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The Nature of Man and His Government - Insight into Libertarians (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Here is an piece by Robert LeFerve about well, the nature of man and his government...


What is Government?

Clearly, all governments are simply groups of men or women which are put together for the purpose of finding strength, of providing protection. Every possible combination of rules, codes, laws, charters, constitutions, regencies, protectorates, treaties, contracts, specifications, and customs has gone into the tens of thousands of governments which have been devised during history's meteoric course. But however the framework is made, however the structure is built, the fact remains that government is a tool of man's devising, neither better nor worse than the men who devise and use it, and calculated to make man stronger and better able to protect himself in his weaknesses, by the use of force, exerted by some over others. That is all.
I would really like some people to read it, and post thier thoughts.
Hear, hear.

Occasionally we benefit from government intervention. But the more you rely on government the more you lose your independence, and the more your money is wasted on beauracracy.
libertarian_knight said:
Here is an piece by Robert LeFerve about well, the nature of man and his government...


What is Government?

Clearly, all governments are simply groups of men or women which are put together for the purpose of finding strength, of providing protection. Every possible combination of rules, codes, laws, charters, constitutions, regencies, protectorates, treaties, contracts, specifications, and customs has gone into the tens of thousands of governments which have been devised during history's meteoric course. But however the framework is made, however the structure is built, the fact remains that government is a tool of man's devising, neither better nor worse than the men who devise and use it, and calculated to make man stronger and better able to protect himself in his weaknesses, by the use of force, exerted by some over others. That is all.
I would really like some people to read it, and post thier thoughts.

Is this a Contract? Were do I sign? /sarcasm
stsburns said:
Is this a Contract? Were do I sign? /sarcasm
Actually, the creation of a government involves an invisible contract, the government is allowed to take away some rights in order to achieve security for the individual and give him or her the ability to succeed in an orderly and functional society. Once the gov. breaks take away too many rights, the people have the right to a revolution, and if the people do not participate enough in the government the government is forced to be the minds for the people, aka tyranny.

Sooo yes, it is a contract lol.
Hornburger said:
Actually, the creation of a government involves an invisible contract, the government is allowed to take away some rights in order to achieve security for the individual and give him or her the ability to succeed in an orderly and functional society. Once the gov. breaks take away too many rights, the people have the right to a revolution, and if the people do not participate enough in the government the government is forced to be the minds for the people, aka tyranny.

Sooo yes, it is a contract lol.
I was making a post to be funny, but finding out that was its purpose. Now im in the floor laughing... :rofl Thanks! :mrgreen:
lol, I know you were, I was just saying there is truth in the joke.

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