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The Great Myth... "Liberal Media Bias" (1 Viewer)

"liberal-media bias" is a MYTH!!!

  • Yes. Without a doubt.

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • No. It's just a cop out.

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters


Progressive, Green
DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, U.S.A.
Political Leaning
It really irks me when people pull the "liberal-media bias" card. I find it counter productive to argument, and too often it's used as a cop out. Well, I think it's a total myth. In fact mainstream media (news and tv) is so watered down today, that it's hard to say exactly what they think... if anything at all.

So, here is an article I found to confirm my theory. The research continues. But, for now let's just sling some mud. Maybe we might even take a break and act civil at some point in the conversation, so that we learn something. Please Read:

When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are “liberal” (51%) as say they are “conservative”
while 14% say neither phrase applies. This was also
the case in surveys conducted in the mid-to-late 1980s
and, not surprisingly, there is a significant partisan cast to
these perceptions. Republicans see the press as more liberal
than conservative by nearly three to one (65% to 22%).
Among independents, the margin is two to one (50% to 25%).
And while a third of Democrats say there is a conservative tilt to the American press, a slight plurality (41%) says the
press is more liberal than anything else.

Last year’s survey of journalists seemed to confirm many of the suspicions of those who see a liberal bias in the news. Most journalists characterized themselves as moderates, but as a group they are far
more liberal — and far less conservative —than the general public. Just 7% of the national journalists surveyed called themselves conservatives, compared with 33% of the public. And while 34% of national journalists characterized
themselves as liberals, just 20% of Americans describe themselves as liberals

Journalists generally say they take it as their professional obligation not to let
their own political and ideological leanings — liberal, moderate or
conservative — shape their coverage. But the relatively small number of
conservatives in journalism raises concerns over the potential for liberal
group-think in the nation’s newsrooms.


I guess it's up to you folks....non-partisan and highly respected Pew Research? Or an Op-Ed from commondreams?

Must be tough getting beaten up by facts....
In my opinion it's a myth. Reagan and the Republicans got rid of the Fairness in Media Doctrine and Bush Sr. vetoed it again during his term. If the media is so liberally biased I have to wonder why Republicans would want to trash something that guarantees fair and balanced news.
scottyz said:
In my opinion it's a myth. Reagan and the Republicans got rid of the Fairness in Media Doctrine and Bush Sr. vetoed it again during his term. If the media is so liberally biased I have to wonder why Republicans would want to trash something that guarantees fair and balanced news.


"... But let me get to the final point. People buy into the claim of liberal media bias for a reason and it is not simply the lie being repeated often enough. People want to believe it, because they have absolutely no idea what "liberal" means!"

"I have been in local TV newsrooms in Phoenix, Seattle and Pittsburgh, and I don't think there is bias, either liberal or conservative," said the alumna, Tallee Whitehorn, 27, an assistant news director at WTAE- TV, an ABC affiliate in Pittsburgh. "This is not really a place for it, unless I wanted to get a lot of hate mail, which I don't."

Originally posted by cnredd:
When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are “liberal” (51%) as say they are “conservative”
(26%), while 14% say neither phrase applies. This was also
the case in surveys conducted in the mid-to-late 1980s and, not surprisingly, there is a significant partisan cast to
these perceptions. Republicans see the press as more liberal
than conservative by nearly three to one (65% to 22%).
Among independents, the margin is two to one (50% to 25%).
And while a third of Democrats say there is a conservative tilt to the American press, a slight plurality (41%) says the
press is more liberal than anything else.

Last year’s survey of journalists seemed to confirm many of the suspicions of those who see a liberal bias in the news. Most journalists characterized themselves as moderates, but as a group they are far
more liberal — and far less conservative —than the general public. Just 7% of the national journalists surveyed called themselves conservatives, compared with 33% of the public. And while 34% of national journalists characterized
themselves as liberals, just 20% of Americans describe themselves as liberals.

Journalists generally say they take it as their professional obligation not to let
their own political and ideological leanings — liberal, moderate or
conservative — shape their coverage. But the relatively small number of
conservatives in journalism raises concerns over the potential for liberal
group-think in the nation’s newsrooms.


I guess it's up to you folks....non-partisan and highly respected Pew Research? Or an Op-Ed from commondreams?

