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The Great Terror (1 Viewer)

The Truth-Bringer

Active member
Jul 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
In the late 1930's Stalin began a Systematic at times and Arbitary at times, Destruction of the City Population and The Communist party. He used his cronies in the Central Comittee to pass a decree authorizing terror to "Purge" the Population, Party, Goverment, and Military of all people who posed a threat to him, real or imaginary.

The Miltiary of the USSR was destroyed, with the Great Generals being tried, and executed, along with nearly 90% of the Military High Command (Generals, Commanders, Division Commanders, Admirals, Marshals, Etc).

The Very Central Comittee which voted for the decree, would late have 2/3 (800/1200) of itself being executed too. The NKVD doing the Purges would later be purged and executed too.

The Goverment who was doing the Purge, Yezhov and his Cronies (which were all cronies of Stalin), Orchestrated the Purge directly from Stalins Command, As Stalin had weekly meetings with yezhov about the matter. The Goverment officials were nearly all obliterated, and destroyed.

The Communist Party itself, Was Purged and wrecked. The Great Theoreticalists of Lenins time, and lenin's Heirs, would all be accused of Treason which they did not do, and all executed by shooting. Rykov, Riutin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Buhkarin, Yagoda,and dozens of Others Of Old Bolsheviks would all die with crying pleas for mercy under Stalins Hand. Trotsky would be the last one to fall to these purges. I quote here: "Noone has Ever Killed as many Communists as Stalin"

The Intelligentsia of the USSR would be destroyed, The Writers, Scientists, Diplomats, and Journalists would be either silenced or Executed or Sent to the dreadful Gulag. Even the Famous Writer Gorky fell to Stalin's Ordering of Yagoda to assasinate HIm and possibly his son too.

A Large number of 600,000 - 1,300,000 Soviet People were executed in this reign of terror, with millions more being sent and dying in the Gulag

Sources: Stalin and His hangman, By Rayfield
The Great Terror by Conquest
History of the Gulag by Oleg Khlevnuk.
Mr. Truth-Bringer! So good to see you again!

Let's play a game Mr. Truth-Bringer. The same game you played on another thread about the Holocaust. I want you to... ahem, prove the Soviet history you posted so eloquently above. Once again, we'll play this game by the exact same rules that you insisted were valid in the Holocaust thread.

No internal documents. No foreign documents. No photographs. No witness testimony. No physical evidence. No memoirs. No trials. No newspaper stories. No history books. No Lubyanka. No Katyn. No gulag. No NKVD or KGB. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Proceed Mr Truth-Bringer. After all, if facsimiles of these rules were viable when you applied them to me, surely they must also be viable now and applicable to you. Go on... let's see you operate under the same set of rules you disingenuously and dishonestly imposed on me.

I'm waiting Mr. Truth-Bringer. How does it feel to swallow your own bitter pill?

Tashah said:
Mr. Truth-Bringer! So good to see you again!

Let's play a game Mr. Truth-Bringer. The same game you played on another thread about the Holocaust. I want you to... ahem, prove the Soviet history you posted so eloquently above. Once again, we'll play this game by the exact same rules that you insisted were valid in the Holocaust thread.

No internal documents. No foreign documents. No photographs. No witness testimony. No physical evidence. No memoirs. No trials. No newspaper stories. No history books. No Lubyanka. No Katyn. No gulag. No NKVD or KGB. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Proceed Mr Truth-Bringer. After all, if facsimiles of these rules were viable when you applied them to me, surely they must also be viable now and applicable to you. Go on... let's see you operate under the same set of rules you disingenuously and dishonestly imposed on me.

I'm waiting Mr. Truth-Bringer. How does it feel to swallow your own bitter pill?

Holocaust and Stalins reign of terror were two very diferent things. Now Let me think on that, After listing all those there still is one thing I can state. The System! Lenin and Marx's System described were vastly different than the One Stalin used and made. So there that didnt cover everything.

And also not convered in your statements was the Great Famine and Destruction of the Peasentry, which was Rumors, and Starvation.

And there were more prisons than just the Lubyanka. ;)

And also i did not say that to you, I was the one who asked you to show me the documents, and testimony, which u just gave me links to. ;) And refused half the time to say that saying "You dont need them"
I Only Said you couldnt keep using the same ONe source over and over again (AKA The Lipstadt Books and Lipstadts Site.). Even though in the end with your persistance, I finally allowed you to use that source you so desperatly wanted to use. You didnt show any documents, pictures,or other sources other that Lipstadt Sources. It would be like basing my whole argument on Stalin from just One Scholar Like Robert Conquest or something.

I quote here from Lenin (What is To Be Done) :

"Can anything more Shallow be imagined than an opinion of a whole tendency that is based on nothing more than what the representatives of that tendency say about themselves?"
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The Truth-Bringer said:
I Only Said you couldnt keep using the same ONe source over and over again (AKA The Lipstadt Books and Lipstadts Site.). Even though in the end with your persistance, I finally allowed you to use that source you so desperatly wanted to use. You didnt show any documents, pictures,or other sources other that Lipstadt Sources. It would be like basing my whole argument on Stalin from just One Scholar Like Robert Conquest or something.
You were the one who brought the delightful Mr. Irving and his Hitler baloney into that thread. Allowed me to use a source? Lol. Ist das da nazisupremicist in Ihnen Herrn Truth-Bringer wieder sprechend?

It's not so great when the storm-trooper boot is on the other foot is it? I noticed you also have a nice juicy Dresden thread I can visit. What are the odds that you used reliable sources there instead of borrowing heavily from Irving's discredited Dresden rag?

