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The local and state police have endorsed my black Republican friend for state congress here in MN a (1 Viewer)


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Jun 7, 2020
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I’d post a link about my friend running for state congressman, but I won’t without his permission and I respect his privacy. I won’t bother him about it either since he’s busy with his campaign. But since he’s black, it destroys the argument that the police are somehow “racist”. But I’m sure leftists will somehow either saying I’m making this up, or call him an “Uncle Tom” or not listen for whatever reason. And if you’re going to call him an “Uncle Tom”, well that’s a compliment considering the real Uncle Tom was a slavery abolitionist. (Something leftists are ignorant about.)

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Cool story bro.

I’d post a link about my friend running for state congressman, but I won’t without his permission and I respect his privacy. I won’t bother him about it either since he’s busy with his campaign. But since he’s black, it destroys the argument that the police are somehow “racist”. But I’m sure leftists will somehow either saying I’m making this up, or call him an “Uncle Tom” or not listen for whatever reason. And if you’re going to call him an “Uncle Tom”, well that’s a compliment considering the real Uncle Tom was a slavery abolitionist. (Something leftists are ignorant about.)

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This guy?


Well, yes. But I haven’t really researched everybody running in this state. There have been black Republicans running in MN in the past. Maybe next time you don’t post a link of somebody without their permission. I don’t know everybody running in this state. I only mentioned “Minnesota” because I wanted my statement to have some relevance by mentioning where I’m from, but stopping at exact specifics to protect people’s privacy. But yes, Kenny is a good friend of mine, and he goes to a church I use to go to.

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I’d post a link about my friend running for state congressman, but I won’t without his permission and I respect his privacy. I won’t bother him about it either since he’s busy with his campaign. But since he’s black, it destroys the argument that the police are somehow “racist”. But I’m sure leftists will somehow either saying I’m making this up, or call him an “Uncle Tom” or not listen for whatever reason. And if you’re going to call him an “Uncle Tom”, well that’s a compliment considering the real Uncle Tom was a slavery abolitionist. (Something leftists are ignorant about.)

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So, are you saying that you can't be racist because you have a black friend?!? Really?

Permission...PERMISSION??? LOL If your friend is running for PUBLIC OFFICE he could probably use all the publicity he can get. But you...you're such a friend that you can't even say his name without his permission... because you respect his privacy? But you had no problem making a thread to point out his race. What kind of friend would judge their friends based on their race instead of their character?

"Unbelievable. :roll:
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So, are you saying that you can't be racist because you have a black friend?!? Really?

Permission...PERMISSION??? LOL If your friend is running for PUBLIC OFFICE he could probably use all the publicity he can get. But you...you're such a friend that you can't even say his name without his permission... because you respect his privacy? But you had no problem making a thread to point out his race? What kind of friend would judge their friends based on their race instead of their character?

"Unbelievable. :roll:

I wouldn't post a person's name even if he was white. I recently endorsed somebody I met on facebook who was white who's running in my district, but I only mentioned his name on my facebook page, because all my friends on facebook I personally know. If my friend that I above mentioned was running for a federal office I'd DEFINITELY say his name, but not for a state election (unless this was a strictly MN website, which it's not). I only pointed out that he was my black friend who was endorsed by the police because of all the rhetoric going on right now. I really only think my friend needs local attention, not worldwide attention for the office he's running for.
So, are you saying that you can't be racist because you have a black friend?!? Really?

Permission...PERMISSION??? LOL If your friend is running for PUBLIC OFFICE he could probably use all the publicity he can get. But you...you're such a friend that you can't even say his name without his permission... because you respect his privacy? But you had no problem making a thread to point out his race. What kind of friend would judge their friends based on their race instead of their character?

"Unbelievable. :roll:

May I add that I have LOTS OF FRIENDS either in office or running for office and I would never say their names. Maybe I mention Jeff Johnson who ran for governor here because he’s told me he remembered me and I’ve talked with him several times, but he’s more of an acquaintance. Bill Kuisle is a friend of mind who ran for vice governor. Yes, I know that governor is still a state office but governorships still get national exposure.
I wouldn't post a person's name even if he was white. I recently endorsed somebody I met on facebook who was white who's running in my district, but I only mentioned his name on my facebook page, because all my friends on facebook I personally know. If my friend that I above mentioned was running for a federal office I'd DEFINITELY say his name, but not for a state election (unless this was a strictly MN website, which it's not). I only pointed out that he was my black friend who was endorsed by the police because of all the rhetoric going on right now. I really only think my friend needs local attention, not worldwide attention for the office he's running for.

Well, you know what they say...'even bad publicity is better than no publicity at all'....so an endorsement from the police department that killed George Floyd and set off a summer of civil unrest will definitely give him national attention. How could it not? I hope your friend has thick skin because I think he's going to need it.
Well, you know what they say...'even bad publicity is better than no publicity at all'....so an endorsement from the police department that killed George Floyd and set off a summer of civil unrest will definitely give him national attention. How could it not? I hope your friend has thick skin because I think he's going to need it.

Yeah, and George Floyd was resisting arrest and under the influence of drugs. I’m not condoning the policemen’s actions, but it was just a couple officers and there was no evidence of racism involved. Even a couple of the officers were minorities.

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Well, you know what they say...'even bad publicity is better than no publicity at all'....so an endorsement from the police department that killed George Floyd and set off a summer of civil unrest will definitely give him national attention. How could it not? I hope your friend has thick skin because I think he's going to need it.

My friend running lives about 80 miles away from the Twin Cities anyways.

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I’d post a link about my friend running for state congressman, but I won’t without his permission and I respect his privacy. I won’t bother him about it either since he’s busy with his campaign. But since he’s black, it destroys the argument that the police are somehow “racist”. But I’m sure leftists will somehow either saying I’m making this up, or call him an “Uncle Tom” or not listen for whatever reason. And if you’re going to call him an “Uncle Tom”, well that’s a compliment considering the real Uncle Tom was a slavery abolitionist. (Something leftists are ignorant about.)

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Realistically, if the guy is running for public office then I don't see how keeping that a secret is beneficial to him in the least.
Yeah, and George Floyd was resisting arrest and under the influence of drugs. I’m not condoning the policemen’s actions, but it was just a couple officers and there was no evidence of racism involved. Even a couple of the officers were minorities.

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The Minneapolis police union is corrupt and racist to the core and endorsing a black candidate isn't going to change that. The protesters are going to see right through it. They want real police reform and justice, not more lip service from politicians and their enablers.

That police union and it's leader Bob Kroll have got to go...hey, hey...

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