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The Hell After ISIS (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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The Hell After ISIS

Even as the militant group loses ground in Iraq, many Sunnis say they have no hope for peace. One family’s story shows why....

Nobody is going to read a book here!
I read it. It's an interesting account of one families' struggle to stay alive as refugees.

Thanks for posting.
Simpleχity;1065786940 said:
The Hell After ISIS

Even as the militant group loses ground in Iraq, many Sunnis say they have no hope for peace. One family’s story shows why....


Excellent article. Thanks.

It was an amazing and tragic story of one family trying to survive in Iraq. For Americans it is difficult to imagine facing the constant loss of life, loss of income, loss of dignity, loss of family and friends and loss of home and possessions. The U.S. did try to fix the massive problems we caused for the nation of Iraq. It didn't happen and it won't happen in our lifetimes.
Simpleχity;1065786940 said:
The Hell After ISIS

Even as the militant group loses ground in Iraq, many Sunnis say they have no hope for peace. One family’s story shows why....


In the context of winning ground in the unending conflict with ISIS and other terrorist organizations and pirates, it is interesting to note that others than the US are now worried about how captives will be treated. The discussion is reminiscent of the Bush days but maybe less honest, as many groups were very vocal in condemning the US for Gitmo etc., but have no alternative: nytimes.com/2016/05/12/world/middleeast/lack-of-plan-for-isis-detainees-raises-human-rights-concerns.html?emc=edit_th_20160512&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=32131995&_r=0

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