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The New York Times "stages" news events.. (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Political Leaning
The New York Times Wrong Again

This is pathetic.

Whatever is happening in the U.S. shadow war in Pakistan it is clear that their photo gets it all wrong.

What is identified as the "remains of a missile" is quite clearly an artillery shell. Here's a 155mm round for comparison.
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Stu Ghatze said:
The New York Times Wrong Again

This is pathetic.

Whatever is happening in the U.S. shadow war in Pakistan it is clear that their photo gets it all wrong.

What is identified as the "remains of a missile" is quite clearly an artillery shell. Here's a 155mm round for comparison.
What images?
Stu Ghatze said:
The New York Times Wrong Again

This is pathetic.

Whatever is happening in the U.S. shadow war in Pakistan it is clear that their photo gets it all wrong.

What is identified as the "remains of a missile" is quite clearly an artillery shell. Here's a 155mm round for comparison.
The New York Times can't help that they can't tell the difference between a "missle" and a "shell?" They are too busy accepting money from John Kerry?

I Guess Ignorance Really is Bliss! :mrgreen:
Yes, the New York times must have colluded with the Monks in attempt to falsify the perception of corruption and megalomania within our current government! You've figured it all out. You sir, should be an international watch dog of all things transpirational.
Conflict said:
Yes, the New York times must have colluded with the Monks in attempt to falsify the perception of corruption and megalomania within our current government! You've figured it all out. You sir, should be an international watch dog of all things transpirational.
I trust one one? :confused:

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