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The Media is own by ONE (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
Yes its owned by different Corporations, but all these corporations have common ties, and GOALS.

In 1915 the controlling media of the USA was bought up by Morgan interests....and they have been taking us to war ever since.

In the United States, we only get ONE VIEW! This is true for both the left and the right media in the USA. WE are contained in "MEDIA PRACTICAL TOPICS" meaning you can say just about what ever you want on both the left and the Right, but do not step out of the Topic box. The idea is to promote the fight between the left and the right...Hate is expected, Hate is promoted, hate is what is wanted, but the idea is for you "THE SHEEPLE" to blame the other side of the isle, but what they don't tell you is both sides are controlled by one. This is done to keep us blind and fighting between our brother and sister Americans while leaving the real trouble makers hidden.

It it amazes me how some many Americans think the most powerful people in the world are fools. Something that most Americans don't understand is that not everyone holds our "WORLD VIEW". There really are wicked people who do not think like us, and one of their greats boasts is keep us dumb and blind to their plans.

So go Ahead and blame the left, so go ahead and blame the right..its all a game in the MSM. For none of them will tell you the truth.


Try calling any left or right wing talk show host and bring up "ROCKEFELLER", "FEDERAL RESERVE', "UN AGENDA 21", "International Bankers" etc. and CLICK will be the answer...but you need to understand those topics to talk about them, so thats another topic.

The American Sheeple are good people but we are idiots by design. For over 80 years the rich have been changing our history and changing the world view of the young, they got a hold of our ED system many years ago, so we are born into folly we don't understand.

WAKE UP, YOUR YOUR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE SLAVES, not joking not kidding, I am deadly serious...its your children who are on the chopping block.
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Robodoon said:
Yes its owned by different Corporations, but all these corporations have common ties, and GOALS.

In 1915 the controlling media of the USA was bought up by Morgan interests....and they have been taking us to war ever since.

In the United States, we only get ONE VIEW! This is true for both the left and the right media in the USA. WE are contained in "MEDIA PRACTICAL TOPICS" meaning you can say just about what ever you want on both the left and the Right, but do not step out of the Topic box. The idea is to promote the fight between the left and the right...Hate is expected, Hate is promoted, hate is what is wanted, but the idea is for you "THE SHEEPLE" to blame the other side of the isle, but what they don't tell you is both sides are controlled by one. This is done to keep us blind and fighting between our brother and sister Americans while leaving the real trouble makers hidden.

It it amazes me how some many Americans think the most powerful people in the world are fools. Something that most Americans don't understand is that not everyone holds our "WORLD VIEW". There really are wicked people who do not think like us, and one of their greats boasts is keep us dumb and blind to their plans.

So go Ahead and blame the left, so go ahead and blame the right..its all a game in the MSM. For none of them will tell you the truth.


Try calling any left or right wing talk show host and bring up "ROCKEFELLER", "FEDERAL RESERVE', "UN AGENDA 21", "International Bankers" etc. and CLICK will be the answer...but you need to understand those topics to talk about them, so thats another topic.

The American Sheeple are good people but we are idiots by design. For over 80 years the rich have been changing our history and changing the world view of the young, they got a hold of our ED system many years ago, so we are born into folly we don't understand.

WAKE UP, YOUR YOUR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE SLAVES, not joking not kidding, I am deadly serious...its your children who are on the chopping block.

you may not be joking, but what you say is laughable:mrgreen:
DeeJayH said:
you may not be joking, but what you say is laughable:mrgreen:

Slaverys funny? :shock:

Just wait, and I hope you don't have children. The American people can't save America if they don't understand what they are fighting, and they don't we have been dumbed down on purpose and are held in a ring of media practice topics that keep us busy and away fromt he truth.

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