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The most humane form of death penalty? (1 Viewer)


The Real McCoy

Which is it, folks? Gas chamber? Lethal injection? Firing squad? Electric chair? Guillotine? Hanging? Crusifixtion? Burning at the stake?

Personally, I think lethal injection.
The Real McCoy said:
Which is it, folks? Gas chamber? Lethal injection? Firing squad? Electric chair? Guillotine? Hanging? Crusifixtion? Burning at the stake?

Personally, I think lethal injection.

Personally I think the death penalty is inhumane and uncivilised.
Naughty Nurse said:
Personally I think the death penalty is inhumane and uncivilised.

You think many pinko things.

The question was not the standard "Is the death penalty wrong or right?"
The Real McCoy said:
You think many pinko things.

Obviously I'm a pinko commie fag! ;)

The Real McCoy said:
The question was not the standard "Is the death penalty wrong or right?"

I stand corrected, kind sir. Please don't have me executed. I guess if you really must put people to death then a lethal injection would probably be the most "humane".
Naughty Nurse said:
Obviously I'm a pinko commie fag! ;)

Which is why you and I will never get along.

Naughty Nurse said:
I stand corrected, kind sir. Please don't have me executed. I guess if you really must put people to death then a lethal injection would probably be the most "humane".

Just for the record, I'm against the death penalty. Everyone dies anyway, criminals might as well rot in jail for awhile before they do. Not to mention the existence of the death penalty clogs our judicial system and lines the pockets of sub-human lawyers in league with the ACLU.
Definately lethal injection. The best way to die is dying in your sleep, and that's what lethal injection basically does. It's a very peaceful way of dying. All the rest involve some sort of pain during the death.

That should be the way all states should use the death penalty-through lethal injection.
A bullet right between the eyes and about one inch up. Quick, painless and very effective and cheap.:lol:
Hornburger said:
Definately lethal injection. The best way to die is dying in your sleep, and that's what lethal injection basically does. It's a very peaceful way of dying. All the rest involve some sort of pain during the death.

That should be the way all states should use the death penalty-through lethal injection.

Screw that. I want to give them pain. I wish we could torture them before they die. That way they will regret what they did and so will everyone esle. People will think twice before committing the crime. We have crime problems because we make the way out too easy. I say crucify them with more pain. There should be no death row, no repeal, and no time. When you get convicted you should be taken out to the last place you will live. Then let the fun begin. HAHAHAHAHA!

Maybe now criminals will get the hint.

As for child rapers we should stick 2by4's up their a$$es. :rofl
Yeah, I would have to agree with Naughty Nurse, that their is no humanity in the death penalty.
Screw that. I want to give them pain. I wish we could torture them before they die. That way they will regret what they did and so will everyone esle. People will think twice before committing the crime. We have crime problems because we make the way out too easy. I say crucify them with more pain. There should be no death row, no repeal, and no time. When you get convicted you should be taken out to the last place you will live. Then let the fun begin. HAHAHAHAHA!

Maybe now criminals will get the hint.

As for child rapers we should stick 2by4's up their a$$es. :rofl

Dude, we don't live in the 1600s anymore.:2razz: We are a civilised society, well kinda.I don't agree with the death penalty at all, and under no circumstances, but I suppose if it has to be dealt, and I must choose which is the most humane, IMO it's a "no-brainer", definetely lethal injection. No pain invovled.
kal-el said:
Dude, we don't live in the 1600s anymore.:2razz: We are a civilised society, well kinda.I don't agree with the death penalty at all, and under no circumstances, but I suppose if it has to be dealt, and I must choose which is the most humane, IMO it's a "no-brainer", definetely lethal injection. No pain invovled.

