That the media is biased?...Ok sure...
This is from Pew Research....Not some partian hack site...These guys are objective and held in the highest esteem...
When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are “liberal” (51%) as say they are “conservative” (26%), while 14% say neither phrase applies.
This was also the case in surveys conducted in the mid-to-late 1980s and, not surprisingly, there is a significant partisan cast to these perceptions. Republicans see the press as more liberal than conservative by nearly three to one (65% to 22%).
Among independents, the margin is two to one (50% to 25%).
And while a third of Democrats say there is a conservative tilt to the American press, a slight plurality (41%) says the press is more liberal than anything else.
Last year’s survey of journalists seemed to confirm many of the suspicions of those who see a liberal bias in the news. Most journalists characterized themselves as moderates, but as a group they are far more liberal — and far less conservative —than the general public. Just 7% of the national journalists surveyed called themselves conservatives, compared with 33% of the public.
And while 34% of national journalists characterized
themselves as liberals, just 20% of Americans describe themselves as liberals.
Journalists generally say they take it as their professional obligation not to let
their own political and ideological leanings — liberal, moderate or conservative — shape their coverage.
But the relatively small number of
conservatives in journalism raises concerns over the potential for liberal
group-think in the nation’s newsrooms.
So while some tend to believe what websites they want, I'll go with the real deal...