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The Hotseat- Stace (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
The Idea is to ask what questions you want of the member in the hotseat, in an attempt to understand a bit more about who is on the other side of your monitor. Afterward....the member in the hotseat gets to choose the next victim.


How do you feel about becoming a Mom?

What did you gain from military service?

Given the fact you are a Truly Beautiful Woman....does this fact make it easier to deal with us, corrupted Men?
I totally love this idea!

One post -> next victim or many questions (a week or so) -> next victim?

Stace, what created your interest in politics?

How many bro/sisters do you have?

What teacher in high school/college stands out in your mind, and why?
tecoyah said:
The Idea is to ask what questions you want of the member in the hotseat, in an attempt to understand a bit more about who is on the other side of your monitor. Afterward....the member in the hotseat gets to choose the next victim.


How do you feel about becoming a Mom?

What did you gain from military service?

Given the fact you are a Truly Beautiful Woman....does this fact make it easier to deal with us, corrupted Men?

Oooh, this'll be fun!!!

1. I am totally psyched about becoming a mommy. My whole life, I've known that I wanted to be a fairly young mother, and that I wanted to stay home with my kids. I couldn't, and still can't, stand the idea of sticking my kids in daycare for eight hours a day and having someone else practically raising them for me. Nothing against parents who have kids in daycare, heck, I used to work in a daycare, but it's just not for me.

This pregnancy wasn't actually planned for right now, but I do believe that things happened for a reason. We had actually started actively trying to have a baby a little over a year ago, but then hubby was deployed again, so that kind of messed things up in the plan to have a child before we got out of the military, so after that, we were going to wait until things settled down a little more for us as civilians....but obviously, something/somebody has other plans for us! I was nervous when I found out, because I had no idea how my husband would react....he was a little mad at first, since we're not in the best place financially, but he's really come around in the past few weeks, and that's made all the difference in my outlook as well!

2. The two things that I gained from my military service that really stand out in my mind are: I learned to be more self confident, and I learned to be more outgoing. I've always been really self conscious, and painfully shy, but being in an environment like that, you can't help but become more outgoing, especially when you may one day have to trust your life to those people! And I learned so much about myself as a person, and gained the ability to finally be comfortable with who I am, as I realized that people really did like me just the way I am. I learned to trust myself and my choices, and that's one of the most important things a person can learn in life, I think.

3. You know, it's funny, I never thought of myself as being pretty up until about the time I hit eighteen....I had been dating the same guy since I was 15, and he never really told me I was pretty.....not that he was all that much to look at in the beginning, either! We broke up a couple of weeks before I graduated, and I think a large part of that was him realizing that I was getting a lot more attention from other guys, and he couldn't deal with that. Anyway, after that, I joined the military, and I really started to be more comfortable with myself anyway, and now I don't even really think about it, though having guys notice me was a pretty big ego boost, considering I'd been ignored for most of my life by them in that regard! Honestly though, I think I'd have a pretty good handle on all you guys even without you all considering me beautiful.....I've always had a bunch of male friends (courtesy of having an older brother), so I'm pretty good at dealing with members of the opposite sex. :mrgreen:
vauge said:
I totally love this idea!

One post -> next victim or many questions (a week or so) -> next victim?

Stace, what created your interest in politics?

How many bro/sisters do you have?

What teacher in high school/college stands out in your mind, and why?

Round two.....

1. Two things: being in the military, and my husband. I never paid much attention to politics before either of those things came along. Being in the military, I couldn't help but be a little involved, as so many of those decisions from Washington were affecting me a lot more directly, especially since I joined after 9/11 (and before anyone asks, no, I didn't join because of 9/11. I had started the process long before that happened.). But my husband....ah, his interest went much deeper than that, and I couldn't help but become more interested myself when he would go off on one of his little rants. And here I am......

