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THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillary' (1 Viewer)


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Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne, author of the new book Crisis of Character, which examines Hillary Clinton's conduct under his watch, appeared on Monday's broadcast of FOX News Channel's Hannity. Byrne talked Hillary Clinton's temperament, her "terrified staff," Bill Clinton carrying on affairs, drug use in the White House and more with host Sean Hannity.

Byrne said Clinton was feared by her staff and was notorious for her yelling. Byrne told Hannity that she has "blown up" at him and other Secret Service agents.

"She gets angry at things that are policy issues that, you know, take time to fix, and she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now, immediately. She screams and yells at people," Byrne said in an interview aired Monday night.
Byrne says Clinton's behavior during his tenure in the Secret Service proved to him that she does not have the temperament for the Oval office.

Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is" | Video | RealClearPolitics
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne, author of the new book Crisis of Character, which examines Hillary Clinton's conduct under his watch, appeared on Monday's broadcast of FOX News Channel's Hannity. Byrne talked Hillary Clinton's temperament, her "terrified staff," Bill Clinton carrying on affairs, drug use in the White House and more with host Sean Hannity.

Byrne said Clinton was feared by her staff and was notorious for her yelling. Byrne told Hannity that she has "blown up" at him and other Secret Service agents.

"She gets angry at things that are policy issues that, you know, take time to fix, and she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now, immediately. She screams and yells at people," Byrne said in an interview aired Monday night.
Byrne says Clinton's behavior during his tenure in the Secret Service proved to him that she does not have the temperament for the Oval office.

Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is" | Video | RealClearPolitics

probably the most dismissable sources ever.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book

“The author of a new tell-all book about Hillary Clinton could never have seen any of what he claims — he was too low-ranking — say several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details, including the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.

On Tuesday, AFAUSSS, which is strictly nonpartisan, is set to release a statement blasting Gary Byrne author of “Crisis in Character,” saying members “strongly denounce” the book, which they add has made security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect.


Operationally, one who has the working knowledge of how things are done there would realize that certain of those statements do not coincide with the operational plan,” said Jan Gilhooly, AFAUSSS president and a 29-year Secret Service veteran.

The group’s statement, which POLITICO obtained in advance of its release, very carefully calls Byrne a liar.

“One must question the veracity and content of any book which implies that its author played such an integral part of so many [claimed] incidents. Any critique of management by one who has never managed personnel or programs resounds hollow. Additionally, why would an employee wait in excess of ten years after terminating his employment with the Service to make his allegations public?” it reads."
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Seems that Byrne isn't the only Secret Service agent on the Clinton protection detail that's brought to light how nasty a person Hillary is.

“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.
“F— off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.

Kessler writes flatteringly and critically about people in both parties. Regarding the Clintons, Kessler presents Chelsea as a model protectee who respected and appreciated her agents. He describes Bill as a difficult chief executive but an easygoing ex-president. And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.

“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.”

“First Family Detail,” he reports:

  •  “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. “She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.”

Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,”

Hillary Clinton is a reprehensible human being. There, I said it. And for the sake of our wonderful country, so should you. After watching, and re-watching, the footage of her disgraceful and incredibly dishonest debate performance wherein, when questioned about classified information on her private email server, she replied, “We’ve got this absurd situation of retroactive classification,” I thought, “Is this a sick joke?” But tragically this joke isn’t funny; it has the very real potential to get someone killed and to put us all in danger.
. . . .
I had only been hired a year earlier. Being new and relatively politically-naïve at the time I did my job as I’d sworn to do. But as time passes, and Hillary Clinton’s true colors show, I realize that I should have walked away sooner. Our country was founded by patriots with a bold streak of valor and courage used only to identify humanity’s greatest heroes in history books. These patriots took incredible risks to break free from tyranny and give us all a future of freedom. The penalty for failure in this endeavor—because there was no guarantee that the experiment known as the United States was going to work—was execution. Unlike our brave founders, me walking away from the Secret Service earlier rather than working with Hillary Clinton, involved no such Sword of Damocles hanging over my head. I would have found a new line of work and life would have moved on.
Bongino: My One Big Regret From My Time In The Secret Service

Sure, one agent reporting this might be easily dismissed, but three?
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Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book

“The author of a new tell-all book about Hillary Clinton could never have seen any of what he claims — he was too low-ranking — say several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details, including the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.

