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The Nazi/CIA connection (1 Viewer)


New member
May 11, 2005
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The CIA hired top SS officials to spy on the Soviets.

Question: Is it worth it to hire Nazi rather than bring them to justice to spy on Communists? Are the Communists really that bad?
eja2721 said:
The CIA hired top SS officials to spy on the Soviets.

Question: Is it worth it to hire Nazi rather than bring them to justice to spy on Communists? Are the Communists really that bad?

If the public knew 1/100th of most of the stuff that the intelligence community does, there would be widespread outrage.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. We can't possibly know the specifics that went into that decision, i.e whether the officials they hired were repentant, whether they themselves had been involved in atrocities, what the information they gathered was, etc...

I trust the people whose job it is to make these decisions to be able to weigh these factors better than the public.
RightatNYU said:
If the public knew 1/100th of most of the stuff that the intelligence community does, there would be widespread outrage.
Whence does a government that governs behind secrecy derive its just powers? Without information, the governed cannot give any meaningful consent. Without the consent of the governed, a government has no just powers.
Simon W. Moon said:
Whence does a government that governs behind secrecy derive its just powers? Without information, the governed cannot give any meaningful consent. Without the consent of the governed, a government has no just powers.

So everything the government does in secret, from intelligence to diplomatic negotiations, should be made transparent? No.

Some things are necessary evils, and to open all of those decisions to the public would be an exercise in futility.
Hi eja2721 ! :2wave:

To some small (and regretful) extent, I have to agree with u RightatNYU. Politics are horrible. I'm sure the government had a good reason for associtating with those monsters and not bringing them to justice for their crimes.
By the way, thanx for the warm welcome Squawker. I really like this website.
eja2721 said:
The CIA hired top SS officials to spy on the Soviets.

Question: Is it worth it to hire Nazi rather than bring them to justice to spy on Communists? Are the Communists really that bad?

NO! Nazis are the worst people, communists/socialists actually care for the poor. the rich government leaders just don't feel like giving up their wealth, to their employees
Comrade Brian said:
NO! Nazis are the worst people, communists/socialists actually care for the poor. the rich government leaders just don't feel like giving up their wealth, to their employees

Well, im glad you've decided who the worst people are.
NO! Nazis are the worst people

Don't generalize like that. By saying "Nazis" you're also talking about the people who were forced to become a Nazi, not just the leaders. How about the Nazis who tried to set up the Europa plan? Are they the worst people ever?

Is Fred, The Catholic, responsible for the killing of Muslims during the Crusades? Is George, The Soviet, responsible for the killing of innocent Slavs and Jews at the hands of the Soviet Union? No.

I find nothing wrong with letting Nazis help us, it's not like they're going to actually be able to take over power in America, or undermine our imperialistic country.
Comrade Brian said:
NO! Nazis are the worst people, communists/socialists actually care for the poor. the rich government leaders just don't feel like giving up their wealth, to their employees

Which Communists are you referring to? The Communists of the Soviet Union simply took over from the artistocratic elite.*

The Communists used Nazis too in all manner of ways; from helping with the construction of Soviet ICBMs down to the great AK-47 assault rifle based on German designs.

*Conforming with Robert Michels 'iron law' of oligarchy.

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