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The jig is up on the US governments' 9/11 conspiracy theory (1 Viewer)

Probably because most of them smashed into an edifice at about 600mph, OM

You've got the propaganda lines down pretty pat, OM, but you are missing, big time, on the evidence and the science.

and another was long since captured and executed?

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? NONE The rest of your OP is moot until these questions have been answered.

Ok, you're not interested in actually discussing the subject. Please stop wasting my time with this sort of silly noise.
Ok, you're not interested in actually discussing the subject. Please stop wasting my time with this sort of silly noise.

Yes, I am. My question is,

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? Where are the time/date stamped CCTV camera photos from 9/11?
Yes, I am. My question is,

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? Where are the time/date stamped CCTV camera photos from 9/11?

How about you have some manners and answer my question first? Seriously, I'm becoming bored with your noise and I am considering placing you on ignore.
Seriously, I'm becoming bored with your noise and I am considering placing you on ignore.

You threatened this many posts ago. Typical of your evidence.

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? Where are the time/date stamped CCTV camera photos from 9/11?

You talk of manners yet you have been part of a grand conspiracy that has for 18 years been falsely accusing people of things they never did plus, offering material support and encouragement to war criminals and terrorists who illegally invaded nations based on these USA 9/11 lies that you can't offer one particle of evidence as support.
You threatened this many posts ago. Typical of your evidence.

In case you haven't figured it out, I'm giving you a chance because I actually want to debate the subject.

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? Where are the time/date stamped CCTV camera photos from 9/11?

Again, please have the decency to reply to my question first.

You talk of manners

Yes, you appear to lack them.

That is absurd. For the fourth time, nominate a particular topic and I will discuss it accordingly. I can supply mountains of evidence, but without a particular topic, it is a waste of time.
That is absurd. For the fourth time, nominate a particular topic and I will discuss it accordingly. I can supply mountains of evidence, but without a particular topic, it is a waste of time.

There is no need to debate anything with you because you have illustrated that you know little to nothing of the science/events/evidence/facts of 9/11.

"in the atrium of WTC7", dear dog almighty!!!
There is no need to debate anything with you because you have illustrated that you know little to nothing of the science/events/evidence/facts of 9/11.

"in the atrium of WTC7", dear dog almighty!!!

Prove the NIST wrong. You can make all the silly noises you like but it only serves to make you look like you are avoiding any debate of the subject.

You have read the NIST's report I take it? Do you know about the column walk off near the atrium (column 79), which initiated the progressive collapse?

You are wasting your time. No truther has ever presented any evidence or a full alternative theory. No truther ever will.

You must be joking!
Sorry, did I get it wrong? It has been a few years since I discussed this subject with anyone and I may have made a mistake.

I meant expecting that he would discuss the subject with you.
Probably because most of them smashed into an edifice at about 600mph, and another was long since captured and executed?


Ah! You're into fairy tales.
Wow, the 9-11 conspiracy continues, just like the Russian collusion conspiracy claims continue.
You have read the NIST's report I take it? Do you know about the column walk off near the atrium (column 79), which initiated the progressive collapse?

That NIST pretend walk off never happened. Every idiot knows that a single columnar collapse cannot, as in it is impossible, for a free fall, symmetrical collapse to occur. NIST has proved themselves wrong with their lies - some 12 lies about the drawings/plans for WTC7; NIST lied about shear studs, web stiffeners, the distance of the supposed walk off, ... .

The chance of NIST's fable about walk off happening is ZERO. A comprehensive forensic study done by the UofA Fairbanks, done to give NIST all the benefit of the doubt found that the chance of NIST being right is ZERO.

Look at NIST's computer simulation. They actually have the gall to suggest that it looks like reality, that is the videos of the actual controlled demolition. All metabunkers know full well that it looks nothing like reality. Reality, which is not at all metabunkers long suit, clearly illustrates what the science and the evidence shows, WTC7 was a controlled demolition, just like the twin towers.

