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The line from Republicanism to Putin (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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"...The far right is all in on Putin – Steve Bannon, for instance, declared his support because “Putin ain’t woke, he is anti-woke.” On the Christian nationalist wing of the Republican party, Lauren Witzke, the Delaware Republican party’s candidate for Senate in 2020, proudly declared that she supported Putin because he protects “our Christian values. I identify more with Russian, with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.” Not to be outdone, the Arizona state senator Wendy Rogers emphasized that “I stand with Christians worldwide and not the global bankers who are shoving godlessness and degeneracy in our face”; in case it wasn’t entirely clear whose side she was on, she added that Ukrainian president Zelenskiy, who is Jewish, was “a globalist puppet for Soros and the Clintons”. Tucker Carlson, finally, representative of a whole phalanx of rightwing media activists, boldly declared in the days before the invasion why his problem was not with Russia...

Vladimir Putin understands his appeal to western reactionaries precisely. He likes to present himself as an ally in the fight against “wokeism”. In a much-publicized speech in October 2021, for instance, he attacked “cancel culture” and the west’s supposed obsession with trans rights, called the teaching of gender fluidity “on the verge of a crime against humanity”, railed against “reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities”, and emphasized his love for traditional “family values”.

This speech, in particular, got Putin glowing reviews from conservative commentators and intellectuals. A telling example is Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative. Dreher is a leading figure on the religious right; certainly not moderate, but in good standing – and friends – with conservatives like Ross Douthat and David French who are widely respected and admired by liberals. ...“Putin, Orban, and all the illiberal leaders that our baizuocracy loves to hate are all completely clear and completely correct on the society-destroying nature of wokeness and post-liberal leftism,” Dreher mused a few months ago. And he has not been shy about his disdain for the west’s support for Ukraine: “I adamantly oppose risking the lives of boys from Louisiana and Alabama to make the Donbas safe for gender queers and migrants.” In other words, it’s not that Dreher wants to see Putin win, necessarily – he just shares his contempt for America’s “woke” culture. This critique has basically become dogma on the right: a radically “un-American” woke left is out to destroy the country – and has already succeeded in undermining the nation considerably, especially its “woke, emasculated military”, as Texas senator Ted Cruz put it; a weak west foolishly “focused on expanding its national debt and exploding the gender binary”, according to rightwing activist Ben Shapiro."


You can see Putin the criminalizing of teaching diverse voices in the classrooms, attacks on school libraries, anti-trans bills, anti-abortion bills, and voter suppression bills that Republucan legislatures are passing across the country. And you can see him in Washington, by the willingness of so many national Republican leaders being willing to throw out tens of millions of legal ballots in the service of one corrupt demagogue. In short, Putin thrives throughout the Republican Party.
Pure crock o' crap :poop::poop::poop::poop:

Who's paying for this obvious propaganda anyway?
"...The far right is all in on Putin – Steve Bannon, for instance, declared his support because “Putin ain’t woke, he is anti-woke.” On the Christian nationalist wing of the Republican party, Lauren Witzke, the Delaware Republican party’s candidate for Senate in 2020, proudly declared that she supported Putin because he protects “our Christian values. I identify more with Russian, with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.” Not to be outdone, the Arizona state senator Wendy Rogers emphasized that “I stand with Christians worldwide and not the global bankers who are shoving godlessness and degeneracy in our face”; in case it wasn’t entirely clear whose side she was on, she added that Ukrainian president Zelenskiy, who is Jewish, was “a globalist puppet for Soros and the Clintons”. Tucker Carlson, finally, representative of a whole phalanx of rightwing media activists, boldly declared in the days before the invasion why his problem was not with Russia...

Vladimir Putin understands his appeal to western reactionaries precisely. He likes to present himself as an ally in the fight against “wokeism”

This speech, in particular, got Putin glowing reviews from conservative commentators and intellectuals. A telling example is Rod Dreher, senior editor at the American Conservative. Dreher is a leading figure on the religious right; certainly not moderate, but in good standing – and friends – with conservatives like Ross Douthat and David French who are widely respected and admired by liberals. ...“Putin, Orban, and all the illiberal leaders that our baizuocracy loves to hate are all completely clear and completely correct on the society-destroying nature of wokeness and post-liberal leftism,” Dreher mused a few months ago. And he has not been shy about his disdain for the west’s support for Ukraine: “I adamantly oppose risking the lives of boys from Louisiana and Alabama to make the Donbas safe for gender queers and migrants.” In other words, it’s not that Dreher wants to see Putin win, necessarily – he just shares his contempt for America’s “woke” culture. This critique has basically become dogma on the right: a radically “un-American” woke left is out to destroy the country – and has already succeeded in undermining the nation considerably, especially its “woke, emasculated military”, as Texas senator Ted Cruz put it; a weak west foolishly “focused on expanding its national debt and exploding the gender binary”, according to rightwing activist Ben Shapiro."


