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The Iraqi-Iran Relationship (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
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Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
The Odd Couple? Or long feuding brothers together again?

I've been watching the development of their relationship since the start of the Iraqi Government. It looks to me that if Iraq does become a stable independent state it is going to side with Iran rather than the US. Who cannot deny the religious link that Iran and the majority of Iraq have. What do you guys think? What is the future relationship of these two countries?


GarzaUK said:
The Odd Couple? Or long feuding brothers together again?

I've been watching the development of their relationship since the start of the Iraqi Government. It looks to me that if Iraq does become a stable independent state it is going to side with Iran rather than the US. Who cannot deny the religious link that Iran and the majority of Iraq have. What do you guys think? What is the future relationship of these two countries?



Babylon and Persia are traditional enemies.
Ancient history aside ...
They will be partners in many joint vertures in the short to mid -term. For some intents and purposes Shiism is traditionally a Perisan affair. Many of the prominent Iraqi political parties spent their formative years in exile in Iran. However, the perception is that their erstwhile host was hspitable out of self-interest.
On the other, other hand, Iran's in a position to offer help in ways that make cooperation and colaboration between Iraq and Iran very pragmatic.
President Bush's immortal legacy in Iraq will that he has turned the warring states of Iran and Iraq into busom buddies. He appeased to much to the Shias, they basically run the Southern portion of Iraq with their militias. Ironic that the ultimate winner out of all of this will be Iran and they didn't need to shed blood.
GarzaUK said:
Ironic that the ultimate winner out of all of this will be Iran and they didn't need to shed blood.
Note that the Inetl Chief for Chalabi's Iraqi National Conference is a known Iranian agent, and Chalabi gave Iran classified intel re the US cracking Iranian codes.

So, irony may not be the only applicable word.
stable independent GarzaUK, never will be stable in a million years m8
that is dreamland,i hope u are right but i dont think so.

kind regards 2 U

all of this will not change the fact that the Iraqi shi'ites have a distinct nationalisic tendency in direct contradiction of siding with Persia, Babylon united with Persia? Well maybe if you just simply ignore the last 4,000 years of history.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
all of this will not change the fact that the Iraqi shi'ites have a distinct nationalisic tendency in direct contradiction of siding with Persia, Babylon united with Persia?
I don't think that they'll unite. I don't know of anyone suggesting this either.
However, politics of convenience will create bedfellows of all sorts. Look at the US and Pakistan, or the US and Uzbekistan. Iran can be helpful to Iraq in way that it serves Iran's interests to help and Iraq's interests to accept.
They're already working out refining deals and there have been offers of military training assistance that the US has had to lean on Iraq to refuse.
Simon W. Moon said:
I don't think that they'll unite. I don't know of anyone suggesting this either.
However, politics of convenience will create bedfellows of all sorts. Look at the US and Pakistan, or the US and Uzbekistan. Iran can be helpful to Iraq in way that it serves Iran's interests to help and Iraq's interests to accept.
They're already working out refining deals and there have been offers of military training assistance that the US has had to lean on Iraq to refuse.

Oh you don't do you? How about all the people on this sight who have claimed that the Iraq war has served to unify Iran and Iraq against the U.S.?
Fact of the matter is that the only cooperation that Iraq will have with Iran is with the anti-cleric pro-democracy youth of Iran.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh you don't do you? How about all the people on this sight who have claimed that the Iraq war has served to unify Iran and Iraq against the U.S.?
Perhaps I misunderstood the use of unite.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Fact of the matter is that the only cooperation that Iraq will have with Iran is with the anti-cleric pro-democracy youth of Iran.
Are those the folks who are in charge of Iran's petro infrastructure?
Cause there seems to be a fair amount of govt to govt cooperation going on.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
all of this will not change the fact that the Iraqi shi'ites have a distinct nationalisic tendency in direct contradiction of siding with Persia, Babylon united with Persia? Well maybe if you just simply ignore the last 4,000 years of history.

The UK and France were great enemies.
France and Germany.
The US and the UK were enemies.

Politics changes many things. Iraq is mainly a Shia country, and who else is a Shia country in the Middle East - Iran. Trust me from a province of the UK that is somewhat religiously intolerant, the less educated tend to stick with their own kind.

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