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The murder of Shia and Sunni Clerics (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
You gotta hate those terrorists, but man - they know what they are doing. They are playing for civil war.

Sunni clerics mysteriously murdered.
Shia clerics mysteriously murdered.

Both blaming each other. Both have now have armed gang armies. Civil war in Ireland nearly happened this way in 1914 - but WW1 put it aside.

Curiously the Kurds are not being touched. Maybe if all hell is being set loose outside Kurdish land, the Kurds might be tempted to seperate. All the terrorists need to do is stur a war between Sunni and Shias OR make the Kurds break off to acheive total anarchy.

These guys are alot smarter than I thought they were.

GarzaUK said:
Civil war in Ireland nearly happened this way in 1914 - but WW1 put it aside.

Your ignorance on Irish history is humorous. Typical Brit. :mrgreen:
Gamago25 said:
Your ignorance on Irish history is humorous. Typical Brit. :mrgreen:

I live in Ireland! I did Irish history from 1850's to partition to WW2. In the early 1910's the unionist and the Irish had two armies, they both had gun runnings. The reason for this is because of the question of Home Rule, the Irish wanted to be ruled from Dublin, the old British colonists wanted to be ruled from London, not Dublin.
Good then you know what "Oglaigh na hEireann" means. ;-)

That's Irish history.


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