Must be tough getting beaten up by facts....
Are you on crack? You couldn't spell f-a-c-t-s if I spotted you the "c" and the "a"!

No such thing as a liberal media, flame-boy! If there was:

How come we don't see all the coffins coming back from Iraq?
How come we don't hear anything about the World Tribunal on Iraq?
How come we didn't hear about the millions of protests around the world objecting to the invasion of Iraq?
How come we don't see the devestation that we inflicted in Fallujia?
How come we don't see all the soldiers killing innocent Iraqi's at check points?
How come we don't see the cluster bombs being dropped in urban areas?
How come we don't see the Iraqi children getting cancer from our use of depleted uranium munitions?
How come we don't see the only working hospital in Fallujia that we hit with a 500 pounder?
How come we don't see all the outrage the world has towards the United States because of Bush's foreign policy?
How come we don't see more specials like the one on CNN recently that spelled out all of the Administrations lies, half-truths and disinformation that is spewed out at the public on a regular basis?
How come we don't hear about the fact that Bush has not attended one single GI funeral in this entire bullshit, cowardly war?
How come we don't hear that this is the most cowardly war ever started by a foreign power?
How come we don't hear that Halliberton should be banned from recieving contracts in Iraq because of a clear conflict of interest with the Vice-President?
How come we don't ever hear about all of the desertions?
How come we don't ever hear why we don't keep count of Iraqi dead?
How come we don't ever hear about why we would join the UN and not follow their rules for which we are a signatory too?
How come we don't ever hear about us condemning the UN because it would not back us in Iraq?
How come we don't hear about the 10 year olds that are being tortured in front of their fathers (to force them to talk) at Abu Grhaib?
How come we don't hear about all the lame excuses people go to defend Bush?
How come we don't ever hear you apologizing for your proliferation of hatred and division in regards to the human race?
How come we don't ever hear you admit fault with anything?
How come we don't ever see any signs of you having a soul?

And now, a word from our sponsor....Hanky Whites!
Okay, the most important aspect of the survey that cnredd is using was this; while most journalists tend to be more liberal than the rest of America on social issues (gay rights, abortion, war in Iraq) they are significantly more conservative than the general public on economic issues (welfare, social security, medicare, tax cuts, unemployment, corporate de-regulation), what do you think is more important to every day americans.

And then there is the fact that journalists don't own, run or edit the newspapers they work for, it is totally irrelevant and completely ignores the concept of ownership, the media will never talk about further consolidation of the media, the Telecommunications Act received a total of 19 minutes of coverage in 9 months on the three major networks.

Try looking at the actual messages of the media, not public opinion polls and the voting habits of journalists.
The media, along with big business, big government and big religion has comprimised the foundation of this country's principles.
More about the media:

Yahoo "Censorship"? Nah.

People are asking what happened to my column "Why We Hate Bush." That piece suddenly vanished from Yahoo's News Op-Ed section yesterday, causing readers to ask if John Ashcroft's jack-booted thugs had finally appeared to drag me off to Gitmo.

Actually, there are occasional software glitches over at Yahoo, and this was one of them. "Why We Hate Bush" was an old column that mysteriously resurfaced to the top of the Ted Rall section a few days ago for no reason. We caught the error and uploaded my new column from yesterday, about next year's Necropublican National Convention, and thus bumped "Why We Hate Bush" into the archives.

Censorship certainly is a reality in the media; even so-called "alternative" newspapers refused, for example, to send me to cover the war in Iraq despite the fact that my pieces from Afghanistan won several awards and were lauded by The Washington Post, The Nation and others as the best war correspondent's reports filed by an American reporter. They were pretty overt about why--they didn't think their readers would be happy to hear anything negative...and they had reason to think I might look a little deeper than the typical clueless embedded types.

Yahoo, however, has yet to suppress my pieces and I count them among one of my better clients. These software problems do come up now and then, however, so this probably isn't the last time I'll have people wondering if the First Amendment is coming under fire.

By the way, if you're looking for "Why We Hate Bush," one of my more incendiary pieces as of late, you can still find it here.