On Tuesday, AFAUSSS, which is strictly nonpartisan, is set to release a statement blasting Gary Byrne author of “Crisis in Character,” saying members “strongly denounce” the book, which they add has made security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect.


Operationally, one who has the working knowledge of how things are done there would realize that certain of those statements do not coincide with the operational plan,” said Jan Gilhooly, AFAUSSS president and a 29-year Secret Service veteran.

The group’s statement, which POLITICO obtained in advance of its release, very carefully calls Byrne a liar.

“One must question the veracity and content of any book which implies that its author played such an integral part of so many [claimed] incidents. Any critique of management by one who has never managed personnel or programs resounds hollow. Additionally, why would an employee wait in excess of ten years after terminating his employment with the Service to make his allegations public?” it reads."

My guess is, he probably thought that the American people would never be THAT stupid to support Hillary and there was no need to write the book.

In addition, I've known several SS agents over my career, just like I know many BP, and men and women from other agencies across the country.

Every SS agent that I ever had a conversation with about Hillary, has told me exactly what this guy is saying. Crap...I've been hearing about this stuff since the early '90s.

Bottom line here....this man is speaking the Truth! Hillary is the most treacherous and the meanest bitch, in politics! She is absolute scum and I wouldn't put her in charge of monitoring the NYC Landfill.
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Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

In my view....Donald Trump is an angel, compared to Hillary.

Every negative word that Hillary utters about Trump....you can apply the same thing to her X 100!

When she disparages Trump, she is talking about herself....a consummate liar, as far back as Watergate.
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Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Gary Byrne’s “Crisis of Character” Contradicted His Sworn Testimony

"Gary Byrne claimed he told steward Bayani Nelvis that he would throw out the lipstick-stained towels himself. “I calmed Nel, reassuring him that I’d take care of this myself. Wouldn’t have to worry about it. He brought me the rest of the linens. From a nearby trash can, under the liner, I knew there was a roll of more trash can liners. I grabbed a new one as I scanned the hallway, already preparing an excuse should another officer ask what I was doing. I placed the offending linens in the trash bag and hid them in a furniture drawer near my post. I didn’t let that drawer out of my sight until my very long day was done. Getting the trash bag to my gym bag to my car involved some risky moments, but I made it. In D.C. traffic I worried, Have I just illegally destroyed evidence?” [Gary Byrne, Crisis of Character, p. 115]

  • Gary Byrne testified that he did not recall any conversation with White House steward Bayani Nelvis that “stands out.” “Q: What else do you remember about your discussions Mr. Nelvis about Ms. Lewinsky? A: I don’t remember anything that stands out, sir. I mean I don’t remember anything that really stands out. It’s not like we really discussed her a lot that I can recall. Nothing really that comes to mind, anything that’s significant, I mean, can even think of. Just give me a minute to get my thoughts together here.” [Byrne Deposition, 3/13/98, Page 40 available via Supplemental Materials to the Referral to the United States House of Representatives Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c) Submitted by the Office of the Independent Counsel, 9/9/98]

  • Gary Byrne testified that he drew his own conclusions about the towels. “But in a deposition on June 25, 1998, Byrne described an encounter with the steward where little was discussed explicitly and he was left to draw his own conclusions. As he told it in the testimony, Byrne was not involved in disposing of the towels.” [Buzzfeed, 6/21/16]

  • Gary Byrne testified that he could not see stains on the towels.“Q: And he had, you said, towels in his hand? Were they tissues or towels, or you—A: No. Terry-cloth. Q: Was there more than one? A: It’s hard for me to remember. I know there was one. Q: Are they white? A: Yes. A: Could you tell whether there was any stains on them? A: No, I couldn’t. I don’t recall.” [Byrne Deposition, 6/25/98, Page 90, available via Supplemental Materials to the Referral to the United States House of Representatives Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c) Submitted by the Office of the Independent Counsel, 9/9/98]
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Gary Byrne claimed he saw Bill Clinton and Eleanor Mondale in a compromising position in the Map Room. “There before us was E! Network host Eleanor Mondale – former vice president Walter Mondale’s daughter—and President Clinton in a compromising position, that is, making out on the Map Room table.” [Gary Byrne, Crisis of Character, p. 112]

