vauge said:
I totally love this idea!
One post -> next victim or many questions (a week or so) -> next victim?
Stace, what created your interest in politics?
How many bro/sisters do you have?
What teacher in high school/college stands out in your mind, and why?
Round two.....
1. Two things: being in the military, and my husband. I never paid much attention to politics before either of those things came along. Being in the military, I couldn't help but be a little involved, as so many of those decisions from Washington were affecting me a lot more directly, especially since I joined after 9/11 (and before anyone asks, no, I didn't join
because of 9/11. I had started the process long before that happened.). But my husband....ah, his interest went much deeper than that, and I couldn't help but become more interested myself when he would go off on one of his little rants. And here I am......
2. Let's see here.....I have three older brothers, two older sisters, and two younger sisters. My oldest brother, Joe, is my half brother (we have the same dad), and I never really knew him, as he lived with his mom....he passed away last July in a boating accident. Next in the order would be my brother in law, JR (hubby's brother). Then there's my other half brother, Dan (we have the same mom, so I actually grew up with him). Next would be my sister in law Brandi, then my other sister in law, Louisa (who is JR's wife). Next up would be my husband's half sister, Angela, whom I've never met (don't ask, it's a long story). And last, but certainly not least, is my little sister in law, Carley. She is also my husband's half sister, and she is the highlight of our visits to see his family. She'll be seven in July and she's just such a little doll...if we have a daughter, I'd want her to be just like Carley.
3. There's actually two teachers: Ms. Strege and Mrs. Lindblom. Ms. Strege was my teacher for almost all of the English classes I had in high school (I took just about every one that they offered). I've always loved reading, writing.....just English in general...and she really helped me develop my writing skills, as well as deepened my love of the written word in all forms. She was such a fun teacher, even let us sprawl out on the floor to read our assignments. I don't think I can ever forget the things she taught me. And Mrs. Lindblom, she was my Work Program instructor (we had an actual class for it, to learn about business things, but we were released from school after morning classes to, well, go to work....and we got credits for doing so). She helped me so much my senior year...I was living with the boyfriend I mentioned in my responses to Tecoyah, money was tight, the boyfriend and I were already having problems....she worked with me a lot that year to help me find a job that would help me pay my bills, and was concerned over what was happening with the boyfriend, as she had had him for the same program the year before and knew what kind of person he was. She even made her home available to me if I should ever need it, and you just don't forget kindness such as that. She went well above and beyond her duty as a teacher, and actually cared about me as a person, and that made a huge impact on me. Those two women right there are a large part of the reason I would like to become a teacher, if I can ever carve out the time and money to go to college and get the degrees necessary.