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"The Left's Hatred of Jews Chills Me to the Bone" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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As a young boy, I used to think my grandma very strange. In her bedroom she kept a suitcase, packed and ready for use at a moment’s notice. “Just in case,” she’d tell me when I asked where it was that she was always waiting to go to. “You never know when they’ll turn on the Jews.”

Her house in Northwood [near London] was epitome of suburban comfort, and I couldn’t understand what on earth she meant. Until, that is, I learned some history – including the history of the Jews. Which is, in short, that pretty much everywhere, they have turned on the Jews.

And so it goes and continues more recently, also in the USA, especially in academe and on the political left anti-Semitism rears its head once again.

The cause of this is easy to see. Leaving aside the history of anti-Semitism as an ancient prejudice, Money is pouring from Arab nations into the coffers of universities and other left leaning institutions to fund Islamic initiatives of all kinds. The hearts and minds of left wingers follow. Now we have academics on campuses all over the US who are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist, who are Holocaust deniers, who are apologists for radical Islamic terrorism. It's all the rage to be a Jew hater these days. But, of course, they don't call themselves that. They call themselves anti-Zionist. In addition, Israel is aligned with the West and with the US, so naturally leftists will be against it.

...And it’s not the terrorists. They threaten me, of course, as they threaten us all. Yet to me, the real chill comes from their fellow travelers – the useful idiots of the terrorists and Jew-murderers who say they do not have a racist bone in their body, but when it comes to Jews, a blind spot emerges.

...I fear not just for myself but far more for my children. History shows that when anti-Semitism takes hold it does not wither; it grows.

The Left's hatred of Jews chills me to the bone
Dont you think the dislike is directed at Israel and its policies and not so American Jews. Just for clarification I fully support israel
Dont you think the dislike is directed at Israel and its policies and not so American Jews. Just for clarification I fully support israel
I am neutral towards Israel, but I don't harbor any hatred of the Jews or anything.

In fact the only people I know that really hate Jews are Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists.
I am neutral towards Israel, but I don't harbor any hatred of the Jews or anything.

In fact the only people I know that really hate Jews are Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists.

Thats where I am also, there are many many liberal progressive american jews, they dont hate israel and the left doesnt hate them
Thats where I am also, there are many many liberal progressive american jews, they dont hate israel and the left doesnt hate them
Definitely. The Jews over in the Middle East are like the most progressive group of people in that entire region.
And so it goes and continues more recently, also in the USA, especially in academe and on the political left anti-Semitism rears its head once again.

The cause of this is easy to see. Leaving aside the history of anti-Semitism as an ancient prejudice, Money is pouring from Arab nations into the coffers of universities and other left leaning institutions to fund Islamic initiatives of all kinds. The hearts and minds of left wingers follow. Now we have academics on campuses all over the US who are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist, who are Holocaust deniers, who are apologists for radical Islamic terrorism. It's all the rage to be a Jew hater these days. But, of course, they don't call themselves that. They call themselves anti-Zionist. In addition, Israel is aligned with the West and with the US, so naturally leftists will be against it.

The Left's hatred of Jews chills me to the bone
Just a friendly reminder to get more prunes in your diet.
Anyone's hate of Jews is disgusting. Hate is disgusting. Hate for the right, hate for the left, hate for Christians, Jews, Atheists, Muslims.....hate is evil.
And so destructive.
Chills you to the bone? haha ok
The post is rubbish to the extent that it is directed at American liberals.
I am neutral towards Israel, but I don't harbor any hatred of the Jews or anything.

In fact the only people I know that really hate Jews are Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists.

Weird because I find most Jews I know to be more left than right.

When partisans see anti-semitism, they only look in one direction. Isn't the seriousness of anti-semitism the fact that it can pervade the entire political spectrum? Stalin and Hitler were equally anti-semitic; the KKK and the NoI are equally so. It's unsurprising that partisan hacks like Pollard, a neo-con cheerleader fundamentally opposed to the current Labour Party leadership, see only the anti-semitism that does indeed inhabit a small minority of the British left. Those loudest in their condemnation of those real problems within Labour spend little time looking at the right-wing anti-semitism that targets Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and businesses with vandalism and attacks.

Here's a much more balanced article on the issue

Ken Livingston, the perceived worst culprit of this week's spasm of concern, spent a lot of time as leader of the GLC and as Mayor of London, working to tackle anti-semitic, Islamophobic and racist violence and discrimination. Of course, Ken is the enemy, a 'useful idiot', so Pollard ignores all that history of him being a good and true friend of his Jewish neighbours. Let's be clear, Livingston's comments this week were stupidly mis-timed, inappropriate, politically suicidal and irrelevant in commenting on the clearly anti-semitic social media posts that got Naz Shah rightly suspended by the Labour Party. How did he believe raising the historical fact of the Haavara Treaty would contribute to the discussion of anti-semitism in modern Britain? I don't believe Livingston is anti-semitic, his record exonerates him, but there were clearly some deep-seated anti-semitic attitudes driving his unbelievably inappropriate comments.

Can one hold anti-semitic/racist/homophobic/misogynistic attitudes but not be an anti-semite/racist/homophobe/misogynist? Well, I suspect that's a different, if related, debate.

