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The JFK/LBJ/Nixon war was far more costly than this ever will be (1 Viewer)

Jack Dawson

Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
47,369 Killed in Action 10,799 Killed other ways 153,303 Wounded

It is unfair for Kennedy/Boxer/Schumer and the like to compare, because it simply does NOT compare.
However, we invaded Vietnam. A forest swamp country and the Vietnamese actually had a decent army.

Stop making stupid forum topics!
I disagree heyjoeo, IMO this is a valid argument when comparing against the current war.

But, I do agree that this should be placed in the non topical discussion forum.
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It's not really a valid argument. An invasion and a war are two different things.
we will stop making stupid forum topics when liberals stop making stupid comparisons and you just proved out point heyjoeo there is a difference between a costly war and an invasion with minimal casualties so your deceitful ,liberal buddies in congress should stop comparing iraq to vietnam

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