Liberal Media is a myth. Its not. The communists are taking over. That is a fact. If you think its liberal who is paying for it. The NeoCons are and they are taking over all media outlets. FACT.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Liberal Media is a myth. Its not. The communists are taking over. That is a fact. If you think its liberal who is paying for it. The NeoCons are and they are taking over all media outlets. FACT.

Ok, it looks like you are agreing that the Liberal Media is a myth, right? Could you re-state what you said. Because, I am not sure If understand you correctly.
"Professionals in general, they observe, often have "liberal" leanings on social issues and there is no reason to expect journalists to be any different. However, they have also argued convincingly that the norms of "objective journalism" and the powerful corporate interests which own and sponsor the news media ensure that news content never strays too far, for too long, from protecting the status quo."

The Bias is institutional.Reporters go to liberal colleges ,Liberal journalism schools.Than go to work on liberal newspapers.It becomes second nature to them to have a liberal bias. Liberals also are only comfortable in liberal surroundings.They cannot handle moderate or conservative atmospheres.
JOHNYJ said:
The Bias is institutional.Reporters go to liberal colleges ,Liberal journalism schools.Than go to work on liberal newspapers.It becomes second nature to them to have a liberal bias. Liberals also are only comfortable in liberal surroundings.They cannot handle moderate or conservative atmospheres.

Then how do you explain FOX "news" ???

I would say that the opposite is also true. conservatives cannot handle moderate or liberal views.

I can not count the number of times Bill O'Reilly has cut off opponents by telling them to shut up, or by having their mic cut.
Then how do you explain FOX "news" ???

I would say that the opposite is also true. conservatives cannot handle moderate or liberal views.

I can not count the number of times Bill O'Reilly has cut off opponents by telling them to shut up, or by having their mic cut.

Well I think what he was meaning to say, ban electoral. Was not that any one of certain particular organization or person but as a whole. Im sure he knows that there are exceptions to the rule. As there is with conservatives. I would consider myslef more conservative than liberal and I live and dwell in a area(neighborhood) that is 95% liberal and democratic. It doesnt bother me one bit. So although his ideas were correct it goes without saying there are exceptions to the rule.
ban.the.electoral.college said:

Then how do you explain FOX "news" ???

I would say that the opposite is also true. conservatives cannot handle moderate or liberal views.

I can not count the number of times Bill O'Reilly has cut off opponents by telling them to shut up, or by having their mic cut.

Before FoxNews there wasn't any open media for Consevatives other than talk radio or Rush's syndicated show on a UHF channel at 11:30PM. The issue of a Liberal bias was hardly ever bought up because the general public didn't know any better...all news was the same. FoxNews changed that.

And to this day, FoxNews, with incredibly small exceptions, is the ONLY answer Liberls give when complaining of a Conservtive Bias on TV. The status quo monopoly of "all Liberal news; all the time" has been disrupted.

FoxNews is always leading in the ratings, but that is misleading.

If you want to hear a Conservative spin, you only have one choice, so that's where the Conservative population congregates. One place.

But if you want a Liberal spin, you can go to every other Major Network or cable news channel available. Multiple places.

If FoxNews wasn't around, Conservatives would have no voice at all, save the token Conservative on a Liberal station...much like the Liberals accuse Alan Colmes of being on Fox.

And that's the way it used to be...The Liberals want it to be that way again...
The truth is that the myth was started by conservatives to try to discredit their opponent whoever that happend to be. It didn't matter if they were liberal or not. So the word became stigmatized. Today the word is often used to represent something it is not. I have seen the word used here as a synonym for anti-American. Well, many of our founding fathers were liberals, so that's not right. I have seen it used as a synonym to represent someone who is to the far-left, and also to describe people who are left-centrist, or left-moderate. The fact is conservatives have no idea how to use the word "liberal" properly. So, they just invented their own meaning which really is not a correct one. Conservatives use the word "liberal" to refer to mean anyone who disagrees with them, no matter where in the spectrum you might be.