  • Gary Byrne told investigators that the event was a rumor.“Another story Byrne tells in the book also contradicts what he told Starr’s team. Whereas he says in the book that he witnessed Bill Clinton kissing the E! Network host Eleanor Mondale with his own eyes, he told investigators that he had merely heard the event rumored.” [Buzzfeed, 6/21/16]

Gary Byrne claimed he heard an officer or staffer walked in on Eleanor Mondale and Bill Clinton in a movie theater. “I corroborated what I (among many others) had heard of how an officer or a staff person had walked in on Eleanor and the president in the White House movie theater.” [Gary Byrne, Crisis of Character, p. 161]

  • Gary Byrne said his testimony about Eleanor Mondale in the movie theater with Bill Clinton was based on “other innuendos and accusations, little tidbit rumors, that kind of stuff.” “Q: Was it based on anything, or just a guess? A: It was based on other, other innuendos and accusations and, you know, little tidbit rumors, that kind of stuff.” [Byrne Testimony, 6/25/98 available via Supplemental Materials to the Referral to the United States House of Representatives Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c) Submitted by the Office of the Independent Counsel, 9/9/98]
  • Gary Byrne’s testimony said he heard the rumor in a group of Secret Service officers late at night. “By contrast, the notes from the May 1998 interview read, ‘Byrne advised that he had heard a rumor that the president had been seen by a staff employee in the West Wing movie theater, with a woman other than the first lady in a compromising position. Byrne believed that the woman mentioned was Eleanor Mondale. Byrne heard this rumor in a group of USSS officers late at night.”’ [Buzzfeed, 6/21/16]
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

probably the most dismissable sources ever.

Because you don't wAnt yo believe it...because you don't agree...is absolutely no reason to dismiss the source.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

You can keep covering for Hillary all you want, but many of us know the truth. Don't forget, anything said in 1998 was during the Clinton Presidency.

He had to downplay anything he said, or get rheemed!
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

probably the most dismissable sources ever.

And there is the problem, short of arresting Hillary for all the crimes that she has committed, liberal dweebs will support her to the hilt.

Trump is an angel compared to Hillary.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Because you don't wAnt yo believe it...because you don't agree...is absolutely no reason to dismiss the source.

Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne, author of the new book Crisis of Character, which examines Hillary Clinton's conduct under his watch, appeared on Monday's broadcast of FOX News Channel's Hannity. Byrne talked Hillary Clinton's temperament, her "terrified staff," Bill Clinton carrying on affairs, drug use in the White House and more with host Sean Hannity.

Byrne said Clinton was feared by her staff and was notorious for her yelling. Byrne told Hannity that she has "blown up" at him and other Secret Service agents.

"She gets angry at things that are policy issues that, you know, take time to fix, and she's got this attitude where she wants things fixed right now, immediately. She screams and yells at people," Byrne said in an interview aired Monday night.
Byrne says Clinton's behavior during his tenure in the Secret Service proved to him that she does not have the temperament for the Oval office.

Ex-Secret Service Agent: "People Need to Know The Real Hillary Clinton And How Dangerous She Is" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Hillary's character is already known. Again, she could murder a child on live television, and her supporters would insist that she hasn't been convicted yet, so it doesn't count. Then they would attack the child's parents.

That being said, Donald Trump is a serial liar, who bullies ordinary citizens including veterans, his workers and elderly widows. In addition, he is a serial adulterer who humiliated his own wives in public, bragged about sleeping with other mens' wives and who threatened the life of his own infant grand-nephew by cutting off needed medical care to force the terrified parents to sign over their portion of the inheritance.

So. Anyone thinking that attacking Hillary's character is going to be a winning issue for Republicans this season may want to note that a plurality of the GOP primary electorate decided to negate all that.
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Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

The SS is trying it's best to preserve it's trust and cover. It's no wonder active SS agents would try to sink any former agent's tell-all. First rule of Fight Club.

Loose Lips Create Stir in Secret Service - CSMonitor.com
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Hillary's character is already known. Again, she could murder a child on live television, and her supporters would insist that she hasn't been convicted yet, so it doesn't count. Then they would attack the child's parents.

"Well why didn't the parents stop the child from being murdered?"
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

"Well why didn't the parents stop the child from being murdered?"

