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The never voter wild card (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Long time non voters came out for trump the first time, and likely made the difference. For various reasons, some just liked his star appeal, some his brash middle finger attitude, some were mostly a political except for the border issue.

Could it happen this time? Maybe. I think the rioting has a potential to bring out more never voters, who are concerned and think trump is the man to stop it.

Or perhaps covid will bring out never voters to oppose trump.

There are a whole lot of them out there. Whoever can bring in just a small percentage of them will likely take it.

It will be interesting. This is going to be one watched election, and we will see epic end of the world antics no matter who wins.
The enthusiasm gap is massive. Trump's supporters are motivated to vote FOR him. Biden has no supporters, only people willing to put a senile fossil into office because he's not Trump. That's not going to be enough.
Long time non voters came out for trump the first time, and likely made the difference. For various reasons, some just liked his star appeal, some his brash middle finger attitude, some were mostly a political except for the border issue.

Could it happen this time? Maybe. I think the rioting has a potential to bring out more never voters, who are concerned and think trump is the man to stop it.

Or perhaps covid will bring out never voters to oppose trump.

There are a whole lot of them out there. Whoever can bring in just a small percentage of them will likely take it.

It will be interesting. This is going to be one watched election, and we will see epic end of the world antics no matter who wins.

Trump is going to lose in a modern landslide. He will whine and complain and tell you he’s gonna step aside for “the good of the country” because he’s a loser who can’t concede but also isn’t gonna fight.

He will flee to Mar A Lago within a week after the election, he’ll just finish out his term doing what he’s been doing except on weekdays too.

Ain’t gonna be that much drama. You’ll see.
I have voted in every election since 1972. I fully intend to vote, in person in my assigned voting district, with a valid State driver's license to ensure that I am given a certified ballot that will be counted, and not a provisional ballot that is tossed into the trash without being counted (like the mail-in ballots).

I never vote for leftist filth, regardless of their political affiliation. Which means I have never voted for a Democrat, Bush43, McCain, Romney, or Trump. The last Republican candidate for President I voted for was Bush41 in 1992. When the GOP stop nominating leftist filth, I may consider voting Republican once again, but not until that happens.

I have voted for Libertarian candidates in the past, but general speaking I don't like voting for closet anarchists unless they are very conservative. The currently Libertarian presidential candidate is running for the wrong office. Her goal is to reduce the size of government. Which means she should be running for Congress, not President. Presidents have no control over the size of government.

I voted for the Constitution Party candidate in 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz. However, in 2020 the Constitution Party nominated Don Blankenship, a convicted felon, to be their candidate. So I will definitely not be voting for their candidate in 2020. However, I may consider voting for the Life and Liberty Party candidate, J.R. Myers. He was the former Chairman of the Constitution Party of Alaska candidate for President in 2016 from Alaska. The Veterans Party of America have yet to determine their presidential candidate.

I have not yet decided for whom I will cast my vote, but it will certainly be the most conservative qualified candidate that I can find.
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Long time non voters came out for trump the first time, and likely made the difference. For various reasons, some just liked his star appeal, some his brash middle finger attitude, some were mostly a political except for the border issue.

Could it happen this time? Maybe. I think the rioting has a potential to bring out more never voters, who are concerned and think trump is the man to stop it.

Or perhaps covid will bring out never voters to oppose trump.

There are a whole lot of them out there. Whoever can bring in just a small percentage of them will likely take it.

It will be interesting. This is going to be one watched election, and we will see epic end of the world antics no matter who wins.

How successful has President Trump been is stopping the riots? I have to laugh when I see the pro Trump adds showing what might happen if Biden is elected. Everything they show is happening now under Trump.
How successful has President Trump been is stopping the riots? I have to laugh when I see the pro Trump adds showing what might happen if Biden is elected. Everything they show is happening now under Trump.

Irrelevant., it’s what people might perceive and move them to action. Most of politics is smoke and mirrors.

He has at least bee vocal in opposing, whereas the left almost seemed to cheer it on for a while. That creates perception.
Irrelevant., it’s what people might perceive and move them to action. Most of politics is smoke and mirrors.

He has at least bee vocal in opposing, whereas the left almost seemed to cheer it on for a while. That creates perception.

Being "vocal" is irrelevant. It is action. I will give Trump credit for clearing the DC street so he could have a church photo op.:mrgreen:
Being "vocal" is irrelevant. It is action. I will give Trump credit for clearing the DC street so he could have a church photo op.:mrgreen:

Well I disagree, it’s not irrelevant to the perception of many.

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