so in the future. Roughly four in five home buyers prefer a single-family home, but much of the political class increasingly wants them to live differently.

Yet it has been decided, mostly by self-described progressives, that suburban living is too unecological, not mention too uncool, and even too white for their future America. Density is their new holy grail, for both the world and the U.S. Across the country efforts are now being mounted—through HUD, the EPA, and scores of local agencies—to impede suburban home-building, or to raise its cost. Notably in coastal California, but other places, too, suburban housing is increasingly relegated to the affluent.

Countering Progressives' Assault on Suburbia - See Link Below:

Countering Progressives' Assault on Suburbia | RealClearPolitics
Countering Progressives' Assault on Suburbia - See Link Below:

Countering Progressives' Assault on Suburbia | RealClearPolitics

No question. This effort is already underway on many fronts.

Nationally, the EPA unleashed it's "Environmental Justice" offensive last year.


Socialist Progressive politicians are following suit with increased regulatory burdens on people who would rather live away from big cities.

For example, in California, the Socialist Progressive Legislature is already adopting urban growth initiatives.


Globally, Al Gore, and other members of the World Economic Forum are pushing this offensive.

No question. This effort is already underway on many fronts.

For example, in California, the Socialist Progressive Legislature is already adopting urban growth initiatives.

In time the left will have Kalifornia looking like one big Detroit.
In time the left will have Kalifornia looking like one big Detroit.

Or Venezuela.

Jamba Juice will move headquarters from Bay Area to Texas - LA Times

Jamba is just the latest California company to announce plans to relocate to Texas.

In 2014, Toyota Motor Corp. said it would move its North American headquarters to Plano, Texas, from Torrance over the next three years.

That same year, longtime Los Angeles-based energy giant Occidental Petroleum announced that it was relocating its headquarters to Houston and would spin off its California assets into a separate company.

And nearly two dozen Bay Area tech companies have made the move to Texas since 2014, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Or Venezuela.

Jamba Juice will move headquarters from Bay Area to Texas - LA Times

Jamba is just the latest California company to announce plans to relocate to Texas.

In 2014, Toyota Motor Corp. said it would move its North American headquarters to Plano, Texas, from Torrance over the next three years.

That same year, longtime Los Angeles-based energy giant Occidental Petroleum announced that it was relocating its headquarters to Houston and would spin off its California assets into a separate company.

And nearly two dozen Bay Area tech companies have made the move to Texas since 2014, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Yep, good point. Even taxpayers are leaving in droves.
Or Venezuela.

Jamba Juice will move headquarters from Bay Area to Texas - LA Times

Jamba is just the latest California company to announce plans to relocate to Texas.

In 2014, Toyota Motor Corp. said it would move its North American headquarters to Plano, Texas, from Torrance over the next three years.

That same year, longtime Los Angeles-based energy giant Occidental Petroleum announced that it was relocating its headquarters to Houston and would spin off its California assets into a separate company.

And nearly two dozen Bay Area tech companies have made the move to Texas since 2014, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Occidental has been gone for over a year now. They left just before oil plunged in price.

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