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The llusion of freedom (1 Viewer)


blond bombshell
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
Lets be honest here I'm cutting the crap and long explanations but how is democracy freedom. Since this is mainly American i will use the American format. Your total input into democracy is once every 4 years you get two candidates to choice from.

Now ask yourself this question are john Kerry and George bush the two most capable and suitable choices to be able to be in charge of America than anyone else?


should everyone be able to vote when a large percentage of people who, do vote or can vote have no real grasp of what the party they vote for policy's are?.
We get to vote on Reps every 2 years and our President can't call for an election when the time is favorable.

well so what
How are you defining the word 'freedom'?
well democracy is probably more accurate
mikhail said:
well democracy is probably more accurate

How do you define your country when its neither "United" nor a "Kingdom"?
This guy is clueless. He didn't know we elected Representatives every 2 years.

I say let him read much more about the American political system before he comes back.
jakurus said:
This guy is clueless. He didn't know we elected Representatives every 2 years.

I say let him read much more about the American political system before he comes back.
Sadly, a lot of people in the world are clueless about what freedom is. Even here in America. Too bad, 'cause freedom is a wonderful thing...
jakurus said:
This guy is clueless. He didn't know we elected Representatives every 2 years.

I say let him read much more about the American political system before he comes back.

so what does that effect, I will be watching you got a russian on ya back.
Imudman said:
Sadly, a lot of people in the world are clueless about what freedom is. Even here in America. Too bad, 'cause freedom is a wonderful thing...

Well sadly alot of people dont know what freedom is because they dont have it....even in America....Ask a Gay what it is like to not be able to get married...or be open about their sexuality in the military....Ask a Black why in the year 2005 does America still have Affirmative Action....or why Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia and Wyoming permanently prohibit voting rights for felons.(According to Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project, nearly 3.9 million people are prohibited from voting, a majority of whom are former convicts who completed their sentences.)...Freedom IS a wonderful thing....but everybody aint got it

Surenderer said:
Well sadly alot of people dont know what freedom is because they dont have it....even in America....Ask a Gay what it is like to not be able to get married...or be open about their sexuality in the military....Ask a Black why in the year 2005 does America still have Affirmative Action....or why Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia and Wyoming permanently prohibit voting rights for felons.(According to Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project, nearly 3.9 million people are prohibited from voting, a majority of whom are former convicts who completed their sentences.)...Freedom IS a wonderful thing....but everybody aint got it

Hmm - agree that we have lost some freedoms, and we need to be concerned, but I don't know if I'm liking you're examples.

On gay rights, that an emerging issue that will eventually get resolved, just like slavery and women's voting rights, etc. In other words, gays aren't losing freedoms, we are just becoming more aware of the freedoms they don't have and it will (in time) be corrected. I think the situation for gays is getting better and better.

I don't know much about the felon issue, but that doesn't sound very alarming to me. And what is that - 2% of the population?

What are you trying to say about affirmative action? Do you think it hurts freedom or that it is neccesary?
Surenderer said:
Well sadly alot of people dont know what freedom is because they dont have it....even in America....Ask a Gay what it is like to not be able to get married...or be open about their sexuality in the military....Ask a Black why in the year 2005 does America still have Affirmative Action....or why Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia and Wyoming permanently prohibit voting rights for felons.(According to Human Rights Watch and The Sentencing Project, nearly 3.9 million people are prohibited from voting, a majority of whom are former convicts who completed their sentences.)...Freedom IS a wonderful thing....but everybody aint got it

Freedom isn't a license to be licentious. Homosexuals enjoy the same marriage rights as everyone else. Also, are you saying you consider the right to vote a human right? I won't say you're clueless about what freedom is, but you're behind the curve...
Freedom and equality are ideals; but, absent a perfect world, no one can live in society and be entirely free or completely equal. For every freedom there is a corresponding obligation to others, and equality is limited to the extent that such obligations are mutual, and others do not demand rights without responsibility for their exercise. In this, the promise of America is not freedom and equality, but rather liberty and equal opportunity and justice under law. But such promise cannot be kept when government instituted by men favors the few in derogation of the many, or serves the special interests at the expense of the public interest, and when the rich and powerful can have more justice than the poor and oppressed.