But then again, just like Mr. Irving... you pick and choose whatever supports your ideology and discard everything else. And you call yourself a student of history? If so, then you show a great disrespect for the discipline. How anyone can claim to love history, and then disabuse it so, is well beyond me. I have all the time in the world Mr. The-Truth-Is-What-I-Say-It-Is, and can continue this cycle ad infinito.

Tashah said:
You were the one who brought the delightful Mr. Irving and his Hitler baloney into that thread. Allowed me to use a source? Lol. Ist das da nazisupremicist in Ihnen Herrn Truth-Bringer wieder sprechend?

It's not so great when the storm-trooper boot is on the other foot is it? I noticed you also have a nice juicy Dresden thread I can visit. What are the odds that you used reliable sources there instead of borrowing heavily from Irving's discredited Dresden rag?

But then again, just like Mr. Irving... you pick and choose whatever supports your ideology and discard everything else. And you call yourself a student of history? If so, then you show a great disrespect for the discipline. How anyone can claim to love history, and then disabuse it so, is well beyond me. I have all the time in the world Mr. The-Truth-Is-What-I-Say-It-Is, and can continue this cycle ad infinito.

For The Dresden threat I dont use Irving, I personally dont base ANY of my arguments on Irvings Ramblings, Obviously You Cant be insane enough to think that I would view irvings rambligns about Auschwitz and the Holocaust-Hitler connection as serious? I was just stating some of his arguments were deserving that there MUST Be new views on the Holocaust, and these controversial and bad views must be put down with EVIDENCE, not just that junk about Falsifying sources blah blah blah.

And about your comment on Dresden. are you stating that it is UNTRUE That 25,000 - 100,000 People Died in the Dresden Bombing? That the Victims suffered unneccasary and painful deaths? That its toll exceeded Camp Dachaus Death Toll from 1940-1945? And about your comment on history. NO HISTORIAN Is perfect, and its foolish to deny that. Each Historian has their field, and `their field is where they excel, at other fields they dont have much credit.

I quote here from "Critical Thinking for a New Age":

"Experts are no Longer experts outside their Fields"

So Stop with the Rhetoric, this Thread aint about Dresden nor the Holocaust, but something much more grand and worse.
The Truth-Bringer said:
In the late 1930's Stalin began a Systematic at times and Arbitary at times, Destruction of the City Population and The Communist party. He used his cronies in the Central Comittee to pass a decree authorizing terror to "Purge" the Population, Party, Goverment, and Military of all people who posed a threat to him, real or imaginary.

The Miltiary of the USSR was destroyed, with the Great Generals being tried, and executed, along with nearly 90% of the Military High Command (Generals, Commanders, Division Commanders, Admirals, Marshals, Etc).

The Very Central Comittee which voted for the decree, would late have 2/3 (800/1200) of itself being executed too. The NKVD doing the Purges would later be purged and executed too.

The Goverment who was doing the Purge, Yezhov and his Cronies (which were all cronies of Stalin), Orchestrated the Purge directly from Stalins Command, As Stalin had weekly meetings with yezhov about the matter. The Goverment officials were nearly all obliterated, and destroyed.

The Communist Party itself, Was Purged and wrecked. The Great Theoreticalists of Lenins time, and lenin's Heirs, would all be accused of Treason which they did not do, and all executed by shooting. Rykov, Riutin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Buhkarin, Yagoda,and dozens of Others Of Old Bolsheviks would all die with crying pleas for mercy under Stalins Hand. Trotsky would be the last one to fall to these purges. I quote here: "Noone has Ever Killed as many Communists as Stalin"

The Intelligentsia of the USSR would be destroyed, The Writers, Scientists, Diplomats, and Journalists would be either silenced or Executed or Sent to the dreadful Gulag. Even the Famous Writer Gorky fell to Stalin's Ordering of Yagoda to assasinate HIm and possibly his son too.

A Large number of 600,000 - 1,300,000 Soviet People were executed in this reign of terror, with millions more being sent and dying in the Gulag

Sources: Stalin and His hangman, By Rayfield
The Great Terror by Conquest
History of the Gulag by Oleg Khlevnuk.

You have just started from the very end, mr.Truth-Bringer!
Most of the old Bolshevicks like Yagoda or Tukhachevsky were bloody monsters. Tukhachevsky for example gased Russian peasants in 1920-th, and Yagoda ruled NKVD before Ezhov.
Come on, start from the beginning. From 1917, Bolsheck insurgency, provocations, Red terror, Civil War 1918-1922, etc.
I don't know what is written on this topic in English, but perhaps Solzhenitsyn's "GULAG" was translated?
arussian said:
You have just started from the very end, mr.Truth-Bringer!
Most of the old Bolshevicks like Yagoda or Tukhachevsky were bloody monsters. Tukhachevsky for example gased Russian peasants in 1920-th, and Yagoda ruled NKVD before Ezhov.
Come on, start from the beginning. From 1917, Bolsheck insurgency, provocations, Red terror, Civil War 1918-1922, etc.
I don't know what is written on this topic in English, but perhaps Solzhenitsyn's "GULAG" was translated?

Yea sorry about that, Here i was mainly describing the Great Terror Itself (1936-1939~) but yes the origins are important too.

A Good amount of books are written on this in Enligsh, many of which were translated from Russian, and yes Solzhenitsyns books on the Gulag were translated, and quiet a few good English and American scholars have also described the period, People like Conquest (Even thought at times he over exagerrates) and Rayfield, and others. In Russian there is obviously much more works, becuase as Conquest states in his Books, the West Generally didnt care much for the Atrocities happening in the Soviet Union.

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