2. Let's see here.....I have three older brothers, two older sisters, and two younger sisters. My oldest brother, Joe, is my half brother (we have the same dad), and I never really knew him, as he lived with his mom....he passed away last July in a boating accident. Next in the order would be my brother in law, JR (hubby's brother). Then there's my other half brother, Dan (we have the same mom, so I actually grew up with him). Next would be my sister in law Brandi, then my other sister in law, Louisa (who is JR's wife). Next up would be my husband's half sister, Angela, whom I've never met (don't ask, it's a long story). And last, but certainly not least, is my little sister in law, Carley. She is also my husband's half sister, and she is the highlight of our visits to see his family. She'll be seven in July and she's just such a little doll...if we have a daughter, I'd want her to be just like Carley.

3. There's actually two teachers: Ms. Strege and Mrs. Lindblom. Ms. Strege was my teacher for almost all of the English classes I had in high school (I took just about every one that they offered). I've always loved reading, writing.....just English in general...and she really helped me develop my writing skills, as well as deepened my love of the written word in all forms. She was such a fun teacher, even let us sprawl out on the floor to read our assignments. I don't think I can ever forget the things she taught me. And Mrs. Lindblom, she was my Work Program instructor (we had an actual class for it, to learn about business things, but we were released from school after morning classes to, well, go to work....and we got credits for doing so). She helped me so much my senior year...I was living with the boyfriend I mentioned in my responses to Tecoyah, money was tight, the boyfriend and I were already having problems....she worked with me a lot that year to help me find a job that would help me pay my bills, and was concerned over what was happening with the boyfriend, as she had had him for the same program the year before and knew what kind of person he was. She even made her home available to me if I should ever need it, and you just don't forget kindness such as that. She went well above and beyond her duty as a teacher, and actually cared about me as a person, and that made a huge impact on me. Those two women right there are a large part of the reason I would like to become a teacher, if I can ever carve out the time and money to go to college and get the degrees necessary.
Great insight, Stace. I think you'll be a great mom. :smile:
KCConservative said:
Great insight, Stace. I think you'll be a great mom. :smile:

Thanks KC....coming from you, that really does mean a lot. :2wave:
Stace said:
Thanks KC....coming from you, that really does mean a lot. :2wave:
Um, why the backdoor compliment? I don't get it.
KCConservative said:
Um, why the backdoor compliment? I don't get it.

I was just surprised to see you say that, since you and I agree on just about nothing around here....I didn't really think you had that high of an opinion about me is all.
Stace said:
I was just surprised to see you say that, since you and I agree on just about nothing around here....I didn't really think you had that high of an opinion about me is all.
Debating the issues has nothing to do with being polite and friendly. At least with me.
KCConservative said:
Debating the issues has nothing to do with being polite and friendly. At least with me.

Well, it's good to know that there is a distinction to you. Some people can't recognize the difference, ya know?
KCConservative said:
Debating the issues has nothing to do with being polite and friendly. At least with me.

Right on KC.

Stace, you're so sweet, I imagine everyone around you wants to gobble you up like banana pudding.
Hey you guys should do something like this for me! It's rare that my views are ever represented fairly on here by others.
FinnMacCool said:
Hey you guys should do something like this for me! It's rare that my views are ever represented fairly on here by others.
You represent yourself very clearly.

Your should pick FinnMacCool I got a question or two for him.
Send her questions then she can pick another when she is ready.

I would suggest another thread Stace. For now, the hotseat is yours.

Hey stace I have a question what are your mmmmmmmmmmuummmuuuuhhh do you like to mmmmmmmuuuuuuuhhhmmmhhhuuu in public mmmmuuumhuhmhuhmhuhm

We are sorry to interrupt this post but nothing good will come from him asking you anything. We now return you to your thread already in progress.
FinnMacCool said:
Whatever man, your on my ignore list now.

oh, oh, oh, oh, can i be on your ignore list tooo please....pleaseeeeeeee
Hello this thread is about Stace!


Soooo um.... How did you find out about DP?
Ivan The Terrible said:
Hello this thread is about Stace!


Soooo um.... How did you find out about DP?

Thanx for gettin' the train back on the Tracks Ivan.
KCConservative said:
Debating the issues has nothing to do with being polite and friendly. At least with me.

Oh really?

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