Are you sure we live in a civilized society? Last time I checked we had men beheading people and hanging their heads infront of the camera to show the world that islam is the only way to live. :rofl

But anyways we just have difference of opinions. I feel that whatever you do unto others you should receive the same. Basically it all goes back to karma. However, the question you have to ask yourself is this civilized actions cause for civilized reactions, now what do uncivilized actions cause for? Do they call for uncivilized reactions or civilized reactions? Civility can be in the eye of the beholder, however, if we have a level playing field and someone commits a murder then why should we condone it by not honoring that victim in seeing that a mathematical commonality justice is done? Its a worthy question, right?
Are you sure we live in a civilized society? Last time I checked we had men beheading people and hanging their heads infront of the camera to show the world that islam is the only way to live. :rofl

I would like to think that we live in a civilized society. It's a shame that certain people still act like primitive cavemen.

But anyways we just have difference of opinions. I feel that whatever you do unto others you should receive the same. Basically it all goes back to karma. However, the question you have to ask yourself is this civilized actions cause for civilized reactions, now what do uncivilized actions cause for? Do they call for uncivilized reactions or civilized reactions? Civility can be in the eye of the beholder, however, if we have a level playing field and someone commits a murder then why should we condone it by not honoring that victim in seeing that a mathematical commonality justice is done? Its a worthy question, right?

I think we need to distance ourselves from that OT mentality. The world isn't anywhere near barbaric like it was in the OT times. "Eye for an eye" was right back then, but in the NT, Jesus was attempting to inaugurate a new way in which to live. He replaced that primitive,barbaric OT message with a more peaceful message, "Love your enemy". Why do we have to off someone in order to prove that killing's wrong?
Many assume we live in a civilized society but I'm willing to bet people in the 1600s claimed they did too.
Many assume we live in a civilized society but I'm willing to bet people in the 1600s claimed they did too.

Bingo! Someone has their thinking cap on. Civility is only what you perceive it to be.

I think we need to distance ourselves from that OT mentality. The world isn't anywhere near barbaric like it was in the OT times. "Eye for an eye" was right back then, but in the NT, Jesus was attempting to inaugurate a new way in which to live. He replaced that primitive,barbaric OT message with a more peaceful message, "Love your enemy". Why do we have to off someone in order to prove that killing's wrong?

This has nothign to do with the OT or the Bible for that matter. It has to do with "civility." The Chinese who arent even christian use the very same preinciple so there is no way you can pull that "god said it ordeal." The thing is cultures use the very same punishment who arent even christian or protestant or catholic. Its a way of keeping and maintaining civility.

"Why do we have to on someone in order to prove thatkillings wrong?" Shouldnt the crime merit a causable punishment? You cant punish thieves the same as you punish murder.
kal-el said:
I would like to think that we live in a civilized society. It's a shame that certain people still act like primitive cavemen.

I think we need to distance ourselves from that OT mentality. The world isn't anywhere near barbaric like it was in the OT times. "Eye for an eye" was right back then, but in the NT, Jesus was attempting to inaugurate a new way in which to live. He replaced that primitive,barbaric OT message with a more peaceful message, "Love your enemy". Why do we have to off someone in order to prove that killing's wrong?

Pacifism is a wonderful thing...But it can get you killed. - George Carlin
The Real McCoy said:
Many assume we live in a civilized society but I'm willing to bet people in the 1600s claimed they did too.

I guess that's good enough reason to keep the same methods we employ now. If we are to progress as a race, we have to learn that its wrong. Society is brutalized by the use of the death penalty, and this increase the chance of violent crimes.

Originally posted by cnredd
Pacifism is a wonderful thing...But it can get you killed. - George Carlin

Sometimes, yes. But in the majority of the cases, no. Pacifism is no more liely to get you killed than warmongering is. It is true that some people died defending pacifism, but they knew the risks and they still chose that way.

Buddha was a pacifist. The first Buddhists were killed, but if I'm not mistaken, didn't Buddha's message still get through? I believe the early Christians were fed to lions, but I think Jesus' message still got through. I also think that the first Muslims were persecuted, but I also think that Muhammed's messasge shines on. Not everyone got killed, there are always some of the just who survive to see that pacifism is propogated.

