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The Great Reset And Covid (1 Viewer)


Apr 25, 2022
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The largest corporations in the world are sponsoring WEF. An organization that are promoting a "Great Reset"

They claim people will "own nothing and be happy". But for some reason massive surveillance is necessary. Happy people don´t need to be under such government control.

So what is the Great Reset really about?

The debt economy. Central banks have lost control over their printing experiment. Inflation is hot but they can not stop printing.

When the economy collapse and people lose their jobs and incomes there will be revolution all over the world.
Unless lots of people are sick (Or worse) and dependent on more injections.

The new study show that injected people may need endless shots to generate antibodies for new variants. The injection cause the immune system to only produce antibodies for the old variant. So they are not protected as the virus mutates.

"Viral variant infection elicits variant-specific antibodies, but prior mRNA vaccination imprints serological responses toward Wuhan-Hu-1 rather than variant antigens."
"Viral variant infection elicits variant-specific antibodies, but prior mRNA vaccination imprints serological responses toward Wuhan-Hu-1 rather than variant antigens."
I've read about this and it's very interesting. IIRC, it occurs relatively rarely. That said, I'm done with the jabs.
Will the Great Reset negate my college student loan I've been paying off for 11 years now?
1. You take the shot.

2. You get both protective (good) and non-protective (neutral) or possibly enhancing (very bad), antibodies.

3. The protective antibodies are enough to prevent you from getting seriously sick or dying. We all cheer, and all appears to be well in the world. The results look good -- for a while.

4. Over time the antibody titer wanes. Now you don't have enough neutralizing antibodies but still have some of the bad ones which, if you get infected, make it materially more-likely the infection will kill you.

5. Then in comes the nice pharma dude who tells you to take this booster shot, which by the way isn't free and for which the price goes up every year, irrespective of the side effects which are real and remain (and might kill or seriously disable, and which risk you must accept every year forever into the future), or you're very likely to die because the virus is still out there and all you have are the bad antibodies that make an infection worse. While those too will wane over time it may take years before you're back to where you started before the stab in terms of risk."
The Great Reset pictured.

The authors also write:

"Additional booster doses may be able to compensate for relatively decreased binding to new viral variant antigens, potentially decreasing the public health impact of antibody response imprinting."
This explains why central banks are trapped.
FED prints because debt is to high.
When FED prints other central banks have to as well. Then the Dollar compared to other currencies continue up. That makes Dollar denominated debt even more difficult to pay.

Guess we will see whatever that means soon then.

"US Productivity crashing 7.5% in Q1 - that is the biggest drop since 1947"

"US Productivity crashing 7.5% in Q1 - that is the biggest drop since 1947"

Zerohedge.com is russian propoganda.


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  • Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.
Zerohedge.com is russian propoganda.

:) You mean it´s a conspiracy?

It´s o Bloomberg etc to.

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