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The great escape (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Political Leaning

A n interesting read about the pros and cons of centralized planning versus individual freedoms and markets.

A n interesting read about the pros and cons of centralized planning versus individual freedoms and markets.
What Schwab is describing is globalism...the "New World Order". But he's not being honest when he talks about governments doing the controlling. Since the governments are being controlled by the multinational corporations, it's actually the corporations that are doing the controlling.

Think of it as "reverse Fascism".

This is the kind of thing that Trump was against and that's the reason he won't be allowed to be President again.
What Schwab is describing is globalism...the "New World Order". But he's not being honest when he talks about governments doing the controlling. Since the governments are being controlled by the multinational corporations, it's actually the corporations that are doing the controlling.

How could corporations be doing the controlling when the state has a monopoly on violence?
What Schwab is describing is globalism...the "New World Order". But he's not being honest when he talks about governments doing the controlling. Since the governments are being controlled by the multinational corporations, it's actually the corporations that are doing the controlling.

Think of it as "reverse Fascism".

This is the kind of thing that Trump was against and that's the reason he won't be allowed to be President again.
Corporations must answer to their customers, which are diverse and require ever changing decisions and solutions. They cannot centrally control by definition.
Corporations must answer to their customers, which are diverse and require ever changing decisions and solutions. They cannot centrally control by definition.
The multinational corporations don't have to "answer to their customers". They control the production and they have the politicians in their pockets. They make the decisions.
The multinational corporations don't have to "answer to their customers". They control the production and they have the politicians in their pockets. They make the decisions.
Let them start Making inferior crap at higher prices than competition and we know what will happen. Yes they answer to cusotmers.
Let them start Making inferior crap at higher prices than competition and we know what will happen. Yes they answer to cusotmers.
When nobody else is making their crap...whether inferior or not...(keep in mind that THEY control the means of production) you won't have any choice but to buy it at their price or go without.
Corporations must answer to their customers, which are diverse and require ever changing decisions and solutions. They cannot centrally control by definition.

Try arguing with your cable provider, your electric provider, the local gas station, etc

Let us know how that goes.

Try arguing with your cable provider, your electric provider, the local gas station, etc

Let us know how that goes.
customers. Are natural monopolies. Heavily regulated. It's not multinational corporations.
When nobody else is making their crap...whether inferior or not...(keep in mind that THEY control the means of production) you won't have any choice but to buy it at their price or go without.
And capital will pool and add completion in that case.

Name some crap that only one company makes and this company name their own price.
And capital will pool and add completion in that case.

Name some crap that only one company makes and this company name their own price.
It's not "one company" in most cases. It's a group of mega corporations that TOGETHER control a market.

Here is an example: http://apesportfoliomandy.weebly.com/the-food-industry-a-modern-monopoly.html

When that group tells you what you can buy and how much it's going to cost...there isn't anyone who can compete with them. You WILL buy...and pay...what they tell you to.
It's not "one company" in most cases. It's a group of mega corporations that TOGETHER control a market.

Here is an example: http://apesportfoliomandy.weebly.com/the-food-industry-a-modern-monopoly.html

When that group tells you what you can buy and how much it's going to cost...there isn't anyone who can compete with them. You WILL buy...and pay...what they tell you to.
These food companies are not price fixing. I fact food prices have steadily gone down for a hundred years as a share of median income.

Only recent money printing has caused a spike in prices.

And there are xou tless local farmers who could expand if people would buy more of their crops.

Why aren't they? Because these big corps do it cheaper.

Dont demonize business, that is a left wing failed ideology.

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