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The Homeless man $20 can of gas GOFUNDME was all a scam (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score
Olympia Wa
Political Leaning
A New Jersey couple and a homeless man have been accused of making up a feel-good story that raised more than $400,000 for the homeless man through GoFundMe.

The couple, Kate McClure and Mark D'Amico, and the man, Johnny Bobbitt Jr., face charges of second-degree theft by deception and conspiracy to commit theft by deception, according to the Burlighton County Prosecutor Scott Coffina.
"The paying-it-forward story that drove this fundraiser might seem too good to be true," Coffina said at a press conference Thursday afternoon.
"Unfortunately, it was. The entire campaign was predicated on a lie."
Investigators reviewed more than 67,000 text messages in the case, including one McClure sent to a friend that read, "Okay so wait the gas part is completely made up, but the guy isn't. I had to make something up to make people feel bad."
The couple had said they met Bobbitt when he gave his last $20 to McClure, who was stranded on Interstate 95 in Philadelphia, so she could put gas in her car.
In other texts, the couple discussed their inability to pay bills and their mountain of debts.
GoFundMe will provide a full refund to the campaign's donors, Coffina said

I was skeptical from the jump and said so at DP in the process being labeled a killjoy but here is the thing.....folks should take no joy in getting scammed....it is a good idea to always be sniffing for when we are getting lied to, because people especially now are great liars.......especially when there is profit in it.

This is an "I told you so" thread.
We as a society have put feelings before reason. We're a society of suckers.

As a very little boy in Rockford Il during the 1960's I got taught "Dont be a Chump!".

That seems to not happen anymore, these Modern Morons we have now get constantly taken advantage of by their betters.

I was skeptical from the jump and said so at DP in the process being labeled a killjoy but here is the thing.....folks should take no joy in getting scammed....it is a good idea to always be sniffing for when we are getting lied to, because people especially now are great liars.......especially when there is profit in it.

This is an "I told you so" thread.

And when you say “I told you so” to what extent? Are you telling people to never be charitable for fear of being scammed? Because that would be idiotic.
And when you say “I told you so” to what extent? Are you telling people to never be charitable for fear of being scammed? Because that would be idiotic.

I smelled fraud from the start in that massive thread that I cant find, I took a lot of crap for talking like that, but I was right...again.
We as a society have put feelings before reason. We're a society of suckers.

Yet folks on the right are saying that we should rely on people being cheritable over social programs. You are only proving why such a belief is actually idiotic and social programs are the actual way to go.
I smelled fraud from the start in that massive thread that I cant find, and I took a lot of crap for talking like that, but I was right...again.

A broken clock is always right twice a day, that doesn’t mean it isn’t broken such as your comments are broke .
It doesn't get much lower than scamming people and playing to their innate goodness and generosity.
It doesn't get much lower than scamming people and playing to their innate goodness and generosity.

Trust is breaking down fast in America.

We know where this train goes.

To Pure Suck.
They should get the money! If you're stupid enough to give money to GoFundMe then you deserve it.

I was skeptical from the jump and said so at DP in the process being labeled a killjoy but here is the thing.....folks should take no joy in getting scammed....it is a good idea to always be sniffing for when we are getting lied to, because people especially now are great liars.......especially when there is profit in it.

This is an "I told you so" thread.

I never believe any of these stories...
Yet folks on the right are saying that we should rely on people being cheritable over social programs. You are only proving why such a belief is actually idiotic and social programs are the actual way to go.

This makes no sense. Are you arguing that social programs aren't scammed?
They should get the money! If you're stupid enough to give money to GoFundMe then you deserve it.

I actually kinda agree with this... as long as they are not old people, or something.
I cant find the original massive thread for some reason, the one where I said (I think) at the end that I expected to be able to come back in a year and be able to prove that I was right that this story was a scam.

Here is a short update thread:

I found it in about ten seconds. It's not hard to use the search function. It wasn't a "massive thread", it had 34 posts in it. 16 of them were yours.
“I was proven right by that thread I can’t seem to find!”

;) just kidding. Here ya go.


Hey, how did you do that?

I remember that thread being bigger.

Homeless man Johnny Bobbitt Jr?s selfless act to help Kate McClure changes his life

Woman raises more than $50k for good Samaritan homeless man | fox8.com

It appears that someone is having problems keeping the story straight...If she was so scared that she called her BF from where ever he was (never mentioned natch) to save her then why was she almost immediately on her way to the gas station on her own?

Did you catch him wearing shades for his GMA close-up?

Homeless veteran who received over $360K now wants to pay it forward, 'I just want to do the right thing' - ABC News

I am up to 70% this is a scam, because it is too perfect by half and a host of other reasons.

$360,000 at last look.

EDIT: Bonus...When she did get gas, which must have been soon because there is no way he got the gas can without a deposit so that $20 did not buy much gas (or maybe any, as I think around here the deposit would run $20), did she not find one where she could get $20 over and then run it back to him. If she cares so much how did this not occur to her?
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I found it in about ten seconds. It's not hard to use the search function. It wasn't a "massive thread", it had 34 posts in it. 16 of them were yours.

Good for you.
I am amused that GOFUNDME is all "Fraud almost never happens, and there are consequences" when this scam was super high visibility from the get go and they got away with it. The only thing that caused the crash was Johnny being so pissed that the couple scammed him out a portion of his agreed upon share that he publicly accused them long after the money was all gone. The money was all gone in just a few months..what was he thinking? He had been taken and he needed to walk away the loser. Now he sits in jail unable to make bail.

Obviously GOFUNDME fraud is easy.

And profitable.
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I was skeptical from the jump and said so at DP in the process being labeled a killjoy but here is the thing.....folks should take no joy in getting scammed....it is a good idea to always be sniffing for when we are getting lied to, because people especially now are great liars.......especially when there is profit in it.

This is an "I told you so" thread.

Huge profit, almost like those trillion dollar corporations you gladly donate too.

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