You can see Putin the criminalizing of teaching diverse voices in the classrooms, attacks on school libraries, anti-trans bills, anti-abortion bills, and voter suppression bills that Republucan legislatures are passing across the country. And you can see him in Washington, by the willingness of so many national Republican leaders being willing to throw out tens of millions of legal ballots in the service of one corrupt demagogue. In short, Putin thrives throughout the Republican Party.

I think it was a failure in our schools, but for decades back. The ignorace we face now is that people grew up without learning about our goverment, history, civics, the value of science and logic. No teacher, school or district ever imagined that an event like J6 would happen, we were all shocked. But people didn't learn what we wanted young people to know. They're not responsible citizens anymore. If they had learned more about our government and history, they would recognize its enemy- the authoritarian shift among trump and his followers.
Pure crock o' crap :poop::poop::poop::poop:

Who's paying for this obvious propaganda anyway?
Republicans have a history of preferring Putin over the American President if the American is a Democrat. The contempt showered on Obama and admiration for Putin was the most blatant example. And this with Biden and Putin is just more of the same.
Time was, resisting or responding to a foreign despot would unite Americans. These days It's just another opportunity to be toxically partisan.
Republicans have a history of preferring Putin over the American President if the American is a Democrat. The contempt showered on Obama and admiration for Putin was the most blatant example. And this with Biden and Putin is just more of the same.
Time was, resisting or responding to a foreign despot would unite Americans. These days It's just another opportunity to be toxically partisan.
The left's strategy for the past few decades has been consistent, particularly this past decade - attempting to make people think Republicans are in bed with Russia, our enemy since the October revolution that put Lenin and the bolsheviks in power. So if you want to know what true "toxic partisanship" is, one need look no further than the Democrat party.

Of note however, is that it's the left whose values, goals, ideology and worldview are increasingly lock step with those that spawned the Soviet Union and which are alive and well currently in China - an ideology towards which the Democrat party has been ever leaning for a long time - arguably since the Civil War, but intensely since the 60's.

Obama was the hope of many in the Democrat party for the final, and overt tilt to marxism-leninism in their party - and who doesn't think Obama and many of his followers is marxist-leninist at his core, is grossly naive.

So at the very least, the irony in your post is near absolute; but continuing to propagate the notion that Republicans prefer Putin over Biden - all the while labeling us as "toxically partisan" is blatantly conspicuous and not in the least inconsistent with what Dems have been doing now for some time.
Pure crock o' crap :poop::poop::poop::poop:

Who's paying for this obvious propaganda anyway?
Republican quotes right there in your face. And you still deny. Lefty's aren't painting republicans. They are painting themselves. Their own words are their own responsibility.
Here's Ted Cruz fawning over the Russian military insinuating that they are so much tougher than our military.

Here's Ted Cruz fawning over the Russian military insinuating that they are so much tougher than our military.

For pity's sake.
How is this quote (from your quoted tweet) remotely "fawning over the Russian military?"
How is it "insinuating they are so much tougher than our military?"


Have you any clue what you quoted there?
For pity's sake.
How is this quote (from your quoted tweet) remotely "fawning over the Russian military?"
How is it "insinuating they are so much tougher than our military?"

View attachment 67378511

Have you any clue what you quoted there?
It was in reference to two ads. The Russian military and and the American one. Guess which one he liked most and which one was too "woke" for him?
Russian TV is using Fox people to push their propaganda...

Other media are leaving Russia for fear they will be jailed for telling the truth...

End of story...
The left's strategy for the past few decades has been consistent, particularly this past decade - attempting to make people think Republicans are in bed with Russia, our enemy since the October revolution that put Lenin and the bolsheviks in power. So if you want to know what true "toxic partisanship" is, one need look no further than the Democrat party.

Of note however, is that it's the left whose values, goals, ideology and worldview are increasingly lock step with those that spawned the Soviet Union and which are alive and well currently in China - an ideology towards which the Democrat party has been ever leaning for a long time - arguably since the Civil War, but intensely since the 60's.

Obama was the hope of many in the Democrat party for the final, and overt tilt to marxism-leninism in their party - and who doesn't think Obama and many of his followers is marxist-leninist at his core, is grossly naive.

So at the very least, the irony in your post is near absolute; but continuing to propagate the notion that Republicans prefer Putin over Biden - all the while labeling us as "toxically partisan" is blatantly conspicuous and not in the least inconsistent with what Dems have been doing now for some time.
Uh-huh. 🙄


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