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The meaning of life. (1 Viewer)

Big Eye

DP Veteran
Jun 6, 2020
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Portsmouth ,UK
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
The meaning (purpose) of life is to place values ( positive and negative ) on things and ideas...we all do it , there is no choice.

The more things that you can place positive values on the more meaningful your life becomes.

The higher the value you give things and concepts the more meaningful your life becomes.

It can often require effort to place value on things and ideas.

The meaning of life is to strive to value things/ideas.
Genghis Khan said the meaning of live was to "drive your enemies before you and listen to the lamentations of their women."

This quote is from a larger text from an ancient book of the mongols. When Genghis asked his generals, "what gives meaning to your life," they all said "hunting."
Genghis Khan said the meaning of live was to "drive your enemies before you and listen to the lamentations of their women."

This quote is from a larger text from an ancient book of the mongols. When Genghis asked his generals, "what gives meaning to your life," they all said "hunting."
It is clear that there is a hierarchy of values. On a subjective level values can be crass ( but still meaningful to the individual ) but those crass values do not work in a long term objective ( beyond personal) sense insofar as something like civilisation is concerned. So the concept that the destruction of your enemies is the highest value is not sustainable , as Genghis found out ... objective reality requires higher standards, standards that preserved Western civilisation against him for instance. This would indicate that Western European values were more in alignment with truth than Mongolian values.
It is clear that there is a hierarchy of values. On a subjective level values can be crass ( but still meaningful to the individual ) but those crass values do not work in a long term objective ( beyond personal) sense insofar as something like civilisation is concerned. So the concept that the destruction of your enemies is the highest value is not sustainable , as Genghis found out ... objective reality requires higher standards, standards that preserved Western civilisation against him for instance. This would indicate that Western European values were more in alignment with truth than Mongolian values.

That depends on how you define truth.
That depends on how you define truth.
Truth is when thoughts correlate to reality.

Knowledge is our store of truths. Higher value concepts are those truths that bring greater advantage...so the Mongol hordes were not capable of beating (at least over the long term) Western civilisation because the West had greater (ie , more correctly based) values. Both scientifically and morally we were better than them.
The meaning (purpose) of life is to place values ( positive and negative ) on things and ideas...we all do it , there is no choice.

The more things that you can place positive values on the more meaningful your life becomes.

The higher the value you give things and concepts the more meaningful your life becomes.

It can often require effort to place value on things and ideas.

The meaning of life is to strive to value things/ideas.
Life was sent out with two directives; to gain experience and to master the law.
I believe the winning strategy today is to amass wealth without measure at whatever the cost
It is clear that there is a hierarchy of values. On a subjective level values can be crass ( but still meaningful to the individual ) but those crass values do not work in a long term objective ( beyond personal) sense insofar as something like civilisation is concerned. So the concept that the destruction of your enemies is the highest value is not sustainable , as Genghis found out ... objective reality requires higher standards, standards that preserved Western civilisation against him for instance. This would indicate that Western European values were more in alignment with truth than Mongolian values.
As china takes over the world I guess it will be because they have better values
As china takes over the world I guess it will be because they have better values
It’s a bit of an assumption to believe China is going to take over the world...they have nowhere near the military capacity of the West for a start...and the lack of democracy rots away at the heart of China...revolution is inevitable.probably explains why they released this virus lol...keeps the protestors in! ;)
It’s a bit of an assumption to believe China is going to take over the world...they have nowhere near the military capacity of the West for a start...and the lack of democracy rots away at the heart of China...revolution is inevitable.
It will take 50 years ....but the demographics make it inevitable
Life was sent out with two directives; to gain experience and to master the law.
I agree to a point... but our consciousness automatically gets packaged the will to impose values on everything...that’s why we have meaning. When our values tie in with true values we succeed....when they don’t things go pear shaped.
Nothing is inevitable with politics. China could break up for instance.
So could the US. But if the current pathway holds they will be the dominant superpower
So could the US. But if the current pathway holds they will be the dominant superpower
I think that they’ve got too many inherent weaknesses...one example being a lack of raw materials.
I think that they’ve got too many inherent weaknesses...one example being a lack of raw materials.
Try again

China has extensive deposits of coal, oil and natural gas. Besides these fossil fuels, China is a top producer of aluminum, magnesium, antimony, salt, talc, barite, cement, coal, fluorspar, gold, graphite, iron, steel, lead, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate rock, rare earths, tin, tungsten, bismuth and zinc.
It is clear that there is a hierarchy of values. On a subjective level values can be crass ( but still meaningful to the individual ) but those crass values do not work in a long term objective ( beyond personal) sense insofar as something like civilisation is concerned. So the concept that the destruction of your enemies is the highest value is not sustainable , as Genghis found out ... objective reality requires higher standards, standards that preserved Western civilisation against him for instance. This would indicate that Western European values were more in alignment with truth than Mongolian values.
I wonder where those western European values were when the Mongols were running roughshod over Russia, Poland, Hungary, and the Balkans.
I agree to a point... but our consciousness automatically gets packaged the will to impose values on everything...that’s why we have meaning. When our values tie in with true values we succeed....when they don’t things go pear shaped.
There are other directives; to love, to control, to be controlled.

Imposing values is a function of undisciplined control mechanism and the fact that Creation bends toward your will.

Also that the conditioned soul is in denial of its limited condition, Creation will only bend so far and is begging us to reality, to have compassion on the other, instead of exploiting it without regard as we did God and Satan.
Try again

China has extensive deposits of coal, oil and natural gas. Besides these fossil fuels, China is a top producer of aluminum, magnesium, antimony, salt, talc, barite, cement, coal, fluorspar, gold, graphite, iron, steel, lead, mercury, molybdenum, phosphate rock, rare earths, tin, tungsten, bismuth and zinc.
We don't agree on much, but I also think China will dominate economically and politically. They have the demographics and geographics to do so, but more importantly, they are far more ruthless in pursuing their goals. And they are a lot more focused. Their values will eventually dominate the planet, or at least most of it.
The meaning of life is having something to look forward to.
I think that they’ve got too many inherent weaknesses...one example being a lack of raw materials.
No, actually they have quite a lot of raw materials. The biggest weakness is a population that can go into famine mode fairly easily.
The meaning of life is having something to look forward to.
The meaning of life is to place values on things and concepts...so you are right but you have only covered a very small part of what the meaning of life is...so for instance , if you were holding someone you loved the meaning would be at that moment, not just in the future.
The meaning of life is to place values on things and concepts...so you are right but you have only covered a very small part of what the meaning of life is...so for instance , if you were holding someone you loved the meaning would be at that moment, not just in the future.
You could look forward to spending time with them.
No, actually they have quite a lot of raw materials. The biggest weakness is a population that can go into famine mode fairly easily.
I agree to a point, but they most definitely require massive importation of raw materials to make goods. In a war situation they could be cut off from supplies very easily...even the U.K. with its hunter killer submarines could devastate Chinese trade.


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