Isn't it coincidental that the media-driven furore over Naz Shah's anti-semitic social media re-posts from 2014 emerged just 1 week prior to the local elections? No one made her retweet those graphics and comments, but anyone detect the hand of Lynton Crosby in the convenient timing?
The cause of this is easy to see. Leaving aside the history of anti-Semitism as an ancient prejudice, Money is pouring from Arab nations into the coffers of universities and other left leaning institutions to fund Islamic initiatives of all kinds. The hearts and minds of left wingers follow. Now we have academics on campuses all over the US who are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist, who are Holocaust deniers, who are apologists for radical Islamic terrorism. It's all the rage to be a Jew hater these days.

These are creatures of great privilege . . . . Nevertheless, all they can talk about is how oppressed they are, and in attempting to validate their lies they produce these fake crimes, which are just about the only type of hate crime we see on campuses anywhere these days, or so it seems.

Just thought I'd throw this little point of contrast in there :)
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And so it goes and continues more recently, also in the USA, especially in academe and on the political left anti-Semitism rears its head once again.

The cause of this is easy to see. Leaving aside the history of anti-Semitism as an ancient prejudice, Money is pouring from Arab nations into the coffers of universities and other left leaning institutions to fund Islamic initiatives of all kinds. The hearts and minds of left wingers follow. Now we have academics on campuses all over the US who are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist, who are Holocaust deniers, who are apologists for radical Islamic terrorism. It's all the rage to be a Jew hater these days. But, of course, they don't call themselves that. They call themselves anti-Zionist. In addition, Israel is aligned with the West and with the US, so naturally leftists will be against it.

The Left's hatred of Jews chills me to the bone

So the Labour Party in Britain is critical of Israel, calls it a 'Zionist State', and this means the left hates Jews.
I am neutral towards Israel, but I don't harbor any hatred of the Jews or anything.

In fact the only people I know that really hate Jews are Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists.

Both groups are probably weighted to the right.
So the Labour Party in Britain is critical of Israel, calls it a 'Zionist State', and this means the left hates Jews.

It would be funny were it not so tragic. Boris Johnson - he of "piccaninnies", "watermelon smiles", Kenyan Obama & "Islam is the problem" fame - is now lecturing Labour on racism.
So the Labour Party in Britain is critical of Israel, calls it a 'Zionist State', and this means the left hates Jews.

Of course and being critical of China means you hate Chinese people.
So the Labour Party in Britain is critical of Israel, calls it a 'Zionist State', and this means the left hates Jews.

Just FYI, the Labour Party doesn't, but some members do. And even if it did, the Labour Party doesn't represent the entirety of the British left. Far from it. Lots of us Brit lefties do not support Labour.
It would be funny were it not so tragic. Boris Johnson - he of "piccaninnies", "watermelon smiles", Kenyan Obama & "Islam is the problem" fame - is now lecturing Labour on racism.

As is David 'swarms of migrants' Cameron. Oh the irony!
The REAL news today is that the Electoral commission has gone to the police regarding up to 26 overspending Tory MP's. Twice Cameron's majority.

And so it goes and continues more recently, also in the USA, especially in academe and on the political left anti-Semitism rears its head once again.

The cause of this is easy to see. Leaving aside the history of anti-Semitism as an ancient prejudice, Money is pouring from Arab nations into the coffers of universities and other left leaning institutions to fund Islamic initiatives of all kinds. The hearts and minds of left wingers follow. Now we have academics on campuses all over the US who are openly anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist, who are Holocaust deniers, who are apologists for radical Islamic terrorism. It's all the rage to be a Jew hater these days. But, of course, they don't call themselves that. They call themselves anti-Zionist. In addition, Israel is aligned with the West and with the US, so naturally leftists will be against it.

The Left's hatred of Jews chills me to the bone

I refuse to bow to Jewish (or other subversive minority) victim-worship. If they're paranoid that's their own problem, not ours, and if they're really that scared that we're going to rise up and start killing them, then they can always go to Israel.

The idea that the left hates Jews (which seems to be motivated by the fact that some in the far left are starting to treat Palestinians as higher on the victim hierarchy than Jews) is of course nonsense that doesn't really need refutation. All mainstream positions in both the left and right are unequivocally worshipful of the Jews.

And frankly if the Jews have had trouble everywhere they go, perhaps they should look in a mirror. I don't accept the myth of Jewish moral superiority, the idea that it's everyone else in the world that's the problem. No, they are the problem.
Just thought I'd throw this little point of contrast in there :)

Thank you for pointing this out.

Jew-worship is ubiquitous in western society. There are at least "rightists" who demand limits to other types of victim-worship, but with the Jews almost no one dares to speak up.
Thank you for pointing this out.

Jew-worship is ubiquitous in western society. There are at least "rightists" who demand limits to other types of victim-worship, but with the Jews almost no one dares to speak up.

Jewish people can be just as bad as you are. So can Muslims, Christians, Hindus and whatever else. You are a part of the problem just like all the other extremists of ideology and your your supremacy BS is just that...BS.
So the Labour Party in Britain is critical of Israel, calls it a 'Zionist State', and this means the left hates Jews.

No, more like anti-Zionism is an excuse for the anti-Semitism.

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