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The Merchants of Deception (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Back in the early 1970's, when I was living in Michigan, some top level executives of Amway Corporation were arrested and convicted of running a pyramid scheme for the purpose of defrauding people of their hard-earned money. I did not think much about it over the years, except to make it a personal policy never to buy Amway products.

A few days ago, I got to download an e-book about Amway's practices, and it turns out that what happened when Amway was exposed in Grand Rapids Michigan was just the tip of the iceberg.

Amway has taken its marketing practices to levels which can only be described as a cult. True, a few people (extremely few) do become successful, but many others have lost everything, had their homes forclosed, and a few have even committed suicide, after rising in the Amway organization.

Today, there is one former Amway executive who is exposing the Amway organization for the con men they really are. The web site is fascinating reading, and if you are a former Amway member who lost money, whether just a little or a whole lot, it turns out that there is remedy, or at least some payback. Attorney generals of various states are now in the process of breaking up Amway's pyramid scheme.

The bottom line here, is do NOT believe ANYTHING that someone promises you for entering into what is called multilevel marketing (a euphamism for pyramid scheme). If you are considering doing anything of this sort in the hopes of getting rich quick, you will end up disappointed and broke.

Website for the Merchants of Deception is here.

Finally, the president of Amway is now running for Governor of Michigan. If this isnt evidence that politicians are con artists, then nothing is. LOL.
danarhea said:
Back in the early 1970's, when I was living in Michigan, some top level executives of Amway Corporation were arrested and convicted of running a pyramid scheme for the purpose of defrauding people of their hard-earned money. I did not think much about it over the years, except to make it a personal policy never to buy Amway products.

A few days ago, I got to download an e-book about Amway's practices, and it turns out that what happened when Amway was exposed in Grand Rapids Michigan was just the tip of the iceberg.

Amway has taken its marketing practices to levels which can only be described as a cult. True, a few people (extremely few) do become successful, but many others have lost everything, had their homes forclosed, and a few have even committed suicide, after rising in the Amway organization.

Today, there is one former Amway executive who is exposing the Amway organization for the con men they really are. The web site is fascinating reading, and if you are a former Amway member who lost money, whether just a little or a whole lot, it turns out that there is remedy, or at least some payback. Attorney generals of various states are now in the process of breaking up Amway's pyramid scheme.

The bottom line here, is do NOT believe ANYTHING that someone promises you for entering into what is called multilevel marketing (a euphamism for pyramid scheme). If you are considering doing anything of this sort in the hopes of getting rich quick, you will end up disappointed and broke.

Website for the Merchants of Deception is here.

Finally, the president of Amway is now running for Governor of Michigan. If this isnt evidence that politicians are con artists, then nothing is. LOL.

aka SCAMWAY....
it makes scene though, at least some one gets money out of it right?

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