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The Most Hilariously Beta Gun Grabber of All Time (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 20, 2009
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Political Leaning
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud

The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

Even in semi-automatic mode, it is very simple to squeeze off two dozen rounds before you even know what has happened. In fully automatic mode, it doesn’t take any imagination to see dozens of bodies falling in front of your barrel....
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

Something is up. The only thing he got right was the ar is loud. Recoil? Lol!
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

Yeah, those were comments from a reporter from the Daily News, a first time shooter.

Since he has no experience with any of the stuff he is describing...his descriptions are probably based on watching too many action movies. :coffeepap:
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It sounds like Richard Simmons' day at the range.
It feels like a bazooka? The recoil? What recoil?
Sounds more like an Airman to me.
In fully automatic mode, it doesn’t take any imagination to see dozens of bodies falling in front of your barrel.

What gun shop has fully automatic AR-15's and lets reporters fire them?
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.


I disagree with his assessment but some people just don't like guns.

I'm sure there are many 'alpha' gun toting dudes that get anxious or irritable around men with turbans, 2 guys kissing, or spiders for no reason too.
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

LOL I used to put an AR 15 up against my chin to show lady shooters how soft the recoil is. One of my late shooting friends, a former career enlisted, (rangers then SF) used to do the same thing with one of the early carbines on full auto. The person you cited is probably on a bad acid trip. I have over 40,000 rounds through ARs, M16s, M4s and those claims are other-world
What gun shop has fully automatic AR-15's and lets reporters fire them?

actually in some states, there are ranges where you can rent, for use only on the premises with an agent of the range next to you-fully automatic weapons. We have an MP-5 SMG at the range where I shoot and teach, but its not cheap-like 45 bucks for 50 rounds (normally 50 rounds of 9mm is 14 bucks or so)
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

Made up, hyperbolic nonsense. The drones will eat it up.
LOL I used to put an AR 15 up against my chin to show lady shooters how soft the recoil is. One of my late shooting friends, a former career enlisted, (rangers then SF) used to do the same thing with one of the early carbines on full auto. The person you cited is probably on a bad acid trip. I have over 40,000 rounds through ARs, M16s, M4s and those claims are other-world

Give this guy a WWII era M1 Garand and see if he still complains about the recoil on an ar15
Give this guy a WWII era M1 Garand and see if he still complains about the recoil on an ar15

the A3-03 from WWI kicks far harder. So does the German Mauser 98 and the old straight pull SMLE (British enfield)

the Garand-which General Patton called the greatest fighting instrument ever made or something like that-gave our men a huge advantage, not only because you didn't have to do anything other than pull the trigger for follow up shots, but because the recoil was far less than the opposition's bolt action rifles and in prolonged firefights, that fatigue could be fatal
the A3-03 from WWI kicks far harder. So does the German Mauser 98 and the old straight pull SMLE (British enfield)

the Garand-which General Patton called the greatest fighting instrument ever made or something like that-gave our men a huge advantage, not only because you didn't have to do anything other than pull the trigger for follow up shots, but because the recoil was far less than the opposition's bolt action rifles and in prolonged firefights, that fatigue could be fatal

Ah, I learned something today! The biggest downside to that Garand is the obnoxious PING when you shoot your last round. Edit - I only suggested the Garand because never having fired those other rifles you listed I had no idea they kicked harder....like I said, learned something :)
the A3-03 from WWI kicks far harder. So does the German Mauser 98 and the old straight pull SMLE (British enfield)

the Garand-which General Patton called the greatest fighting instrument ever made or something like that-gave our men a huge advantage, not only because you didn't have to do anything other than pull the trigger for follow up shots, but because the recoil was far less than the opposition's bolt action rifles and in prolonged firefights, that fatigue could be fatal

That always astounded me, with a goddamend capital ASTOUND. The Germans were so mercilessly fantastic in their armaments, how could they have neglected something as fundamental as that? V2s. Panzers of all types. Focke Wulf and ME 109s.

The M1 Garand was the difference in a lot of things, but I can't imagine facing a platoon of guys armed w/those with even the best bolt action.
Ah, I learned something today! The biggest downside to that Garand is the obnoxious PING when you shoot your last round. Edit - I only suggested the Garand because never having fired those other rifles you listed I had no idea they kicked harder....like I said, learned something :)

a young man I have coached in several shooting sports (including one he is a two time world champion and current US record holder in) was big into WWII and WWI -re-enactments since he was 15 or so and now that he is out of college he still does them. He used Christmas gift money and stuff he earned to buy lots of WWI and WWII rifles and since he doesn't belong to an outdoor range-he shoots at mine. I sold his parents his Garand and gave him an MI carbine as a 18th birthday gift. So I have shot a Mauser 98, a SMLE, a P17 enfield in 303, and the Russian MN and those bolt guns really kick. yeah the ejecting clip (yes gun banners, the Garand actually uses A CLIP :mrgreen:) was allegedly problematic though someone claimed more than a few GI's would throw out a Clip in a firefight hoping the enemy would charge or better yet-have a tommy gunner in the position with them
That always astounded me, with a goddamend capital ASTOUND. The Germans were so mercilessly fantastic in their armaments, how could they have neglected something as fundamental as that? V2s. Panzers of all types. Focke Wulf and ME 109s.

