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The Jacob Blake case facts (1 Viewer)


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Mar 25, 2010
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The Meme Policeman

-The Wisconsin DOJ will soon turn over the results of their investigation to an independent council to determine if charges need to be filed. Thus, we need to wait for the official account, but here is what is known.
-3 months before the Blake shooting, officers were called to the same location for a similar reason. His ex-girlfriend called police reporting that Blake had broken in, stolen her keys and debit card, then took her car and left. The details are much worse (viewer discretion advised!)
-Officers reported the woman was visibly shaken, wearing only a nightgown. She recounted sleeping next to her son in the bed, when she was awoken to Blake standing over her at 6 am, saying “I want my shit.” He then suddenly reached between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with his finger, pulled it out and sniffed it, then said, “smells like you’ve been with other men.” The officer reported she was crying and had a very difficult time recounting this. She said he assaulted her about twice a year, when he drinks heavily.
-After the assault, she realized her car and debit card were missing, and she called police. Upon checking her bank account, she found two fraudulent transactions, totaling $1000. There wasn’t sufficient proof for the debit card transactions, but 3 charges, including felony sexual assault, were filed. Which Blake had outstanding at the time of the August incident, and why he was prohibited from being at that residence.
-This is the context to why police showed up 3 months later. You can listen to the police scanner, where the dispatcher said someone called to report that Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and that he had taken her keys and was refusing to give them back. Shortly after, they let officers know about the outstanding warrants. Officers who encounter people with active warrants are required to take them into custody.
-The police attorney said that reports of Blake being there to break up a fight were inaccurate, as were reports he was unarmed. They claim that Blake resisted arrest, putting one officer in a headlock and fighting off two tasers. They claim he had a knife, which was ultimately found on the car floorboard. A man who filmed the encounter says he heard them say “drop the knife” but he never saw a knife. From the video, Blake appears to be carrying something, but it’s unclear what.
-CNN yesterday interviewed the police attorney, who said that the officer heard a woman say, “he’s got my kid. He's got my keys” when he arrived. Thus, he believed that Blake was trying to flee and take the woman’s kid (actually 3 kids). He also claimed that Blake twisted toward the officer with the knife right before the shooting. This isn’t clear from the video, though. The police attorney maintains that Blake was the aggressor, while Blake’s attorneys claim police were. Neither should be taken as reliable evidence yet.
The Meme Policeman

-The Wisconsin DOJ will soon turn over the results of their investigation to an independent council to determine if charges need to be filed. Thus, we need to wait for the official account, but here is what is known.
-3 months before the Blake shooting, officers were called to the same location for a similar reason. His ex-girlfriend called police reporting that Blake had broken in, stolen her keys and debit card, then took her car and left. The details are much worse (viewer discretion advised!)
-Officers reported the woman was visibly shaken, wearing only a nightgown. She recounted sleeping next to her son in the bed, when she was awoken to Blake standing over her at 6 am, saying “I want my shit.” He then suddenly reached between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with his finger, pulled it out and sniffed it, then said, “smells like you’ve been with other men.” The officer reported she was crying and had a very difficult time recounting this. She said he assaulted her about twice a year, when he drinks heavily.
-After the assault, she realized her car and debit card were missing, and she called police. Upon checking her bank account, she found two fraudulent transactions, totaling $1000. There wasn’t sufficient proof for the debit card transactions, but 3 charges, including felony sexual assault, were filed. Which Blake had outstanding at the time of the August incident, and why he was prohibited from being at that residence.
-This is the context to why police showed up 3 months later. You can listen to the police scanner, where the dispatcher said someone called to report that Blake was at her home and wasn’t supposed to be, and that he had taken her keys and was refusing to give them back. Shortly after, they let officers know about the outstanding warrants. Officers who encounter people with active warrants are required to take them into custody.
-The police attorney said that reports of Blake being there to break up a fight were inaccurate, as were reports he was unarmed. They claim that Blake resisted arrest, putting one officer in a headlock and fighting off two tasers. They claim he had a knife, which was ultimately found on the car floorboard. A man who filmed the encounter says he heard them say “drop the knife” but he never saw a knife. From the video, Blake appears to be carrying something, but it’s unclear what.
-CNN yesterday interviewed the police attorney, who said that the officer heard a woman say, “he’s got my kid. He's got my keys” when he arrived. Thus, he believed that Blake was trying to flee and take the woman’s kid (actually 3 kids). He also claimed that Blake twisted toward the officer with the knife right before the shooting. This isn’t clear from the video, though. The police attorney maintains that Blake was the aggressor, while Blake’s attorneys claim police were. Neither should be taken as reliable evidence yet.
Not going to argue Blake had any right to struggle with the police and resist their duty to arrest him on his warrants. Blake was the one that escalated things into a physical struggle, no doubt about that.

However, it was the officers decision to go to sudden deadly force and shoot a man in the back eight times, at a close range next to small children he could have killed.

Do I believe the cop did it because he's a racist? No. Do I believe the cop did it because he was in fear of his life? No. Do I believe the cop shot to kill like a cowboy because his training taught him to assume people are always going for a weapon, and that he must shoot to kill 'just in case'? Bet your ass I believe that, because it's obvious, and we've seen many incidents like it.
Do we really need a wall of text to predict a grand jury bringing up the officer on a charge of jaywalking?

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