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The New York Times Signals the End of Biden's Road (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Essentially the piece concludes if the NYT throws you under the bus like they did Biden, you're pretty much done.


It is hard to imagine how the Times justifies hiding from its readers news this important which clearly would have affected the election.

Its refusal to cover this allowed Joe Biden to get away with brushing off the story without dealing with its serious evidence of incredible family corruption of every sort imaginable.

Brush offs like this when a brave reporter asked about the laptop:

Joe Biden looked away and laughed.
“God love ya man, you’re a one horse pony,” he told the reporter while walking away.
“I promise my Justice Department will be totally on its own making these judgments about how they should proceed,” he added.
Joe Biden oversees the Justice Department, the agency in charge of rooting out corruption – even at the highest levels.

This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook, as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him, and a predicted dire assessment of his party’s chances in the midterms seems widespread. If the charges against Hunter are filed, his father is inextricably involved in the foreign payoffs, and a majority Republican Congress in the coming term could well institute impeachment proceedings. So why not have his own party usher him out the door first to signal their togas are clean?


Seems the NYT would not confirm the details of the story, even though they would have them.

They did confirm that the laptop exists (per the article).
They desperately try to override Biden's disaster with Ukraine news. Pretty sure that's why the Hunter hard drive story came out now.
The reality? Joe is a crooked piece of garbage.
And you know, if he was competent, it may be a pass. But he's not.
They desperately try to override Biden's disaster with Ukraine news. Pretty sure that's why the Hunter hard drive story came out now.
The reality? Joe is a crooked piece of garbage.
And you know, if he was competent, it may be a pass. But he's not.
Biden is the president of the Ukraine?
Turns out that nobody cares about the laptop except for people that would never vote dem in the first place.
Sad. Cling to the propaganda. It's a dead end.
They desperately try to override Biden's disaster with Ukraine news. Pretty sure that's why the Hunter hard drive story came out now.
The reality? Joe is a crooked piece of garbage.
And you know, if he was competent, it may be a pass. But he's not.
Why the story from the NYT now is a great question? Follow the money
No, now I'm curious. How is the American president responsible for the Ukraine?
Biden's family extorted money from foreign actors for money. C'mon, man face the facts.
Turns out that nobody cares about the laptop except for people that would never vote dem in the first place.
That is pretty much true of most every issue brought up by both sides.
Everyone got an opinion.
Russia is invading Ukraine.

Trump's GOP is invading a private citizen's laptop.

The latter is a sad commentary on modern "conservatism".
Essentially the piece concludes if the NYT throws you under the bus like they did Biden, you're pretty much done.


It is hard to imagine how the Times justifies hiding from its readers news this important which clearly would have affected the election.

Its refusal to cover this allowed Joe Biden to get away with brushing off the story without dealing with its serious evidence of incredible family corruption of every sort imaginable.

Brush offs like this when a brave reporter asked about the laptop:

This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook, as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him, and a predicted dire assessment of his party’s chances in the midterms seems widespread. If the charges against Hunter are filed, his father is inextricably involved in the foreign payoffs, and a majority Republican Congress in the coming term could well institute impeachment proceedings. So why not have his own party usher him out the door first to signal their togas are clean?

American Thinker = Fake News
Turns out that nobody cares about the laptop except for people that would never vote dem in the first place.
Biden is the president of the Ukraine?
No, now I'm curious. How is the American president responsible for the Ukraine?
From Putin to the reporter?
So he said "I just need you to us a favor"?
All you have to do is prove that Joe Biden took a cut.
With your spin moves, were you an NFL RB?

There was not a single attempt to address any issue with facts, just deny, obfuscate, attack the messanger.

Are you a Democrat? This is right out of their manual.

American Thinker = Fake News

Essentially the piece concludes if the NYT throws you under the bus like they did Biden, you're pretty much done.


It is hard to imagine how the Times justifies hiding from its readers news this important which clearly would have affected the election.

Its refusal to cover this allowed Joe Biden to get away with brushing off the story without dealing with its serious evidence of incredible family corruption of every sort imaginable.

Brush offs like this when a brave reporter asked about the laptop:

This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook, as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him, and a predicted dire assessment of his party’s chances in the midterms seems widespread. If the charges against Hunter are filed, his father is inextricably involved in the foreign payoffs, and a majority Republican Congress in the coming term could well institute impeachment proceedings. So why not have his own party usher him out the door first to signal their togas are clean?

Why would you read, much less site the American Thinker?

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency, Failed Fact Checks
Factual Reporting: LOW

Leftist propaganda is proving false.
Sorry leftists, you've been duped by the globalists.
Russia is invading Ukraine.

Trump's GOP is invading a private citizen's laptop.

The latter is a sad commentary on modern "conservatism".

By June or July, mainstream GOP politicians will be anti Zelensky, with some even in support of Putin. Heck, the seeds are already being planted in right wing media, and among some GOP politicians. It's inevitable that it will become mainstream among them soon.
Essentially the piece concludes if the NYT throws you under the bus like they did Biden, you're pretty much done.


It is hard to imagine how the Times justifies hiding from its readers news this important which clearly would have affected the election.

Its refusal to cover this allowed Joe Biden to get away with brushing off the story without dealing with its serious evidence of incredible family corruption of every sort imaginable.

Brush offs like this when a brave reporter asked about the laptop:

This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook, as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him, and a predicted dire assessment of his party’s chances in the midterms seems widespread. If the charges against Hunter are filed, his father is inextricably involved in the foreign payoffs, and a majority Republican Congress in the coming term could well institute impeachment proceedings. So why not have his own party usher him out the door first to signal their togas are clean?

Give Biden the hook? Great, then what? President Kamala? There's an improvement for you! Pelosi would be next on the list and, again, not exactly a viable option.

Here's my prediction: In November we'll see the House pick up 83 Democrat seats and Republicans will lose EVERY Senate race. It will be the most free and fair election we have ever seen and also the most transparent. Those that question the freeness, fairness and transparency will be catalogued on Twitter and their beheadings will be broadcast on Instagram.

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