All this means that there never were any Muslim hijackers, there never was any OBL involvement. All the metabunkers know full well that they have been played once again by their always lying governments. Why do folks still support the evil people who have murdered 6000 of their own and millions of other totally innocent people?
Wow, the 9-11 conspiracy continues, just like the Russian collusion conspiracy claims continue.

Who are the supposed Muslim hijackers and what is the evidence against them? Where are the time/date stamped CCTV camera photos from the airports on 9/11?

How did Muslims cause WTC7 to free fall? Only controlled demolitions can cause free fall. In the silly US governments' official conspiracy theory, the Muslim hijackers never went anywhere near WTC7.

Is that what you believe to be evidence for the US governments' official conspiracy theory, OM? No, really, that is all you have and you have the temerity to even appear in a discussion about science, evidence, facts? Please tell us you are spoofing the metabunkers. That's all it can be.

You have heard of the US federal grand jury that has been convened/is now being convened to investigate the controlled demolitions of WTCs 1, 2 and 7, have you not?

Seeing as you are so up to date on these issues you must have heard of the lawsuit that is being filed against the FBI by 9/11 families, the Lawyer's Committee for 911 Inquiry and AE911Truth to release ALL the evidence on 9/11 that they were mandated by US Congress to collect way starting way back after the 911 Ommission Commission finished its Bush/Cheney orchestrated cover up.
That NIST pretend walk off never happened.

You don't know that. That is merely a biased assertion of little merit. prove to me it didn't happen, for Tony failed andd Husley has yet to do this.

Every idiot knows that a single columnar collapse cannot, as in it is impossible, for a free fall, symmetrical collapse to occur.

You know the report stated that this load shift triggered the progressive collapse. Why are you attempting to misrepresent it?

NIST has proved themselves wrong with their lies - some 12 lies about the drawings/plans for WTC7; NIST lied about shear studs, web stiffeners, the distance of the supposed walk off, ... .

So you assert. You do understand that your assertion lacks merit owing to a lack of evidence on your part?

The chance of NIST's fable about walk off happening is ZERO. A comprehensive forensic study done by the UofA Fairbanks, done to give NIST all the benefit of the doubt found that the chance of NIST being right is ZERO.

So, you and they asserted. I've yet to see a valid study based on this premise. Assertions are merely fallacious as is the argument from authority.

Look at NIST's computer simulation. They actually have the gall to suggest that it looks like reality,

So, you do not realise that the animation itself demonstrates the interior collapse and the curtain wall was omitted for clarity. Many completely miss that little fact and I understand your confusion, for it without that detail, it would look specious.

that is the videos of the actual controlled demolition.

So the truther movement believes, but there is a leap of logic lacking evidence within that assumption.

All metabunkers know full well that it looks nothing like reality. Reality, which is not at all metabunkers long suit,

Please, do we really need this constant silly ad hominem style of debate? it's somewhat puerile. Don't you think if you spent more time on the evidence instead of mindless insults, your argument would have more strength?

clearly illustrates what the science and the evidence shows, WTC7 was a controlled demolition, just like the twin towers.

But CD does not stand up to scrutiny for very long. It was impractical and the conclusion is illogical owing to the evidence and logistical problems. Moreover, how does the possibility of the NIST being wrong prove that CD occurred? it doesn't, it merely denotes (hypothetically) that the NIST were wrong.

All this means that there never were any Muslim hijackers, there never was any OBL involvement.

Again, that is an irrational conclusion lacking evidence, so why should I take it on faith? Science doesn't work on faith.

[quote[All the metabunkers know full well that they have been played once again by their always lying governments. Why do folks still support the evil people who have murdered 6000 of their own and millions of other totally innocent people?[/QUOTE]

More ad hominem nonsense. I may begin to edit all this muck out of your responses, as it is just supercilious rubbish.
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Awesome sophistry, approved by the US Government.
You don't know that.

Your qualifications are zippo. You have strong metabunker connections. You and the other metabunkers aren't going to be asked to testify because, well, you know full well why. Is there any metabunker who isn't anonymous and actually has some credentials?

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