We Americans are a nation of laws and not men. But the law can be both used and abused by men; and so it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to oversee those who make and enforce the laws and administer justice lest our democratic institutions be turned into a tyranny over us.
Nemo said:
Freedom and equality are ideals; but, absent a perfect world, no one can live in society and be entirely free or completely equal. For every freedom there is a corresponding obligation to others, and equality is limited to the extent that such obligations are mutual, and others do not demand rights without responsibility for their exercise. In this, the promise of America is not freedom and equality, but rather liberty and equal opportunity and justice under law. But such promise cannot be kept when government instituted by men favors the few in derogation of the many, or serves the special interests at the expense of the public interest, and when the rich and powerful can have more justice than the poor and oppressed.

We Americans are a nation of laws and not men. But the law can be both used and abused by men; and so it is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to oversee those who make and enforce the laws and administer justice lest our democratic institutions be turned into a tyranny over us.
You're right Nemo. Except that now the Supreme Oligarchy of Nine have taken over. And did you just say "lest"...? :2razz:
Most democracies exercise a huge right, thats property rights. In a communist country, you don't have that right, but in america you do. Does the government tax you on this property? Yes. Does that limit your freedom? In a way.

Also our elections are free and open, which means, we have freedom of speech and assembly.

Do we have total freedom? No. Are we a free country? Yes.

But, is it wrong to assume that a democrocy equals freedom? Yes. Did people vote Hugo Chavez into power in Venezuela? Yes. Are they free? Not by our standards.

It's best not to mix democracy with freedom. Besides, the United States is a republic, not a full democracy.
mikhail said:
Lets be honest here I'm cutting the crap and long explanations but how is democracy freedom. Since this is mainly American i will use the American format. Your total input into democracy is once every 4 years you get two candidates to choice from.

Talk about utter lack of understand of the American system. There were far more than two candidates to choose from. Some nine major democratic candidates ran for the nomination of that party. In most States, you don't have to be a registered Democrat to participate in their selection. I crossed over to vote for Lieberman for example. The fact is that there are far more than two candidates, there are merely two major candidates in the general election, which in reality is not all that different than most countries that are democracies.
I have to say Mikhail, as much as I hate to admit it, the US has got democracy and freedom down much better then we do.
Yep we were the first, so u'd expect us to be the best.
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

"Americans like to talk about (or be told about) Democracy but, when put to
the test, usually find it to be an 'inconvenience.' We have opted instead
for an authoritarian system disguised as a Democracy. We pay through
the nose for an enormous joke-of-a-government, let it push us around, and
then wonder how all those assholes got in there."

---Frank Zappa
Some Scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is
so plentiful, is the basic building block of the
I dispute that.
I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen,
and that stupidity is the basic
building block of the universe.
nkgupta80 said:
Yep we were the first, so u'd expect us to be the best.

Well you know except for Greece...
Checkerboard Strangler said:
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

"Americans like to talk about (or be told about) Democracy but, when put to
the test, usually find it to be an 'inconvenience.' We have opted instead
for an authoritarian system disguised as a Democracy. We pay through
the nose for an enormous joke-of-a-government, let it push us around, and
then wonder how all those assholes got in there."

---Frank Zappa

And Frank Zappa is freaking nuts. Not to mention he regurgitates that crap pretty poorly.

What's your point?
jakurus said:
And Frank Zappa is freaking nuts. Not to mention he regurgitates that crap pretty poorly.

What's your point?


There will be NO negative comments toward Frank Zappa. Doesn't matter if what he said is right or wrong. After the Beatles, there is Frank Zappa, and any insults of him will not be tolerated.

[/FRANK ZAPPA gavel]:
Did people vote Hugo Chavez into power in Venezuela? Yes. Are they free? Not by our standards.

There's nothing wrong with Hugo Chavez! I'm still wondering why America went to such lengths to get Hugo out of power, just because he's friends with a dictator doesn't mean he's a bad leader. Believe it or not, by my standards, they are free. When I was in Venezuela's captial of Caracus, you can get an illusion that you're in a very run-down part of Detroit. Is poverty a HUGE issue in Venezuela? Yes. Does that mean they're not free? No, they're as free as you and I.

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