The M1 Garand was the difference in a lot of things, but I can't imagine facing a platoon of guys armed w/those with even the best bolt action.

Not having to operate a bolt when you are in a fire fight, or worried about snipers or when its really cold is a big advantage. Plus in many cases you can fire a Garand with one working arm =not so a Mauser 98
I don't know if you're just clueless or trolling :lol:


I consider the dominance hierarchy interpretation to be bizarre- beta males are the direct subordinates of alpha males, they are the second highest in the dominance hierarchy. Beta males are high ranking males, significantly higher in rank than average.

Further, there is no means to connect the authorship of the article into the dominance hierarchy, it is incomprehensible.

So, yes, i assume the OP wouldn't make such a ridiculous assessment and so i challenged the OP to explain.
a young man I have coached in several shooting sports (including one he is a two time world champion and current US record holder in) was big into WWII and WWI -re-enactments since he was 15 or so and now that he is out of college he still does them. He used Christmas gift money and stuff he earned to buy lots of WWI and WWII rifles and since he doesn't belong to an outdoor range-he shoots at mine. I sold his parents his Garand and gave him an MI carbine as a 18th birthday gift. So I have shot a Mauser 98, a SMLE, a P17 enfield in 303, and the Russian MN and those bolt guns really kick. yeah the ejecting clip (yes gun banners, the Garand actually uses A CLIP :mrgreen:) was allegedly problematic though someone claimed more than a few GI's would throw out a Clip in a firefight hoping the enemy would charge or better yet-have a tommy gunner in the position with them

What I liked about that Garand is even tho it had a good kick to it, it was also fairly accurate, and like you said you could fire off rounds pretty quick despite the fact that it shot a nice fat round lol. I can only imagine how effective that sucker was in real combat
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was that this guy had to be an NRA plant, trolling liberals in the media.

He apparently was holding the gun incorrectly, firing it incorrectly, was incorrect about Mateen using an AR-15 in the attack, was incorrect about being able to purchase a fully automatic rifle, and was incorrect about the powder smoke smelling like sulfer (it's a nitrate smell, you moron). Other that that, it was a totally accurate piece. And, well, what a *****.
What I liked about that Garand is even tho it had a good kick to it, it was also fairly accurate, and like you said you could fire off rounds pretty quick despite the fact that it shot a nice fat round lol. I can only imagine how effective that sucker was in real combat

well the 30-06 was not any more effective than the German 8mm or the British Enfield but it was slightly more accurate which is why it was the king of the target rifle shooting fraternity before the 308 and (for longer distances) the 300 WM came along. It might be the most versatile centerfire cartridge made-in the correct loadings it is suitable for almost every game species in NA including long range varmints with light bullets or sabots, it has been used to win numerous target competitions (Carlos Hathcock won the national rifle championship with a Winchester Model 70 in 30-06, the same set up he took out dozens of VC, NVA and a Chinese general or two according to some-with. and center of mass hits with a 30-06 were pretty much guaranteed one shot stops.
well the 30-06 was not any more effective than the German 8mm or the British Enfield but it was slightly more accurate which is why it was the king of the target rifle shooting fraternity before the 308 and (for longer distances) the 300 WM came along. It might be the most versatile centerfire cartridge made-in the correct loadings it is suitable for almost every game species in NA including long range varmints with light bullets or sabots, it has been used to win numerous target competitions (Carlos Hathcock won the national rifle championship with a Winchester Model 70 in 30-06, the same set up he took out dozens of VC, NVA and a Chinese general or two according to some-with. and center of mass hits with a 30-06 were pretty much guaranteed one shot stops.

I bow in humble respect before your knowledge of all things gunny
He apparently was holding the gun incorrectly, firing it incorrectly, was incorrect about Mateen using an AR-15 in the attack, was incorrect about being able to purchase a fully automatic rifle, and was incorrect about the powder smoke smelling like sulfer (it's a nitrate smell, you moron). Other that that, it was a totally accurate piece. And, well, what a *****.

I believe the Killer did not use an actual AR 15 but rather a piston (Not an direct impingement gas system) run SIG semi auto (no buffer etc)

a really well made rifle though. retails around 1650 these days so that puts it on the high end of semi auto 556 rifles given that a basic AR 15 runs about 600 these days

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