If you care to educate yourself further on the topic,
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The truth is that the myth was started by conservatives to try to discredit their opponent whoever that happend to be. It

Actually it went both ways. Both parties are to blame. No one is in a lessor fault
ban.the.electoral.college said:
The truth is that the myth was started by conservatives to try to discredit their opponent whoever that happend to be. It didn't matter if they were liberal or not. So the word became stigmatized. Today the word is often used to represent something it is not. I have seen the word used here as a synonym for anti-American. Well, many of our founding fathers were liberals, so that's not right. I have seen it used as a synonym to represent someone who is to the far-left, and also to describe people who are left-centrist, or left-moderate. The fact is conservatives have no idea how to use the word "liberal" properly. So, they just invented their own meaning which really is not a correct one. Conservatives use the word "liberal" to refer to mean anyone who disagrees with them, no matter where in the spectrum you might be.

If you care to educate yourself further on the topic,


Thank you, thank you, thank you..for pointing to an article that was created in 1998!

1998!!!!!!!!!:rofl :rofl

Got anything recent?...Hey, how 'bout that!...."I" do!

Pew Research...non-partisan and highly respected...2004...

When it comes to describing the press, twice as many say news organizations are “liberal” (51%) as say they are “conservative” (26%), while 14% say neither phrase applies. This was also
the case in surveys conducted in the mid-to-late 1980s
and, not surprisingly, there is a significant partisan cast to these perceptions. Republicans see the press as more liberal
than conservative by nearly three to one (65% to 22%).
Among independents, the margin is two to one (50% to 25%).
And while a third of Democrats say there is a conservative tilt to the American press, a slight plurality (41%) says the press is more liberal than anything else.
Last year’s survey of journalists seemed to confirm many of the suspicions of those who see a liberal bias in the news. Most journalists characterized themselves as moderates, but as a group they are far more liberal — and far less conservative —than the general public. Just 7% of the national journalists surveyed called themselves conservatives, compared with 33% of the public. And while 34% of national journalists characterized themselves as liberals, just 20% of Americans describe themselves as liberals.
Journalists generally say they take it as their professional obligation not to let
their own political and ideological leanings — liberal, moderate or
conservative — shape their coverage. But the relatively small number of
conservatives in journalism raises concerns over the potential for liberal
group-think in the nation’s newsrooms.


This is the SECOND time I posted this(refer to Post #2)....

Why throw out biased or outdated sources when I got the whole enchilada ready for consumption?

You no look because you no wish to see...:2wave:


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cnredd said:

Thank you, thank you, thank you..for pointing to an article that was created in 1998!

You no look because you no wish to see...:2wave:

It's posts like these that make you look like an a*s*s, and it's posts like these that are the reason why poll was started to have you kicked off the site. Try not be so irritating. I already told you thank you a couple of days ago in a PM for that link. Has it slipped you mind already? :roll:
I don't remember anyone ever yelling "conservative media bias" !!!!!

If i am not mistaken you have awhile agao. And so has most of the liberal people on this forum. And I have too. There are things I vehemently disagree about with conservatives. I hate the fact they do squat about the borders. And how they propose energy plans. Its rediculous. Thats one thing I have to hand the democrats on is there energy plans. Now again they arent perfect but they are better.

It's posts like these that make you look like an a*s*s, and it's posts like these that are the reason why poll was started to have you kicked off the site. Try not be so irritating. I already told you thank you a couple of days ago in a PM for that link. Has it slipped you mind already?

Ok here I am being the mediator. Please none of this nonsense. If you aregoing to tell someone is wrong its actually better to state your reasoning with facts to back your reasoning up. That way you can squash your competitors. But its posts like these that dont show credibility. What if bush said this on the debate vs kerry? I think bushes ratings would have crashed. And you would want him impeached for that. I think you get the point.

No pun intended though. Sincerely, SKILMATIC
Rupert Murdoch, republican, owner of News Corp. and Fox News Network, reaches:

280 million people in the U.S. (US TV Network)
300 million people in Asia (Asian Satellite Network)
300 million homes (cable channels)
38 million people (magazines)

Total Audience ='s 4.7 billion people OR 3/4 of the worlds population
ban.the.electoral.college said:
It's posts like these that make you look like an a*s*s, and it's posts like these that are the reason why poll was started to have you kicked off the site. Try not be so irritating. I already told you thank you a couple of days ago in a PM for that link. Has it slipped you mind already? :roll:

Saying "thank you" doesn't mean anything if you end up going right back to saying the same stuff that the survey proves wrong....

You no look because you no wish to see.

Don't let facts get in your way....please continue....the people on this forum love a good laugh!:2wave:

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