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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" (1 Viewer)

When evaluating James Comey and his extremely immature behavior, I can't help but be reminded of the line, "the lady doth protest too much, methinks."

James Comey is a modern day tragic figure in a Shakespearean play. At one time Comey was believable but at this point, I have to wonder why such an intelligent man is acting like a fool. You lead by action, not by these media-blitz interviews and engaging in petty personal attacks against the president.

At this point, I feel sorry for Comey. A man that threw his hard-earned reputation down the toilet.
It looks like Trump has short circuited his wiring.
We see. Here was a man that was a good upstanding, law abiding, patriotic law & order man when seving all of those years before Trump.

Oh but now...only now when the law dictates his duties, he fired admittedly over the Russia invest. So only now is he such self-promoting, mentally disturbed,

man who's lost all respect.

He has not and he is the same man he was for repubs when he was the above. So the only difference is not Comey

but his critics.
Pedestrian;bt4494 said:
We see. Here was a man that was a good upstanding, law abiding, patriotic law & order man when seving all of those years before Trump.

Oh but now...only now when the law dictates his duties, he fired admittedly over the Russia invest. So only now is he such self-promoting, mentally disturbed,

man who's lost all respect.

He has not and he is the same man he was for repubs when he was the above. So the only difference is not Comey

but his critics.

To be fair, his behavior during the '16 election campaign was less than reasonable/professional. As for his career overall, I agree. Maybe he should have stepped down at the beginning of 2016.

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