Originally posted by SKILMATIC
This has nothign to do with the OT or the Bible for that matter. It has to do with "civility." The Chinese who arent even christian use the very same preinciple so there is no way you can pull that "god said it ordeal." The thing is cultures use the very same punishment who arent even christian or protestant or catholic. Its a way of keeping and maintaining civility.

I'm not pulling it. If you notice, alot of death penalty advocates pull it. Anyways, the death penalty just extends the chain of violence, all murder whethercommitted by the state or a single person is murder. Plain as day.

"Why do we have to on someone in order to prove thatkillings wrong?" Shouldnt the crime merit a causable punishment? You cant punish thieves the same as you punish murder.

Dude, the death penalty is not eye for an eye, its eye for a tooth. Last timeI checked we don't torture the torturer, or rape a rapist.:2razz:
The Real McCoy said:
Which is it, folks? Gas chamber? Lethal injection? Firing squad? Electric chair? Guillotine? Hanging? Crusifixtion? Burning at the stake?

Personally, I think lethal injection.

Hanging is a quick neck snapping if you have a trap door. But to be hoisted up to choke would suck.

Being shot would hurt and maybe one wouldn't die right away. I hear being shot in the stomach is the worst.

Head chopping... well the brain retains enough blood to live for 7 seconds after being severed. That would probably be a loooong 7 seconds.

Being burned at the stake actually results in suffocation from smoke inhalation but that doesn't mean it isn't painfull and definitly getting burned hurts.

The gas chamber works the same way... suffocation.

Crusifixtion would bring american society fully parallel with ancient Rome and I'm sure the death penalty supporting sadists get all tingly in the privates at the thought of watching someone squirm like Jesus.

Being electrocuted probably only hurts for a couple of seconds but I've heard that some people survive. But I think that was back when Satan took over in implementing capital punishment.

Lethal injection probably hurts too. I know pain killers introduced intravinously burn like a mother. And the idea of feeling your heart stop while you can't breath makes me sick.

I don't think there is a humane way to kill someone. Anyway, does it really make sense to kill someone for killing someone?
Saboteur said:
I don't think there is a humane way to kill someone. Anyway, does it really make sense to kill someone for killing someone?

Right on!

And what about the innocent people who are executed? How is that different from murder?
If no pain is what you're looking for, then why don't we kill them with a nuclear explosion? Instantaneous vaporization!
The Real McCoy said:
If no pain is what you're looking for, then why don't we kill them with a nuclear explosion? Instantaneous vaporization!

Yeah I though of that too. But wow wouldn't that be expensive! We'd have to first shoot the death row inmate into space... wait until he/she is far enough away from the planet and moon and then use a nuke to evaporate the space craft.

I think waiting until they get too old to function after years of not seeing the light of day is the best way to execute someone.
Saboteur said:
Yeah I though of that too. But wow wouldn't that be expensive! We'd have to first shoot the death row inmate into space... wait until he/she is far enough away from the planet and moon and then use a nuke to evaporate the space craft.

I think waiting until they get too old to function after years of not seeing the light of day is the best way to execute someone.

I was deffinitely joking when I made the nuke comment, but I agree 100% with your view on the best way to execute someone.
The Real McCoy said:
I was deffinitely joking when I made the nuke comment, but I agree 100% with your view on the best way to execute someone.

Good I laughed!
Naughty Nurse said:
Right on!

And what about the innocent people who are executed? How is that different from murder?

Don'y be silly naughty, then he will go up to heaven and he will be glad of his death as he skips along paradise. :roll:

Reminds me of the witch trails, if you drown you die a good christain death, if you live... you will burnt at the stake. :shock: tough break.
cnredd said:
Pacifism is a wonderful thing...But it can get you killed. - George Carlin

War mongering can get you killed too. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

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