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The Last US Ambassador to the USSR Speaks on Ukraine Crisis (1 Viewer)

It's very useful to listen to his words, because he has a wealth of experience and information on the topic.
It's very useful to listen to his words, because he has a wealth of experience and information on the topic.
What did you learn?
Stopped at "what Gorbachov whould accept". Did Gorbachov survive politically? NOPE
As for the Ambassador's take on "creating competition in Europe" that was about the most naive, juvenile and oblivious to history take I have ever heard on

Europe's problem is that there are too may land borders and too many nations with too few resources trying to support too many people. That is the age old problem of Europe. The way to beat it is by creating larger economic organizations like EU and a larger defense treaty alliance like NATO.

Germany learned its lesson after 1946 and deserved entry into EU and NATO. Russia didn't. THE END!

Good thing for some of these goons that Americans enjoy freedom of speech. Some of them would clearly be SHOT for stupidity in Russia.
Jack Matlock is NINETY TWO YEARS OLD.... Lmao... 92 years old.....
He should know better based on his age. But the mind starts to go if you know what I mean.
He should know better based on his age. But the mind starts to go if you know what I mean.

Hell, I am impressed out how good he looks in the video... Cheers to him!
TL;DR on a busy night. But, can't wait to get back to it later!
Jack Matlock is NINETY TWO YEARS OLD.... Lmao... 92 years old.....

He should know better based on his age. But the mind starts to go if you know what I mean.

Gentlemen, you forgot to call him racist/misogynist/homophobic -- oh, and also a STOOGE OF VLADIMIR PUTIN -- because American ambassadors to Moscow always are, apparently :rolleyes:

Please try to listen to people with useful experience from the actual Cold War, in order to benefit from their perspective and wisdom.

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