Probably because they are white.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

And they're sexist against Hillary Clinton.

Sexist White Bigots Cost Lives.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Seems that Byrne isn't the only Secret Service agent on the Clinton protection detail that's brought to light how nasty a person Hillary is.
See: Post #3.

Plenty of other SS agents discount him, and pretty much call him a liar.

Sure, one agent reporting this might be easily dismissed, but three?

Let's look at the two people you cite - both who wrote books. Kessler wasn't a SS, he's a journalist (former NEWSMAX writer, relaying information, supposedly, much of the book is filled with inaccuracies.

The weird inaccuracies in Ronald Kessler's new book on the SS

"Every book ever written has mistakes. But experts are supposed to get the main things right, and reporters generally follow through when someone tells them something. Too often, Kessler seems to have listened to his sources, written their words down, and then simply printed as fact their allegations or observations without checking on them."


Secret Service Agent Turns on Obama, Runs for Congress - ABC News

"Dan Bongino, a 12-year veteran of the Secret Service once defended President Obama with his life, but now says "the fog of scandals in the Obama administration" and an inside look at the Obamacare debate led him to turn in his badge, turn on his former boss, and run for Congress as a Republican.

"I was behind the scenes for 12 years… I've been in the room during some of the most important conversations," Bongino told ABCNews.com about the access he had to high-level discussions inside the White House.


Secret Service agents who served with Bongino but asked for anonymity confirmed his resume, but said the candidate "tends to exaggerate his importance on the presidential detail and exaggerate his proximity."

"We don't sit in on meetings at the White House. We don't sit in on high-level meetings," the agents said. "

======Just to note as well. He was only very shortly on Hillary Clinton's detail - when she was running for Senate in 2000.

A republican speaks out about Bongino:

"Bongino has brought shame to the Secret Service and done a disservice to the president of the United States. It’s bad enough that future book writers are everywhere among us in Washington. Everyone has had to learn to tailor their remarks in order to anticipate how an author will characterize them in a book about “insider” Washington. White House staff and Cabinet members supply enough kiss-and-tells and self-serving accounts of what goes on inside the White House. But one of the president’s personal bodyguards writing a book that betrays the trust between the Secret Service and the commander in chief is beyond the pale. And as everybody in Washington knows, I have a pretty big pale.

Anyway, during my time in the White House, I worked in close proximity to the Secret Service, and based on what I know about those men and women, I bet they are sickened by the very idea that one of their own would write a book like this.

ABC News ran a story about the upcoming book and Bongino’s campaign for a congressional seat in Maryland in which they quoted another former Secret Service agent as saying, “He’s [Bongino’s] trying to draw attention to himself and he’s hijacking the Secret Service brand. That’s all he’s got going for him.” In keeping with the Secret Services’ usual grace and dignity, this former agent didn’t use the words “weasel,” “turn-coat” or “Judas.” I have no such restraints."
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

IF any of this crap is true...

...I sure hope she cleans up her act after she is sworn in next January.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

IF any of this crap is true...

...I sure hope she cleans up her act after she is sworn in next January.

She won't need to. The voters will have already validated her behaviors.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

IF any of this crap is true...

...I sure hope she cleans up her act after she is sworn in next January.

A leopard can't change it's spots.

She won't need to. The voters will have already validated her behaviors.

Yes they will...What utter idiots.
Re: THE INTERVIEW... Ex-Secret Service Officer: 'People Need to Know The Real Hillar

Hillary's character is already known. Again, she could murder a child on live television, and her supporters would insist that she hasn't been convicted yet, so it doesn't count. Then they would attack the child's parents.

That being said, Donald Trump is a serial liar, who bullies ordinary citizens including veterans, his workers and elderly widows. In addition, he is a serial adulterer who humiliated his own wives in public, bragged about sleeping with other mens' wives and who threatened the life of his own infant grand-nephew by cutting off needed medical care to force the terrified parents to sign over their portion of the inheritance.

So. Anyone thinking that attacking Hillary's character is going to be a winning issue for Republicans this season may want to note that a plurality of the GOP primary electorate decided to negate all that.

So, you are saying we have a choice between to losers? One thing is certain, after the Republican report came out today on Benghazi, the entire obama Regime has been lying and at the very least...............should be impeached.

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